Because My coming is near, and your heavenly account is pretty small, Im giving you an opportunity to make some huge investments in the few days that remain before you go to heaven., You for whom this day has seemed as a thousand yearsrejoice. All of this is for Gods glory (Ephesians 1:6,12,14). Here is the inexhaustible strength of God in taking His crucified Son who was dead and buried, and raising Him from among the dead to His present majestic position in heaven. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! get to know the Bible better! Yes, we are, indeed, the conquered captives of his omnipotent love. Hebrews 4:13), I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. He meant that he was able to face and accomplish whatever God called him to do (see also, Eph. Again, Paul piles up words to describe Gods power. The Kleronomos is one who has been given a kleros, the inheritor. Paul writes (Rom. But Jesus came to buy the world back. The heart is the inner man, including the emotion and will; it is the whole self, mans inward being. We must live as saints, Gods holy ones, separate from this evil world. A marvellous lift was there! Rely on His grace and strength in doing so. The devil can distract you, and he can even cause you to stumble, but he cannot steal the promises of God unless you let him. (Back to the Bible), Choose Book of Bible to Study All rights reserved. No one can do the work of God successfully without being filled with the Holy Spirit. It speaks of a clarity of mind or understanding by which one is able to see things intelligibly and clearly and proceed accordingly. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might- Paul piles on the words in an attempt to describe the indescribably surpassing great power that is now available to every saint. In the New Testament it's a special invitation from God to man to accept the priceless benefits of His salvation. ), How is this resurrection power demonstrated even in this letter? - Jn 15:5!) These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. NET since the eyes of your heart have been enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints. Aristotle (Rhet., i., 5) says strength (ischus)is the power of moving another as one wills; and that other is to be moved either by drawing or pushing or carrying or pressing or compressing; so that the strong (ho ischuros) is strong for all or for some of these things.. -- when His heart shall be fully satisfied in His inheritance, for His glory shall be perfectly manifested in the saints. To use the Greek word, it is amaranthine (see amarantinos). What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? Im taking this message from this phrase in Ephesians 1:19: the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe. I know that the vast majority of you do not feel that power. He called you to Himself and will hold you there, no matter what circumstances you face. The emigrant at last covers his estate, its mines become exhausted, its forests levelled, its soil impoverished; but when a million years have passed, the nature of God will lie before us as utterly unexplored and unexhausted, as when the first-born son of light commenced like a Columbus in the spiritual realm to explore the contents of the illimitable continent, God. He bought the world to get the treasure. In hours of weakness they drew on God's power; in those of suffering, on his patience; in those of misunderstanding and hatred, on his vindication; in those of apparent defeat and despair, on the promises that gleam over the smoke of the battle, as the Cross before the gaze of Constantine; in death itself, on the life and immortality which find their home in the being of Jehovah. As He bought, so let Him possess, everything. Take every opportunity in this long, long day youre in to thank the Father for the opportunity to store up treasure which will make you rich for eternity. 2:9; 2 Thess. properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. We discover our call to a specific area of service by walking closely with the Lord, practicing obedience, and offering ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:12;Colossians 1:10). 28:19; Acts 17:3031). In the first chapter of Ephesians, Paul provided a wonderful starting point. Jesus, You have given us freedom Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Illustration - Brian Harbour - Back many years ago, a young boy accompanied his father and mother as they took the wagon into town for supplies. In favor of this view is the context of Ephesians 1 (verses 3, 11, & 14). Paul does not pray, Lord, give them power. He prays, Lord, help their spiritual eyes see, and appropriate the power they already have resident within. The incomprehensible, dynamic power of the resurrected Christ is already in us. (Brown, Colin, Editor. 2 Thessalonians The only aim of the life is that the Son of God may be manifested, and all dictation to God vanishes. But not content with this, in the following year he pushes his fences back further into the depth of prairie or forest, and again renews his efforts to compel the land to yield him her secret stores. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened By the Spirit of God already, to see the exceeding sinfulness of sin; the insufficiency of their own righteousness; the beauty, glory, fulness, and suitableness of Christ, as a Saviour; the excellency, truth, and usefulness of the doctrines of the Gospel; in which their understandings were before dark, but now had light into them: wherefore these words are not to be considered as part of the apostle's petitions, but rather as what was taken for granted by him; and are to be put into a parenthesis, and the following words to be joined in connection with the preceding verse; unless it should be thought, that the apostle prays for greater illuminations, and for more spiritual light, and that the eyes of their understandings might be more and more enlightened; the phrase, (lkvh Nye) , (omma thv dianoiav) , "the eye of the understanding", is Rabbinical, and often to be met with in Jewish writings F6; the Alexandrian copy, and several others, the Complutensian edition, the Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions, read, "the eyes of your heart"; and to, (twbblh ynye) , "the eyes of the hearts, or minds", is a phrase used by the Jewish writers F7: that ye may know what is the hope of his calling; by which is meant, the effectual calling of the saints; which is not a call to an office, or a call merely by the external ministry of the word; but which is internal, special, powerful, high, and heavenly: and this is the calling of God, of which he is the author; who calls with an holy calling, unto eternal glory by Christ Jesus; and which is without repentance: and the hope of this calling, is either eternal happiness, which is the thing hoped for; or Christ, who is the ground and foundation of it; or the grace of hope, which is exercised on both; or all three: for hope of eternal glory, as it is founded on Christ, may be said to be the hope of the calling of God, because it is wrought in the soul at the time of the effectual calling, and what saints are then called to the exercise of; and calling grace, is an encouragement to hope for eternal life; since whom God calls, he justifies and glorifies: and now the apostle prays, that these saints who were called by the grace of God, might know more of Christ, the foundation of their hope; and what that is they are hoping for, and more and more what it is to hope for the same, upon the view of Christ's person, blood, and righteousness: and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints; the saints themselves are the Lord's portion, and the lot of his inheritance, in whom he is, and will be abundantly glorified; but here it rather seems to design the heavenly inheritance before spoken of, of which the Spirit is the earnest; and this is the Lord's, it is of his preparing, and it is his gift, and a very rich and glorious inheritance it is: hence it is not only signified by mansions, and everlasting habitations, by an house, and by a city, but by a kingdom; the riches of grace are preparatory to it, and the riches of glory are comprised in it; and this is in, or among the saints, who only have a right unto it, and a meetness for it; and what this inheritance is, with the riches and glory of it, will not be fully known in this life; and indeed but little of it is known; so that such a petition as this is always proper and pertinent. Though lifting our troubles and needs to God is both acceptable and important, we should never forget to express our thankfulness, jubilance, and praise to Him in prayer. Now the eyes of the believers heart must be continually taken up with his Lord in order that his knowledge of spiritual truth might increase. For Further Study: Read 2 Corinthians 1112. 119:18) or other spiritual realities (2 Kings 6:17). Read Joshua 1:19 and then answer these questions: What were the circumstances of Joshuas call (vv. 2 Corinthians 4:6+ For God, Who said, Light shall shine out of darkness, (Ge 1:2-3-commentary) is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. My hope is built on nothing less The principle is that we should pray for the promises of God to be realized in our hearts (cf 2Pe 1:4) Only the Spirit can reveal spiritual truth. See more belowon what it means to be called by God. Hither the Apostle Paul first went after he had been at Corinth, though he then made but a short stay; when he came thither again, he found twelve disciples, and was the instrument of making a great many more: here he continued two or three years and formed a Gospel church, very large and flourishing, to whom he writes this epistle; and which was written by him when he was a prisoner at Rome, as appears by several passages in it, \Eph 3:1 4:1 6:20\, and seems to have been written much about the same time as were the epistles to the Philippians, and to the Colossians, and to Philemon. 14:13, 17; 24:18; Deut. All Christians have the same hope. As saints, were Gods inheritance, His treasure, His prize. It may, however, be explained by a piece of farming that I learnt recently. Sunday I went up to Los Angeles and heard Paul Rader preach. It is a beautiful picture, the heart being regarded as having eyes looking out toward God and all of the spiritual blessings that have their source and supply in God's Beloved Son. Acts 16:14+ A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened (dianoigo) her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul. What shall we say of those who think that conversion is wrought by the free will of man, and is due to his own betterness of disposition? 2:14+). Is keeping it for me. May God not find the whine in us any more, but may He find us full of spiritual pluck and athleticism, ready to face anything He brings. Rather, if we are the called according to Gods purpose, then we know that He is actively working all things together for our good, both in time and in eternity (Rom. He chose them, and set his love upon them. NET and what is the incomparable greatness of his power toward us who believe, as displayed in the exercise of his immense strength. (SURPASSING) Exceeding what? 1:1819). Its certainly not because of the power of the believer, but the power of God. She pursues more information and educates herself as the burden grows stronger. You have given us freedom, Freedom, You have given us freedom We are the Lords Portion, the Lords Inheritance. Even more, we will be in the presence of the One who loved us and redeemed us with His blood. The church is Christs body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence. We will be with Him forever in heaven, where there will be no suffering or tears or death. Isaiah (Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary), Energeia - 7v -Eph. The gospel call is given by men and is a universal call to repent and trust Christ for salvation (see, e.g., Matt. Paul explained (Col. 1:29), For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. Laboring in His power is the antidote to burnout. Isnt that something? The person pronoun of the second person singular; thou. It is exclusively a Pauline word used only to describe superhuman or supernatural power, whether of God or of the devil. Paul applies this truth that we are God's inheritance in his letter to the Corinthians writing Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? When an emigrant first receives the title-deeds of the broad lands made over to him in the far West, he has no conception, as he descends the steps of the Government office and passes into the crowd, of all that has been conveyed to him in the schedule of parchment. It can be used of any kind of extraordinary power. It is His capability to function effectively. Hannibal invaded Italy in the second of three Punic Wars that determined the fate of Rome and Carthage. The power which is really at work in Christian men today is in its nature Camp out here in a letter that begins with "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly in Christ." The salutation is in Eph 1:2, which is common to all his epistles: and in Eph 1:3, is the thanksgiving to God, as the God and Father of Christ, for spiritual blessings in Christ in general; and then he proceeds to particulars, and begins with election, which is represented as an act of God the Father, as of particular persons, as done in Christ, and from the foundation of the world, the end of which is perfect holiness and love, Eph 1:4, and which is further illustrated under the name of predestination; the blessing which that is an appointment to, is the adoption of children; the moving cause of it, is the good pleasure of the divine will; the instrumental cause, or means, is Christ Jesus; the end with God is for himself, Eph 1:5, and which, in the next verse, is explained of the glory of his grace; to which grace, acceptance with him in Christ is owing; and which is another spiritual blessing, or a branch of election and predestination, Eph 1:6. The Father has chosen (verse 4) and predestined (verse 5) believers to adoption in Jesus Christ. 4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. And God's surpassing power is available to believers because we are in Christ and He is in us, these "positions" picturing an immutable union, a oneness, a solemn and binding covenant relationship. By his own sovereign choice. If God can raise Jesus from the dead, God can provide all that is promised to the believer. He argues (p. 391) that Pauls object in this section is to give the saints assurance and certainty in their faith. Part of that prayer is, I pray that . They are not only his by choice, but by purchase. The Lord, however, says, Not so fast. A muscular mans big muscles display his might, even if he doesnt use them. Because God's resurrection power continues to work in us, it helps us (ED: MORE ACCURATELY IT ENABLES US! But I do more than thank. The gospel itself is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Rom. Such is the case in Matthew 13. (2) The other view is that the inheritance means all that we will inherit in Christ. That's the reason Paul said, "I am praying that your eyes will be opened, that you will be enlightened, that you will understand this" (Ephesians 1:18). Comment: "The Blessed Hope" is not an abstract concept, but an Alive Christ, for it describes the appearing of Christ in His majesty and glory at His Second Coming. 2:916). Then ask God to restore to you the joy of your salvation. From hagos; sacred. Undefiled! Living in the light of Your goodness First, he raised Christ from the dead (v.20). Working (1753) (energeia from en = in + rgon = work, English = energy) describes effectual working, efficiency or active, effective power. But let us not stop here - believers needed resurrection power to be saved the first time (justification) and are in continual need of this same power for "daily salvation" (progressive sanctification, "present tense" salvation) from the world, the flesh and the devil! So he should not be judging Adam who shows concern for his unborn child. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. Others are called to be pastors, teachers, worship leaders, Bible translators, or to a host of other avenues that honor the Lord. 7:35; 2 Ki. Esther Bruce adds (p. 271), Paul prays here that his readers may appreciate the value which God places on them, his plan to accomplish his eternal purpose through them as the first fruits of the reconciled universe of the future, in order that their lives may be in keeping with this high calling and that they may accept in grateful humility the grace and glory thus lavished on them., Our future is that throughout eternity we will actually share in Christs glory! He will fully gain His inheritance when the saints are removed from this earth and come into his presence. Listen to his arguments here. |, What does the Bible say about the power of words? Having prayed then that God would enlighten the eyes of our hearts, Paul specifies three things that God wants you to know: Paul later (4:4) will talk about the hope of your calling, but here he refers to the hope of His calling. Why does he do that? (The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian). 6:10-13). Nothing will rob you of your assurance quicker than unconfessed sin. Conversely, revival cannot come if we are far removed from God. The inscription is in Eph 1:1, in which the author of the epistle puts his name, declares his office, and how he came into it; and describes the persons to whom he wrote it, by their religious characters, and the place of their abode. The church is Christs body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence. Dunamis - 119x in 115v - Here are Paul's uses of dunamis in Ephesians Eph 1:19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. The idea is to cause something to be fully known by revealing clearly and in some detail. Mark 12:30+ and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. I am in total agreement with you. He told them they could do anything God wanted them to do through Christ who would strengthen them (Phil. We have to exercise ourselves in order that the Son of God may be manifested in our mortal flesh. See discussion of the value of pausing to ponder this term of purpose or result . Paul is "struggling" to say what cannot be said. synkleronomos is a fellow heir, and kleronomeo means be an heir, inherit. The same power that brought Christ from the dead, and set him on high, works in the salvation of every believer. energy) of the might (kratous, power that overcomes resistance, as in Christs miracles; this word is used only of God, never of believers) of Gods inherent strength (ischyos) which He provides (cf. The American Standard Version reads: the eyes of your heart, not mind. (See dictionary discussion of Inheritance), Kleronomia - 14x in 14v - Mt 21:38; Mark 12:7; Luke 12:13; 20:14; Acts 7:5; 20:32; Gal 3:18; Eph 1:14, 18; 5:5-note; Col 3:24-note; Heb 9:15-note; He 11:8-note; 1Pet 1:4-note. we must have the power of God. That men might know the measure of Gods power. On the other hand, in the OT the hope of the righteous is directed toward the eternal God who will protect and ultimately deliver if not now, certainly in the future. As stated above, because of Christ's work for us on the Cross means that in light of the truth that believers have"been justified (declared righteous or in right standing before God, acquitted of our sins) by faith, we have peace with God (cf peace "of" God in Php 4:6-7+where peace depends on how we respond to our circumstances, testings, etc, and if we do by walking in the Spirit as commanded in Gal 5:16+, He gives us peace of God, the fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:22+) through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand (perfect tense speaks of the permanence or abiding nature of this condition) and we exult (continually boast, rejoice) in hope of the glory of God ( = when we see Jesus face to face - 1Jn 3:2-3+)." Not a portion of but proportionate to! Acts 26:18+ to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.. In His devotional on Dt 32:9 Spurgeon asks "How are they his? Paul wrote (Phil. Another English word dynamite, is derived from dunamis and since dunamis is used by Paul to describe the "power of God", some have suggested that the gospel is "Gods dynamite". permissive waste in property law, crespo funeral home baytown obituaries,
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