Animal like, originates in ancient India, when some slaves were imported from Africa. Because they use massive spices in their cuisine and they rub them on their bodies. Tom was an Alaskan Innuit (Eskimo) who was called Pieface because his features made his "eyes look like an eskimo pie. Continued armed resistance while Americans were waiting for MacArthur to return. However, in any city in America, African Americans can be found in the worst parts (or arm pits) of that city. Kangaroo-fucker. Used in Australia. From the Rapper Eminem, thought of as a white person who tries to be black. An equivalent to eggplant. Gringa for females. Mishweya for females. Pronounced "spizzz-ik-ien.". Apu's co-worker on the Simpsons is named Sanjay, Reference to convenience store franchises. That is, it is used to describe a white person who is obssesed with japanese culture. The stress is on the first syllable. Here is the history of the word. bastard. Genus & species. #4. ", Black Brazilians. Much like the food, a mix of American and Asian. Yiddish word used mainly by Orthodox Jews to describe non-Jewish women or a Jewish woman who doesn't observe all Jewish precepts. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". The generally accepted derivative is from the ultimate ghinder, Mahatma Gandhi. Non-Whites who date only Whites or have a strong preference for whites. What American-born Italians call immigrant Italians, as in "He/she is a real Jabonee right off the boat. Filipinos (especialy women) tend to have raggy looking course hair. A person who is 1/8th Black. Flap Grease. Suggests that all Italians are in the mob, In addressing a fellow Italian, but condescending when used by non-Italians, Basically the idea of a WOP but in a more easily said slur. Throughout the galaxy, individuals used phrases, interjections, slang, insults and expletives to express themselves, including the following: Ada: An affectionate term for father used on Tangenine. Not polite, but not taboo either. Swearing and general insults. Locusts are considered to be fine dining in their country, they praise allah for about 3 hours if they should be so fortunate as to obtain such a marvelous bounty. Plantains are a main food source of Dominicans. Bastard definition: A person born of parents not married to each other; illegitimate child. Term used by Indians in the late 1800's to describe white settlers. Offensive A person born to parents not married to each other. Round shape of their faces. Define bastard. Europe + Urinal. Hitler was a massive film buff and propaganda was a huge part of his political strategy. How to use bastard in a sentence. Cambodians did not trust them. Simpson. ", starring primitive dark creatures that lived in sewers, From that African language that all it is is clicks and whistles. British Blacks. The Irish were once loosely called the green race. It is used in Lithuania and Latvia. Three possible origins: The slave owners would "pick a nincompoop" from the lineup of slaves; or the slave children who couldn't pick cotton "ain't pickaninny"; in some parts of the south, breasts are referred to as ninnys, so pickaninny was a reference to blacks being used as wetnurses. Europeans destroy every culture they encounter. Many names seem to use every letter of the alphabet. - te******, Play on quiet rivalry between Trinidad and Tobago. Play off of "incognito". C. 1940s. Non-bastards would look down upon bastards because non-bastards were socially superior. This was and still is used by Black Muslims, who believe whites are spawns of the devil. Portuguese in San Diego worked principally as tuna fishermen. A goofy black guy, like the guy from Good Times. is rat bastard a slur - Most likely from sometime between the turn of the century and the early sixties. Likely comes from the black singer Terence Trent D'Arby, who claimed that his debut album was the most important album since "Sgt. Pollo means chicken in Spanish. Corresponds with the letters J-E-W on a telephone. Meaning they are forever white, since they were a sperm to when they were born through their entire live they stay white like a sperm. Canberra word for bogan. Asians have relatively large and round heads, which resemble Halloween pumkins. In prison, this is a widely used word for blacks. The Indians thought they looked like buffalo. . Re: Fantasy Slurs and Stereotypes. Blog Inizio Senza categoria is rat bastard a slur. The Snowbirds are a group of Canadian airforce pilots who display their flying at air shows. When the carvans moved over the silk road through the middle east, they would jingle due to all the bells on the reins of the camels. Originally the name of a South European frog, although during the Napoleonic Wars it became a term used by British soldiers referring to their French enemy. Posted by Bookworm on August 20, 2004. Italian men are often very short tempered and hot headed. Could also be a reference to "Jim Crow", a popular 19th-century minstrel song that stereotyped African Americans, which later was used as the name of the. For the Muslims that invaded Europe during the Middle Ages. 'Prisoners/Property Of Mother England' Used in Australia, New Zealand, etc. Derived from 'Spic' and 'Jigaboo. It means "umbrella", only related with the alike pronunciation, nevertheless derogatory. Represents Aboriginal female - they take offense, Aboriginals have very large nostrils which resemble a pair of goggles. Septic Tank/Sherman Tank = Yank, Stupid Fucking American - not very clever, but very prevelent in Europe. American-Born Chinese. Same vain as Point-Six. Alert all commands: An order used on Imperial starships as a general alert. Southern Italians. A stealthy abo who goes around stealing goon. is rat bastard a slurwhere to place full length mirror in bedroom. A white person laughs, gets angry, slapped, and cries, will turn red. Used for blacks who pretend to be white. He's been replaced by standup comic Chris Morris, whom, promises creator-producer Allen Valentine, will follow in Pirrami's dirty-joke-spewing footsteps, but with what he described as slightly less of an . See: Mulatto. Not usually used to refer to exiles (see "Lugan"). The latitude line between slave and free states. Technically should only refer to Chinese, but used for all Asians. Used frequently in the 1980s. Also: heime, heimey. Refers to old Jewish retirees who transplant themselves to Florida. Ie. Polish for "Polish man." Comes from the common red dot on an Indian's forehead, resembling the reset button on many electronics. French WW2 term. The word was considered an insult because in the old days, bastards couldn't inherit anything, and in a society built on a strict class structure, that was a big deal. Term used extensively by the military in Robert O'Connors novel "Buffalo Soldiers" about US Soldiers stationed in Germany. Reference to the suffix "nese.". Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Also: Slopehead. For the Ladies: (abazure), (yariman) Flickr/istolethetv. Especially since their skin is so pale, it looks scary to others as their blue eyes stare out at them. Many people use it in Southern Florida referring to the latins (mainly Cubans) that come to South Florida and don't speak English well. *a bag of leftovers from a restaurant "a Orc-y Bag". Young Urban Professional. dema refers to an ancestral deity in many mythologies that is murdered and then from the body comes some form of creation- i.e. Fuck you and I hope you burn in hell you sorry son of a bitch." Usually in reference to a poor, older black man. Asians are always taking standardized tests to further their education. Blacks listen to loud "thumping" music in their cars. See: Moolie. Newfoundlanders. In reference to Uncle Sam but with America's bad reputation. Many illegal immigrants take manual labor jobs. Used in a Billie Holiday song during the Civil Rights movement. After about a week or two of not washing, the buttons will become gooey and encrusted with smegma. Blacks reffered to whites as patty. menstruating. Used in situations when saying the word "Nigger" would be inappropriate. 'Nazi Firewood' to be more specific. A derogatory term used by Filipinos meaning "nigger". Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). Refers to lowriders. Whites who act Black. Armenian word for Persians. The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima during WW2. A variation is to refer to someone by the names of one of the Brady Bunch children,i.e., Peter, Marsha, etc. Indians are the smart ones that put the "dot" in ".com", Elephants were a popular mode of transport in Victorian and Pre-Victorian Asia. Refers to the fact that white people cannot dance. PolitiFact | Fact-checking claim on Amy Coney Barrett and a racial slur Refers to the "bindi" (dot) on their foreheads. Common southern name Reference to any big dumb white guy. The Spanish "Mullato" translates to "like a mule." Bro = black man. The Racial Slur stage name Kreayshawn, is an American rapper, singer, and all is bastard a slur platforms >:., RPGs, and creative director our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and!. In West Viginia the only navigable areas are the valleys formed by rivers and creeks(cricks). A common practice of southerners was to hang blacks. Rhodesian. Illegal Mexican immigrants. Tall asians. Refers to a type of dog found in Northern parts. Commonly used to refer to Whites living in southern United States. The weather is usually foggy in Britain. Originated in the South (pre-Civil War by the slaves). It came in response their use or Terrone for Southern Italians, Italian-Americans who act "overly Italian" with attitude and gold chains (i.e. The other members of the band were white (Blowfish). A book from the 1950's set in Florida (_The Lotus Eaters_) used Stovelid, which makes some sense if you've ever operated a big wood stove - the lids are the disks set into the big holes on top (these eventually became burners when the design was refined to use gas or electric). See: Peckerwood. Could refer to any mixed breed. Black children. This curse word might seem like an extreme insult, but it's used generally to show irritation. As demonstrators gathered outside the Capitol Sunday to rally against the bill, one held a sign saying, "All tea partiers: If you hear a racial slur, step away, point, boo and take a picture of the rat bastard." Answer (1 of 25): It's a slur if you use it as a slur. Possibly of Creole origin meaning something similar to "foe. Experiments performed on the Jews during WW2, The Old Testament forbids them to eat pork, Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea from Egypt. Hawaiian: Haole is a contraction of ha (breath) and a'ole (no) meaning "no breath" used to described foreigners who shook hands instead of greeting nose to nose like the Hawaiians. Short for British. The native bird of NZ and a popular fruit. Eskimos chuck spears to hunt fish. The word bindi, which is the typical "red dot" worn on the forehead of Indian men and women, comes from this word. Many of their descendants were sent to the Georgia penal colony, hence "Georgia crackers." Americans commonly called Native Americans by this name in the 1800s. This database was created entirely from data gleaned off the 'net Supposed to mean "shuffle along." Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. A brand of candied chocolate in England; Quite dull and worthless. A typical behavior of monkeys is to throw feces. "Eshoon noor oodel chi vayeler" It's not pretty watching a jackass try to eat a pomegranate (read: clumsy). Represents a slang term for Blacks or a derogatory term for a White woman who sleeps or has children from Blacks. Because they are known to have a lot of beans in their diet and are also hired many times to pick beans for (sometimes less than) minimum wage. Can be used offensively towards non-gang members. Short, Fat, with weird hair. Hence Pontus=Pendos. Similar to a slave ship. This slur corresponds with people who were born in the area around Europe, China, Japan, etc. Previously referred only to the rural prejudice whites, mostly farmers, who have reddish necks (or a "farmer's tan"). The combination of "hill" and "billy" first came into use at this time. Technically a term of affection but still sounds funny. From some mythical form where the circle you filled out for "race = black" was column c, number 15. Used by British Colonial masters in Africa commanding the African workers to get to work. Star Wars reference to the Tuscan Raiders, nomadic desert dwellers that no one likes. Black/Mexican mix. The ones that aren't would most likely take offense. Refering to lazy slaves. It was said that they looked like monkeys at the zoo. "Banana" and "anime." Slur over. In the phonetic alphabet, "nigger" is spelled: November - India - Golf - Golf - Echo - Romeo. A spoonbill is a type of bird. Indian word for the color black. Pronounced 'Ing' . Navajo for drunk. Red dot: married; Black dot: single. Due to the red dot on many Hindu's foreheads. It's used so often that people just link it with feelings of anger. Fog-Breather: British: Englands weather is often extremely foggy: Jeeves: British: A supposedly common name of British butlers. But it didn't start to take on the racist connotation it has now until the early 20th century. Probably related to and/or another version of Pom. Gringo in many other countries in Latin America really only translates as "foreigner" without a pejorative connotation. Rhyming slang in Scotland from a Scottish soccer team called Hamilton Academicals. Or as it's sometimes known: Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. From Alice In Wonderland. That's fine by me. Shortened and rearranged term, easier to say. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door 4:51. Cuban slur for blacks. They are usually found under the influence outside of Dublin's bars. Two theories: some like to think it's a corruption of "governor". Refers to Asian babies who would be wrapped in blankets. Many Midwesterners live in "Tornado Alley," which is known for having a disproportionate number of tornados every year. My Little Pony Not exactly a racial slur, but MLP fanfiction occasionally depicts the terms coltcuddler and fillyfooler, . Japanese term meaing strangers, used in a hostile way. Ro (Roshia) means Russia in Japanese. In Polish 'black' (as a color) is 'czarny'. bastard /bst(r)d/ - general purpose designation for a person or persons, may be either a term of endearment or an expression of hostility or resentment. Possibly a real Italian word bastardized by English-speaking Italian-Americans. Person who drives an Asian car that has modifications which are supposed to make the car look faster. See: Redneck. Self-explanatory. Maldito is used so commonly before Bori by many other Hispanics because they steal, rob, kill, and smell. ", They look fairly Asian and live in the snow. The Organization of Petrolium Exporting Countries, Arab (and/or Muslim) women wear clothes that resemble pajamas. From "Scrod," which is a 19th century word for young cod fish. Mainly used by the "Nyoongar" Aboriginal people of south-west Australia. When the wind blew and swung them back and forth against each other southerners would refer to them as windchimes. This can be directed at any race, but primarily used toward whites. Last name of famous Jewish con-artist/criminal. Others say it's short for "garbage". Started when there was a big Italian emigration to the U.S., and many were coming in illegally (with out papers). This derogatory name was used by the Boers to describe the British primarily after the Anglo-Boer war which lasted from 1899-1902. Derived from Sicilian immigrants who paid in Italian currency, Guineas. Also represents the Punjab region of India (near the Punjab river). Armenian gangsters call themselves "Rabiz". A reference to the amount of canned beer they consume, or 2.) Was probably originally coined in the Boer War when the British/Afrikaaneers were fighting the Zulus. In recent times, Hawaiians have made great efforts to "reclaim" the word from its negative associations and often describe themselves as "kanaka maoli" or "native people." I belive it has to do with 6 letters in the word nigger. Jewish prisoners were tattooed with a number on their arm while in concentration camps. Fantastic Slurs - TV Tropes Pronounced "ko-goot", derogatory term Russians use to call Ukrainians. Same as hillbilly. This slur is used commonly by Pakistanis. They do all the gardening for rich white people. Japanese living in America, Jap + yankee = Jank. Perhot' podzalupnaya - Pee hole dandruff (which makes me wonder how the dandruff got there in the first place!) Was used as a nickname for unstable, mead-swilling Lithuanians. Rat Bastard (1998) - IMDb Famous Italian vidoegame plumber. Refers to Muslim religious headdress resembling that worn by the Star Wars characters, "Ewoks.". Compare with "dib" entry in list. Comes from the character Calpurnia in the book "To Kill a Mocking Bird. Also: "African rockfish.". White/Black mix. Not really a slur but could be if you say it the right way. Origin unknown. Used by the "Bundjyma" Aboriginal people of west-coast and central desert region of Western Australia, Alaskan Native Dorogatry term for Caucasion. Term used by English speaking South Africans to refer to Afrikaners. Reference to a youthful East Indian side-kick character named Hadji from the '70s Saturday-morning cartoon, ", Manner in which they speak used by Latin Americans. Based on the Native American practice of scalping enemies. WWII reference and the propensity of Jewish parents to send their children to summer camps. Bitchy black woman from the TV show "The Apprentice". (American Indian Movement). Before that, one of the most famous films out of India was the "Apu Trilogy.". Joe" in World War II. Originally an Aboriginal name for themselves as a people; used by others, however, it is considered derogatory. Not any more a slur than Jew is. Used in English-speaking countries for anyone with a heavy accent and are clearly immigrants, mostly Asians or Indians. non-Thai) of the white race. Italians are said to wholly enjoy pizza, as it is considered their national dish to the rest of the world. Started by the constant greetings of the clerks of a deli as they greet customers. Can be compared with "dude". Shortened from Gangster or OG (Original Gangster). Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers. Ese cabrn fue detenido por robar bolsos a la viejecitas otra vez. Why is retard a slur but bastard isn't? - Quora Stay away from Albert, he's a real rat-bastard when he's drunk. Reference to the infamous Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Small eyes appear to be closed, even during the day, Facial description, Self-explanatory. In my current setting, elves are known as cowards who only fight when the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor. Short for sauerkraut, a popular German food. Asian people who try to act Black and use the slang, etc. I recently have been reading a book where the main character is called A bastard who is characterized by devious and base intentions. Pioneer-related term dates back to the 19th century during the Western Expansion. Lots of sheep in Wales. Used commonly among young white boys as undercover means of saying "nigger". For the bigoted "All In The Family" character Archie Bunker. Comes from the Taco Bell food. it refers to the prominent color of more of the 54% of it's population. Also from a poem that starts: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief." Another explanation is that Taffy is based on an English pronuciation of the common Welsh first name, "Daffyd" (David).
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