Castle would warn Hardin, noting that her mercenaries will kill everybody in the station, however, Hardin simply ignores both of them. In order to lighten the mood, Castle jokingly reassured Rex by suggesting that he could be a fan of the New York Rangers, since he had noticed that this was not a team that Rex had supported, while they agreed that the Rangers were a bad team. Kingpin informs Frank that Fisk's rival, Dutton, in the prison just so happens to have been involved in the murder of Castle's family. [39], You think Konchevsky's dead? He told her to stay there while he went and pursued Pilgrim. Arguably better than season 1. She said that she was not giving her up. Castle went back to Billy Russo's warehouse and watched from above as Brett Mahoney surveyed the scene of two deaths: Anton Reed and Bobby. Getting more suspicious on the sudden phone call, Castle walked over to the waitress and grabbed the phone. While Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker have a strict no-kill rule, The Punisher operates a lot like a villain in his efforts to destroy the criminal underworld. Heading to Alabama, the Punisher had ended up chasing down two members of the Dogs of Hell, shooting at them with a shotgun until they crashed. This rooftop argument scene between Daredevil and the Punisher - Reddit Clouded by anger, Castle arrived at Jake Nelson's house and beat Nelson to a pulp, demanding information. Daredevil andThe Punisher don't undo any of this, but they add a wrinkle that creates a lot more complex journey for Castle. As Lisa Castle rode on the merry go round, Castle and his wife watched on, with Maria noting that Lisa would soon be too old for it. However, just as Murdock began questioning him, Tepper asked to confess something, so Judge Batzer had the room cleared of the jury, viewers, and Castle. Frank had to die so the Punisher could be born. Hoyle stayed on the roof as Castle went to ambush Russo. Frank pulls the trigger and shoots Cap in the head, killing him. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Reaching to extraction point, Castle and all of the surviving members of Cerberus Squad were evacuated out of the area and taken back to base for emergency medical treatment. All they want is dumb forced jokes every second. [23], Castle and Amy Bendix went to the bus station and waited. Castle returned to Curtis Hoyle's car and told him that Russo shot the hostage. Castle listened as Hoyle explained that he was listed as Russo's next of kin, and he had gone to Sacred Saints Hospital to see Russo in person, as he commented about how bad Russo's mental and physical condition had been. The series was produced by Marvel Television and ABC Studios, and originally released on Netflix. [23], Of course, it's you. Instead of answering, Castle questioned if Micro was his name, which he confirmed as Castle suggested that they speak face to face. In essence, Daredevil Season 2 operates as Castle's origin story, the journey he makes from being a classic villain and antagonist to an anti-hero worthy of his own story. He then looked over and saw gasoline leaking out of the ambulance as well as the engine being on fire. The defenseless but determined Castle faced them head on, charging in with a battle cry and began fighting back, desperately trying to stay alive. Assisted by Micro who spotted targets with a drone, Castle and Henderson took out the tactical team. Castle said they are putting their plan to contact Madani on hold because of the current situation. Since Castle was not taking it all seriously, Madani then presented him with his Skull Vest, noting that the blood that was on it belonged to him, her and Russo, noting that while Castle got closure, Russo did not, with Madani also insisting that the only closure Russo understood would be a bullet in the head. It's my own damn fault.Frank Castle to Amy Bendix. Once the show arrived, critics and fans alike were over the moon with the new interpretation of the character. However, Castle has enlisted Curtis Hoyle to meet Micro. Bendix said she was with a friend, so Castle asked if she really trusted that friend. Castle made it to the main room, shooting blindly at Russo. Zach and Frank throw a football around, and Micro comes by. Ultimately, however, Micro is killed by a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. [2], Look around, Red. I think you and me are the same!Frank Castle to Daredevil. Castle likes pancakes, Lombardi's sausage, and mushroom pizza. Castle took a moment remember being on the same cruise with Lisa and Frank Castle, Jr. so that they could see the Statue of Liberty. Castle strapped the last remaining member of the bikers to the driver's seat of the truck and made him drive to the meeting point. His self-hatred for who'd he'd become meant he'd convinced himself it would be best to be locked away. Punisher Bathroom Fight Scene 2x01 Netflix (HD)..LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE FORMORE..ANY REQUESTS JUST DROP A COMMENT BELOW.#THEPUNISHER#NETFLIX Not only is he a "regular", albeit damaged, guy in a world of super-powered folks, but . When you look at your ugly, mangled face, you're gonna remember what you did. Pilgrim would bring an unharmed Bendix and Castle will deliver Schultz. I kept thinking God was gonna pull the rug out from under us, you know?Frank Castle to Daredevil. Castle leaped out of the window while the final agent continued shooting at him. Page pulled out a gun as Castle denied having anything to do with Reyes and Tepper's murders. Micro arrived in the Mustang and they traded vehicles. Viewers, and Frank Castle, believed they knew what led to the tragic deaths of his wife and two children: They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught in the crossfire of three rival gangs while innocently enjoying a sunny day in Central Park. They changed the subject and Castle told Page that he was not surprised that she owned a gun but was impressed by the choice, although she made it clear that she did come close to shooting him. Having seen Leo in the Van with her father, Castle stepped over to her side and told her she had done well to survive. Castle tried to take cover despite being cuffed to the roof of the van. Castle and Madani had then begun discussing where they would locate Billy Russo, with Castle noting that if Russo had actually been lying about all of those mental and physical injuries, then it would be more likely that he would already be dead, as Madani had then asked him to explain exactly what he meant by this. Castle asked why Pilgrim would do this, thinking he owed the Schultzes something. Castle then realized Schultz was not behind the deaths, in fact he had no idea. After being ridiculed of looking like a hipster, Castle looked at his newspaper about the murder of five people and a suicide from Linello's, being reported by Karen Page from the New York Bulletin. Shiv in hand, Wilson gives Punisher free access to Dutton . Phenomenal dialogue. He yelled at Castle telling him to look at what he had done. Once he was certain that Madani had come alone, as he requested, Castle stepped out of the shadows, and joined them, with Micro noting that they had been worried that he might have been killed during the gunfight against Anvil. Castle had then overheard Rex explaining that his Grandmother had sent him back into their Apartment without any breakfast, while Beth apologized for the awkwardness of the situation, although Castle had also apologized for attempting to leave without saying his goodbyes to her. Of course, Castle showed up and saved Karen again by killing Schoonover. Cooley promised that Castle would die that night as the hole had been dug, but promised him a painless death if he revealed where he had hidden the stolen money. With Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Ben Barnes, Jason R. Moore. Castle kept watch, until Turk Barrett had then arrived into the gym, as they had agreed, as Castle watched while Barrett then spoke to Kazan about arranging a meeting with Sergei Konchevsky. Once Leo had got up from the ground, Castle used his sledgehammer to knock him out and land on the concrete mixer. As Castle treated his wounds, Daredevil asked why he was still alive and had not had his mask removed, but Castle ignored his comments, only informing him that he had no interest in his identity and began going through all the boxes of weapons he had stored on the roof for killing the Dogs of Hell. With all those who had a hand in the deaths of his family lying dead in morgues, in the streets and other places throughout Hell's Kitchen, the Punisher accepted closure and proceeded to burn away the last memories of his former life, setting his home on fire. Once he learned that they had robbed an underground card game run by the Gnucci Crime Family at Linello's and were killing Chavez for accidentally revealing his identity during the heist, Castle bludgeoned his hammer down to Lance's head and threw his corpse into the mixer. Castle is let free and would help Hardin and the rest of the sheriffs. That evening, Castle watched closely towards Lance, Paulie, and Leo while their shift was over, suspecting that they might do something about the heist once Chavez was recruited. ""I miss him everyday.Frank Castle and Rex Quinn. You want it, you got it! Castle pulled Madani from the wreckage. I told you. Who cares?Punisher and Finn Cooley. Eventually, Frank pulls out a sonic pistol and aims it at Venom. Schoonover mocked the massacre of Castle's wife, son, and daughter and noted that all of that was connected with events in Kandahar. Despite his cold and ruthless demeanor, beneath it all, Castle is a man who strongly and deeply misses his beloved family and wishes only to make up for what he sees as his inability to protect them. Madani and Page then returned and helped, with Madani knocking O'Rourke out cold. That shot was carefully, deliberately placed, and did exactly what it was meant to. Until he made it into Russo's arms at the end of their gauntlet. Micro, a hacker and whistleblower who revealed details of an off-the-books hit squad within the US military, pulls Castle back into his war when he reveals that more people were involved in his family's death. November 8, 2017. Thanks for the sandwich. However, Castle knew that his attacker was not a criminal and when he finally got the upper hand and managed to pull out his gun, as Castle shot Daredevil in the helmet. Now that those handcuffs were taken off, Castle then commented on Madani's survival and questioned if she saved his life, as James had stepped forward, commenting that they would not take away his life. And you sure carry yourself like a soldier.Daredevil, It's a Marine's best friend. Though all of Frank Castle's core attributes remained, his prolonged arc onDaredevil offered a deeper look at his motivations and questioned just how much of a hero he really was. With his conflict seemingly concluded, Castle had then headed over into St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, as he had finally made the decision to join in with Curtis Hoyle's regular therapy sessions, in order to deal with the trauma of losing his family. Kazan questioned if Punisher had killed Sergei Konchevsky, which he denied and asked the same question back, although Kazan insisted that Konchevsky was his nephew and he would have never hurt him. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. Frank intervenes in a battle between Venom and Spider-Man in the sewers. Sticking to cover, the Punisher ensured that Russo was out of sight before then stepping onto the Carousel himself while keeping his weapon raised and ready to be fired. Eventually, Frank learns that the mob shootout was part of a sting operation to draw out a drug lord called the Blacksmith. I'll let you walk out that door. Quinn had noted that she believed Castle, claiming that she did not usually make a habit of bringing men home, with Castle saying that did not either, as they laughed together. He would manage to kill several hostiles, Castle would proceed to eliminate the whole group of hostiles. However, when Batzer asked how Castle pleaded, Castle stared straight into Reyes' eyes and pleaded not guilty so he could destroy Reyes' own career in the courtroom by exposing all of her lies and dealings with his family's deaths. Castle and Bendix then discussed how the game was known to be the scam, but people always played for different reasons, as she noted that Castle's reason was confident that he could beat anyone. Russo then ordered his men to kill him. While they were distracted, the Punisher cut off the head of one of the mercenaries and strapped a grenade to it, before simply tossing the bloody head at them as they all looked on in horror. [17], The only reason you're around right now is because of me. This allowed Castle to make a swift escape from the police.[21]. Due to his own superior knowledge of the layout of their hideout, the Punisher was able to get around the mercenaries who could only fire blindly at where they thought he was. The mission sees Krieg fake his death, while the son of mob boss Howard Saint is killed. While Bendix went into the bedroom, Castle then attempted to relax on the couch, as he turned on the television, flicking past a nature channel. Everyone thinks the other group was the one to set the meeting, but that's only until the bomb is dropped. [28], She looks up and sees me. Brother, I just want to talk!Punisher to Gunner Henderson. Castle went alone to find Henderson while Micro stayed with the van. Undoubtedly the second half of the season will hold the answers to this lingering mystery. Granted, with 13 hours of TV to fill, the writers aren't going to reveal every detail in the first episode or two. By God, that's real. Matt serves has his lawyer and takes his side on several occasions. ""Blacksmith already tried to get me once, I really don't want to give him a second chance. Castle assured Page that she was not in any danger the night that he shot at her in the hospital while she was protecting Grotto, noting that he only killed those who deserved it and he believed that Grotto deserved to die. He shot, but the gun was empty. Castle said he did, and she should stay out of his way. Just as Castle got a slice of pizza, his phone began to ring, white he got Bendix to grab it out of his pocket and answered it, to see that it was Barrett calling him back. Spider-Man's Most Inappropriate Punisher Joke Nearly Cost Him His Life Quinn then rested her head on Castle's chest, noting that his moving around must get lonely, while Castle remembered Karen Page's comments that they were always lonely, and just tried not to be, which Quinn agreed with. He asked Russo to evacuate Ori and leave Wilson for him to deal with. The old man was at every single game I played at, every single one. Before Russo had lost consciousness, the Punisher told him about his grief towards his own dead family, and how every morning he would search for them. But as the interview went on, Schoonover revealed under her questioning that he was the season's *real* main antagonist, the Blacksmith, who had been setting up Castle to take the fall for his crimes the whole time. Now, see, I called you when I needed you, and you didn't do a goddamn thing, right? He then got serious, telling her that the next step was to pull the trigger. However, Castle's van is stolen by Rachel. Madani accepts Castle's conditions and three of them leaves Ohio and returns to New York City. The final stop was the Mount Zion Cemetery when Lieberman was "buried." After that, all of the other events of the comic are put into motion. Lieberman took him into her house to treat his injury and they started to take over their deceased family members. The Punisher: Created by Steve Lightfoot. IfThe Punisher gets a second season, it will finally be able to move beyond the search for who killed Frank's family. The Punisher witnessed Jack helping another mercenary to his feet, as he gunned down the other man, leaving only him and Jack standing. "YOU hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they STAY down!". Frank, as part of the NYPD SWAT team, shows up to find the park destroyed and his wife and child killed. Castle then returned Moby Dick novel to Hoyle, noting that reading had helped him, despite of reading it slowly. However, Castle knew that Madani could not shoot him and went downstairs to chase Wilson. This is the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe story line, and it lives up to its name. ""I'm gonna find a home for this. As Castle looked at the statue and witnessed another family, he recalled upon looking at the statue and even threatening his son, something he apologized for and holding his children close. After a season spent tracking down (and mercilessly dispatching) the people responsible for the brutal murders of his wife, daughter, and son, Frank traced the ultimate blame back to a crime lord nicknamed the Blacksmith. As the Punisher vowed that he would watch Russo die, he got no answer from his former friend so he responded by then setting off a series of bombs that had been set up around the hideout, which had killed multiple mercenaries in those blasts. Pilgrim handed over Bendix. During the torture, Gunner Henderson questioned Orange over what Zubair was saying, as Orange insisted that it was nothing important and demanded that Henderson not question his intelligence. Before he could finished talking, Bendix hugged him. I'm talking about a big payday, Turk. ""What do you wanna do? Castle took Hoyle's advice, as he stayed until the rest of the military veterans had shown up. He convinced Henderson to talk with him and that he is not a threat. There's also Frank's war record, which has apparently either been wiped or classified. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and tell him to post more often: @jimmydangus, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend. However, O'Rourke took a picture of Castle, telling him to smile and claimed that it was a before picture. Castle did, however, advise that they locate Ray Schoonover to be the witness for the case. Following Schoonover's orders, however, Castle then removed the bullet from Zubair's skull, without questioning what Schoonover and Orange's true motivations with Operation Cerberus could be. Returning into his apartment, Castle read the The Crack-Up before sleeping, causing him to eventually fall asleep. You take that gun. Seeking to clear his name, Castle sought out Karen Page, who had been working with Mitchell Ellison at the New York Bulletin to write a story about him. When Jon Bernthal joined season 2 of Daredevil as The Punisher, fans immediately began speculating that a solo series was on the way. The real Punisher show was Daredevil S02E01-E04. He sat down on the ground, reflecting. He was met by cops and had to make the hard decision of fighting them. When Cooley refused to answer and mocked Castle's search for revenge, Castle killed him by shooting him point blank in the face. Page recommended that Castle take the stand himself and defend his actions in front of the jury, as she felt it was the only chance they had of winning after the outburst in the courtroom. Taking numerous cans of gasoline from the docks nearby, he doused the boxes of heroin, while taunting and calling for the Blacksmith. However, when Castle saw a pregnant woman coming towards Hoyle, he failed to shoot her, resulting in the woman detonating a suicide vest, blowing off Hoyle's leg, something Castle would feel guilt over for many years. Although Madani insisted that she would simply arrest Russo through legal means, Castle recommended that she not hesitate before shooting Russo dead, as Russo would not hesitate. Inside, Castle used the emergency hatch to escape into the shaft, reaching the roof to escape via a zip-line. [12], Castle was rushed to the Madani Residence where Hamid Madani saved Castle's life because they could not go to the hospital. Punisher Prison Fight Scene _ Daredevil (2x9) [HD] - Dailymotion [15], I'm not gonna let you die today. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. While Castle played his guitar and relaxed with Russo, he was introduced to one of his new squad members Gunner Henderson, a dry yet witty soldier from Kentucky who had deeply respected Castle as a fellow soldier, while Castle noted that he had also heard good things about Henderson from Jack Kimber. You can tell Jon grew up somewhere with a lot of violence to witness. Castle soon got a call from Pilgrim, who said that he would deliver Bendix if Castle got David Schultz. While eating is breakfast, the waitress informed Castle that someone describing his exact features managed to ask for him on their land-line, much to his disbelief. Castle then ran out of the room, telling Bendix to take cover. Castle became the Punisher, as he aimed to clean up New York City of all crime by any means necessary. At this time, Micro finished hacking and said Castle to escape. That's what I think. Having finally gotten the answers he needed about the photographs, the Punisher then released Kazan from his grip, before knocking him unconscious with a punch to the head. Daredevil noted how Punisher had hung members of the Mexican Cartel on meathooks and fired in a hospital like New York City was his own shooting gallery. ""It's impossible not to hear your Uncle Billy, bud. Is this from season 3? ""Well, you do what you gotta do.Brett Mahoney and Frank Castle. The Punisher picks up right where Daredevil Season 2 left off, trusting fans to be able to remember key plot points about its titular antihero's development. Thing is, every time I try to be someone different, that's when the wrong people get hurt.Punisher to Amy Bendix. The Punisher: Who REALLY Killed Frank Castle's Family? - CBR It is ultimately the lack of conflict in life that scares Castle rather than death and having no true home to call to. However, Punisher then saw the Russian was getting back up, as he grabbed a steel plate to defend himself, as the Russian then swung the barbel at him, before Punisher smashed him across the face and broke another man's leg. As Daredevil slowly began to wake up, having been tied to a nearby chimney with chains that ensured he was unable to move or escape from his situation, Castle watched close by. When Quinn had then made it clear that she wanted him to have the private drink with her, Castle then considered her offer for a moment, before he explained that he would like that, much to Quinn's delight. So much happened in Daredevil's sophomore season Matt Murdock's reignited romance with Elektra Natchios, Wilson Fisk's reintroduction, whatever was going on with the Hand and that giant hole in the ground so some details might be forgotten over a year later. Once the Quinn's had gone, Castle stepped back to his room and collected his belongings. Castle had ordered Barrett to go to these Russians and tell Konchevsky that he had something he needed from Chicago, although Barrett initially refused to go anywhere near the Russians. ""You heard what I said.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Castle took up his position outside of Kazan's Gym, where he waited for several hours, until Kazan and other members from their Russian Mafia arrived. Once he subdued Daredevil again, Castle took aim at Jimmy the Bear with his sniper rifle, preparing to execute the entire gang in mere moments. Kingpin kidnapped a pregnant Mary Jane, and Spider-Man just wants to get her back. While Castle gently rebuffs her advances, he returned to Micro's Hideout to find that Micro was now extremely drunk. Castle and Homeland Security then came to an agreement, for them to stage their exchange for Sarah and Zach Lieberman, in which they would try to capture both Russo and Rawlins. Daredevil (TV Series 2015-2018) - Parents Guide - IMDb Page had everyone calm down and told Castle that they needed a plan. Suddenly, Daredevil arrived on the boat and intervened, telling Castle that the man was lying and was not the Blacksmith. [13] Castle also played baseball, and his father attended all of his games. Not willing to see the innocent animal put in harm's way, Castle finally admitted to where all the money was and Max was taken away to safety. As Castle and Russo then discussed how long until they could return home, Castle teased Russo over knowing that he planned on meeting with several women when he got home, as Castle noted that he should instead choose one woman to settle down with, although Russo claimed he was too handsome not to share himself with multiple women. Turning to the Squad, Zubair insisted that he was not a terrorist and that he had a family, while Castle and the rest of the Squad watched Orange grabbing Zubair by the face and then say something more to him in Pashto. Castle jumped onto the hood of the car and tried to get it to stop, but was unsuccessful as they got away. Enraged, Rawlins mocked Castle for being nothing but a military grunt and did not have the right to kill him and continued to torture him. As Quinn had expressed her confusion, Castle just explained that his past could embarrass powerful people, without mentioning Homeland Security directly, which had resulted in him using the name "Pete Castiglione," as Castle also denied being a criminal. I think it's safe to say that Daredevil still has plenty of surprises in store for us. When Bendix had once again asked what Castle planned to do about their situation, Castle had asked her what the situation was and how they got there. Castle is taken out of this cell and questioned, which he tells them everything about the situation. It's in the basement of a restaurant. Castle agreed with Hoyle, claiming that he was going to deal with Russo by his methods.[19]. A little girl. Castle and Bendix listened, while Madani spoke to Mahoney about the investigation into Russo, until Madani had left and pushed Mahoney out. Hey, give me the gun. He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. With the offer to take a new job with Anvil overseas still on the table, Castle left to think it over and decide what would be the best move for him; however, Russo began planning for his friend's assassination, fearing that Castle could expose Cerberus Squad and ruin everything he had been building since leaving the United States Armed Forces. When Daredevil regained consciousness, Castle informed him that there was only one bullet in the gun and that he was wearing body armor, so the only way to stop him would be to shoot him in the head. Castle was taken to Metro-General Hospital where his all of his wounds sustained while fighting the Kitchen Irish were treated and he was kept under watch by the New York City Police Department. The two fight, which prompts Punisher to start firing. Castle then went back to the RV where he called out his name. When one man had almost shot him, the Punisher pushed him back and shot in twice in the gut and then in the face. When Homeland Security's assistance, Castle is informed that Billy Russo has escaped from the custody and she needs Castle to put him down once and for all. I should have known. [7], I'm going through that building. This then resulted with a shootout, during which Castle had allowed their Anvil agents to knock him unconscious and drag him back inside the van. Bendix hesitated, but exhaled and pulled the trigger. Punisher | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom [34], You want me on the outside so I step on every piece of shit I see. In the cell, Castle is confronted by Roy Hardin who would ask both of them questions about the event at the Tides Motel.
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