equivalence of form and shape. about, []. It took the standards of The New Yorker editors, among them William Shawn, to refine his writing into the "spare, teasingly mysterious, withheld" qualities of "A Perfect Day for Banana fish", The Catcher in the Rye, and his stories of the early 1950s. Our search for who we are is fuelled by our innate desire to achieve a sense of acceptance and belonging. If unrecognized, they are translated interpreting the meaning of the single words to the letter, with doubtful outcome. When developing a comprehensive opinion of the novel, it is important to consider the praises and criticisms ofThe Catcher in the Rye.Many critics consider J.D. Holden annoys Stradlater by writing the composition about a baseball glove rather than about a room or house, as Stradlater had asked him. Holdens jargon is very important, because it emphasizes how this teenager was, how he talked We can see that Salinger has the tendency to use the second person pronoun you and the irony Its easy to see Holdens thoughts: the author reproduces the teenagers mind quite well. It was tried to achieve this aim by centering on the case study of comparing and analyzing in detail the differences and similarities, the gains and the losses that have occurred both in the English and in the Romanian versions. Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language the source- and in the other language-the target. Stuff is a collection of junk or a group of items or matter. Finally, idioms cannot be syntactically modified. However, our English teacher was a belligerent person who claimed to know the 'mind of the writer' and claimed to have know him . Allie's Baseball Mitt - eNotes.com flight weather turbulence forecast; best suv to lease under $500 a month; angels have paws grooming tallahassee; why is ruby red squirt discontinued. There is another problem while translating the English text into Romanian. Id just be the catcher in the rye and all(Salinger 98). Other types are derivations from one of the other meanings that lead to a verb or activity. The popularity of the novel and debate over its redeeming social value have never faltered since its initial publication, due in no large part to the fact that J.D. Reserved epithets composed of two nouns linked by an of phrase. It is inseparable from our image of Holden, with good reason: it is a symbol of his uniqueness and individuality. More books than SparkNotes. Why is Holden obsessed with the ducks at the Central Park Lagoon? Allie died of leukemia in 1946 when the family was in Maine.". It should be mention that this research work represents a great theoretical value for those willing to take up their future carrier in the field of translations as invaluable reference to the methods and the ways of translation of literary masterpieces. Throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger obtain numerous symbols that persist in the book. Lexical peculiarities - are the techniques, methods, elements used by the author that are characteristic for the Modernist Period; Translation difficulties are the problem that appear during the process of translation from the cause that the author uses different meaning of the words and some types of translation difficulties that are specific for such process. What happens to Holden after his date with Sally Hayes and his meeting with Carl Luce both end badly? In both cases, we sense that although Holden envisions himself as the protector rather than the one to be protected, he is the one who really needs to be caught. The comparisons that were used in The Cather in the Ray are pretty as hell (J.D.Salinger:12) through this stylistic devices the author pointed out to the reader the that everything in Holdens life which was worse was compared with the source of the bad things which is HELL, and the usage of this word by the author showed to the reader that there are no any another bad places like HELL. He gives a brief description of Allie, mentioning his bright red hair. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Of all the places in the novel where Holden discusses his hat, the most famous and recognizable symbol in the book, this is probably the most enlightening. . False cognates, by contrast, are similar words in different languages that appear to have a common historical linguistic origin (whatever their current meaning) but actually do not. Why did Holden decide to write Stradlater's composition for - eNotes The lexical translation consists in expliciting through other words the denotative meaning of the phraseologism, giving up all the other style and connotation aspects. Holden is obsessed with childhood because he chooses to be wedged between a world of the innocence of children and the complex world of adulthood. Why does Holden and Stradlater fight? - WittyQuestion.com Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. The most important revelation in these chapters comes about when Holden writes the composition for Stradlater, divulging that his brother Allie died of leukemia several years before. However, if Fred and Joe agree on the fact that the cat has fleas, they may further question why this is so and put forth an explanation: "The reason the cat has fleas is that the weather has been damp." Along the way, he remembers in detail his school trips to the museum. He goes to Mr. Antolini's because he feels he can trust and confide in himit seems to be his final chance to save himself. the English Literature by Stulov Allie is a special person to Holden because of his intelligence and kindness, When Holden accepted the favor of writing Stradlater's composition, Holden has also accepted an obstacle in his time during his stay in Pencey Prep. In this case it can go unnoticed in everyday conversation, like she attacked my views. When his parents return home, Holden slips out and visits his former and much-admired English teacher, Mr. Antolini, who expresses concern that Holden is headed for "a terrible fall". It completely unsettles him, and leaves him feeling confused and unsure. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! How Holden Mature In Catcher In The Rye - 731 Words | Cram P. Newmark calls them deceptive cognates, as their meanings are different and they can easily confuse the target text receptor. It is clear inthe early chapters, that Holden does not have any real friendsat Pency Prep. Another example was Salingers use of imitation of spoken English in written. The Catcher in the Rye: Chapter 6 Summary & Analysis In this case, a translator who is not familiar with the idiom in question may easily accept the literal interpretation and miss the play on idiom. 2009, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/when-holden-writes-composition-for-stradlater-in-73535. The law of compensation is a technique used in translation to make up for the losses present in the TT and it works by (re)creating other effects, similar to the ones specific to the ST but in the TT when possible and using the TL resources, a law applicable in the Romanian versions discussed. Modernism as a literary movement is seen, in large part, as a reaction to the emergence of city life as a central force in society. his brevity, conciseness and concentration of style; his attentiveness to details and to exact dates and facts; his constant reference to parts of the human body; his leitmotif of the letter or note; his constant way of picturing certain female characters painting their nails or toenail or the recurrent motif of a man holding a childs feet; his constant references to colors and the symbolism within colors; his penchant for coining new words or changing different parts of speech into others; his inclination of dealing with psychological problems in his fiction; his tendency to use the pattern of sequencesequence in his characters namesin his themes, etc. The quote also shows his viepoint on all adults. 3, 16 July 1951, 20-1. Holden watches from the hill because he doesn't want to go down and see the students. What is their relationship? He uses the pronoun you all the time, but as we know this could be translated as tu, c-ati, va. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. For example: it was made a calques translation from miles an hour ; the places mentioned in the source text (Hollywood and New York) stay in the target text, although New York is translated into New York, which is the generally accepted Romanian translation (recognized translation). Caulfield's self-destruction over a period of days forces one to contemplate society's attitude toward the human condition. Its hopeless, anyway. The more Holden focuses on his dead brother, the more alone he feels. It is his catch-all for describing the superficiality, hypocrisy, pretension, and shallowness that he encounters in the world around him. Lexical peculiarities comprise the following difficulties: difference in the semantic volume of a word because a word exists in a close connection with the lexical-semantic system of a given language. This brief passage occurs in Chapter 3, after Holden has returned to his dorm room and is being pestered by Ackley. They talk, argue, and then reconcile, and Phoebe asks Holden what he wants to do with his life. true and false friends, calques, and other forms of interference; institutional and standardized terms, neologisms, aphorisms, etc. This has been mainly achieved by the careful and analytical comparison of some identical passages from the ST with its translations. Observe the cat is scratching right now." Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. What is Holdens relationship with Phoebe like? Does Mr. Antolini really make a pass at Holden? Subscribe now. The mitt is representative of a "loss of innocence". It was tried to give a detailed study of the features of translation difficulties. For example, Louis Menand said that the early stories of Pulitzer Prize- winner Philip Roth- were affected by J. D. Salinger. The main task of a translator is to remember and take into account all the difficulties of translation and render the authors thought as accurate as possible using different literal devices employed originally by the author., Analysis of the translation into Romanian of J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye, which represents my major contribution to this research paper it was focused on presenting the Romanian versions of Salingers novel in order to find the main translation difficulties translation as well as its impact on Romanian readership. It wouldnt come off. All mentioned above features about translation difficulties single out that it can be concluded: there are three main types of translation difficulties: grammatical, lexical and stylistical difficulties in translation. Afterward, he smokes a cigarette in the room . It reveals potential expressiveness put in the lexical morphologic and syntactic means of a language. http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/catcher/facts.html; http://www.scribd.com/doc/9711270/the-Catcher-in-the-Rye-1945-De-Veghe-in-Lanul-de-Secara-Jdsalinger. He clearly identifies with those on the other side of the game, and he feels alone and victimized, as though the world is against him. An idiom or fixed expression may have no equivalent in the target language. Another problem is the transferred qualifier, or an epithet syntactically joined to a word to which it does not belong logically. Slang- is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. He worshipped the memory of Allie,and he kept Allie's left-handed mitt in his suitcase. The author used a lot of comparison in his work because through this stylistic devices J. D. Salinger introduce to the reader a lot of details of his characters and about his work. The last type of characters speech is represented speech which also could be called inner speech and that was used in order to described Holdens thoughts and the way in which he thought also this type was used by the author in order to convey to the reader Holdens feelings. Holden hates it when people like Stradlater try to pretend the only reason they're bad at English essays is commas, when really they're just not good at, you know, English. An idiom may be used in the source text in both its literal and idiomatic senses at the same time. Since The Catcher in the Rye was written in the 1940s, many of the slangy expressions in it are probably nowadays considered old fashioned and not used anymore. Stradlater is a "Yearbook" kind of handsome guy. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text. In the end can be concluded that the main Lexical translation problems are: Practically, stylistic devices in almost all languages are similar still though their functions in speech vary. The Catcher In The Rye Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet He stands up for Harley and Maddi and against protagonists like Nathan throughout the novel. There are different kinds of difficulties that appear during the process of translation and one of the main is lexical difficulties which is one of the main .Lexical difficulties in translation deals especially with the word meaning. Difference in the semantic structure of a word represents one of the main reason causing lexical difficulties in translation. One example of those symbols is that Holden changed his personality when he was at the fountain in Central Park: he became a new person when he was near the water. In order to achieve the main goal and to study these important features of this theme the following specific objectives must be considered. This is the cause of much difficulty inthinking criticallyaboutclaims. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. This novel revolutionised the society of the Fifties; as well as the style of J.D. Their meaning cannot be deduced from their components or any arrangement thereof, and must be learned as a whole. 20% Michael Cart, "Famous Firsts. Or the time when Holden's roommate Stradlater was not satisfied with the composition he asked Holden to write and Holden reacted to it. . Its a fine book, with interesting racial perspectives and the conflict is about cultural differences. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! The modern world's general moral change and the individual's alienation from the society serve. . All this explanations or meanings of these words were used in the novel and through these exemples the it could be resulted that the authors vocabulary in this novel is very rich. how does this poem differ from traditional sonnets interflora; airmessage vs blue bubbles; southside legend strain effects; abd insurance and financial services; valenzuela city ordinance violation fines; my summer car cheatbox; vfs global japan visa nepal contact number; beaver owl fox dolphin personality test; Community In his definition of translation equivalence, Popovic distinguished four types: Linguistic equivalence, where there is homogeneity on the linguistic level. places where he either grew up or which he knew; his use of well-established symbols throughout his fiction; his unique approach of religious themes and his use of Zen philosophy; his attachment to and protection for his characters. my first topic sentence isabout emotional feelings towards Allie but i don't knw what can i pick for the 2 nd topic sentence. Catcher Ch 3-5 questions Flashcards | Quizlet Equally surprising is Holdens willingness to go to the movies after his diatribes against their superficiality. Holden is dealing with the loss of his brother, the fact that he his still a child on his way to adulthood and some serious emotions. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable. Holden wouldn't stop talking about Jane and kept calling him a moron and insulting him Where did Holden go immediately after the fight? Salinger, the other novelty was the big critic of the society that it represented. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Holden Caulfield.
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