Determine the exact location of the temporary signs and when they are no longer needed for the direction of traffic. Remind the contractor of the requirement to complete the LCS web-based training. Require the contractor to anchor bases of traffic cones that do not have enough size and weight to keep the cones in an upright position. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), "Lane Closure System," of this manual. The Butterfly Lane Pedestrian Undercrossing in Montecito is open following a major improvement project. During the inspection, drive through the system as though you had no knowledge of the work zone. Provide the following information to the district railroad liaison agent who will forward it to the Public Utilities Commission: If construction involves structure work, send a copy of the above information to Structure Design. No formalized solution and design applies to all situations. Every five minutes LCS reports all approved closures planned for the next 7 days, plus all current lane, ramp, and road closures due to maintenance, construction, special events, etc. The last level of review will be the COZEEP statewide coordinator. 2. An impact attenuator vehicle must be used for the placement and removal of temporary traffic control devices when required by the contract. When evaluating cost reduction proposals and change orders requested by the contractor, take into account the costs and savings for COZEEP services. Verify that the line of sight visibility in the field meets sight distance standards. Providing for exit ramp traffic within the coned-off area may be difficult. (Under ideal conditions, all advance warning signs and the taper would be in a tangent with the taper placed on a slight upgrade for improved visibility.). Place a barrier across the full width of a closed sidewalk. Require the contractor to keep signs clean and clearly visible, and repair them if damaged. CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-14 North Wed Mar 1 2023, 9:01AM Lasting 6 hours Full closure lasting 6 hours on Off Ramp for Road Maintenance affecting All lane (s) in District: 7 From: Antelope Valley Freeway, Route 14 Newhall to Placerita Canyon Rd Newhall View on Google Maps ID: C14CA-0003-2023-03-01-09:01:00 Wed Mar 1 2023, 9:01AM Avoid blinding drivers in approaching vehicles when adequately lighting work areas. Achieving this transition is worthwhile, even though it may extend the traffic control system farther than the minimum necessary to clear the work zone. Construction signs should be covered or removed whenever they no longer serve a purpose. Night construction activities, such as replacing pavement slab, replacing bridge joint seals, and replacing pavement markers, that can create an unexpected condition for driverseven those familiar with the highway. Verify that temporary traffic stripe tape for use more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and temporary traffic stripe tape to remain in use 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Check Type 3 barricades, used as sign supports, for label with FHWA acceptance letter number showing they have been crash tested as a single unit with a sign panel of the size and type used on the project. Travel | Caltrans - California Department of Transportation If the contractor requests usage of alternative temporary crash cushion modules, verify that their proposed modules are on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. If the pedestrian facility existing before construction began was accessible to pedestrians with disabilities, the one provided during construction should also be accessible. The change order that authorizes the extra work should reflect these costs. The special bulbs used with solar signs have much narrower beams than conventional bulbs and, therefore, require greater care while being aimed. Similarly, certain striping operations require the operator to operate against live traffic because of clearances. Nighttime closures of two or more lanes on a freeway with three or more lanes of travel in the same direction. Temporary traffic control devices are divided into categories: The condition of temporary traffic control devices should comply with the most current edition of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) publication Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features. The contract item for a temporary flashing beacon system, commonly bid as furnish-each or furnish-lump sum, includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the system. Based on traffic counts, the district traffic operations office determines times for closures and for night work. Obtain required submittals for the systems in accordance with Section 87-14 Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, of the Standard Specifications. Consider separating pedestrian movements from both job site activity and vehicular traffic. Consult your district COZEEP coordinator for a current estimate of hourly and mileage COZEEP cost. A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or ends within a larger project's limits. Within 45 calendar days of receipt of the invoice, the district COZEEP coordinator reviews and approves the summary and submits it for payment to the Caltrans Division of Accounting, which uses it as the receiving record for payment. An inevitable degree of mismatch between the old and new surfaces creates a slight discontinuity that may cause a car to lurch or swerve. The contractor is responsible for accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone whenever the work disrupts pedestrian facilities. Verify that the contractor has all components on hand before setting up any traffic control system and that all components meet the specifications requirements. A contractors failure to perform is cause to suspend work. The invoice backup will include the COZEEP service summary and copies of cancellation notices. PDF 2010 Standard Plan T10 Lane Closure With Partial Shoulder Use Caltrans or the contractor prepares plans to provide unobstructed roadways. During daylight operations, the vehicles facing oncoming traffic should have their headlights and their flashing amber lights turned on at all times. In the transition, if physically possible, give the driver at least the same effective traversable roadway widthand preferably moreas on the approach roadway. Scheduled Road Closures and Traffic Controls - San Diego County, California Initiate and obtain CHP sign-off of Form CEM-2101, COZEEP Daily Report. At the end of each day, report to the district COZEEP coordinator the COZEEP services used during that week. Confirm that changeable message signs, highway advisory radio, and other media tools provide accurate and timely information to motorists regarding closure times. Message Signs Verify the contractor conducts a meeting with all involved parties to discuss the operation of the impact attenuator vehicle. Confirm the contractors employee uses the assigned user identification to submit the closure requests in the Lane Closure System (LCS). Verify the required signs are placed during the cleaning and painting activities and removed at the end of each work shift. Emerald Grove Ave from Riverview Av to End of County Maintained Road. Take the following steps before work begins: Discuss any flagging operation with the contractor before the operation begins. Require at all times the presence on the job of personnel representing the contractor who are capable of and empowered to make decisions quickly if the need arises. File completed ADA compliance reports in Category 23, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the project files. If the blunt end is within 8 feet, appropriate approved crash cushion protection other than sand filled modules should be provided. Scheduled Times: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Expected Delay from Traffic Control due to Road Closure. Do not allow the contractor to mix different types of temporary traffic control devices on the same alignment. The Transportation Management Plan Guidelines describe the roles and responsibilities of the construction traffic manager who works in cooperation with the CSC. Timelines for the contractor and the engineer to meet at the job site, review progress, and forecast when work will be stopped to open the lane, shoulder, ramp, or route to the public. Maintaining such closures is a full-time assignment, and the assigned worker should have no other duty. 555 were here. Confirm the contractor places portable flashing beacons according to the plans and removes them from the traveled way at the end of each nights work. As a last resort, the state representative has authority to stop the contractors operation, wholly or in part, or take appropriate action when public safety is jeopardized. Ideally, the assistant resident engineer should be able to communicate directly with the contractors maintenance person by radio or cell phone. Work zone activities can disrupt the publics mobility and access. Task orders must specify by date, time, and location when a service is needed. The cross slope must be no greater than 1:50 (2 percent) and the running slope no greater than 1:20 (5 percent). The CHP has 5 working days to notify Caltrans if the actual travel time, mileage, or both, are greater than the allowances estimated on the daily report. Verify that the contractor has assigned a dedicated person to full time maintenance of traffic control as required by the. Caltrans contracts, procedures, and guidelines form the basis for traffic-control measures throughout its construction projects and establish a baseline for operations statewide. 1-800-427-7623 for current highway conditions. Show the design of the temporary roadway, including pedestrian and bicycle facilities, in the traffic control plan. Call (805) 781-5252 | Caltrans Road Information | Open LIST in New Tab | Open MAP in New Tab PLEASE REMEMBER TO SLOW DOWN WHEN DRIVING THROUGH WORK ZONES AND ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME WHEN TRAVELING THROUGH THE AFFECTED AREA List of Road Closures - Open List in New Tab District Construction should request an impact study for proposed prolonged ramp closures not formally considered in the planning or design phase. Construction activities such as night paving may be a deciding factor when the operation requires a large number of trucks into and out of the work area. For temporary pedestrian facilities, do the following:, Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 2-204B State Representative on Projects Administered by Others, 2-204C District Construction Safety Coordinator, 2-205 Guidelines for Traffic Control Plans, 2-206G Surfacing MaterialsColor and Texture, 2-212 Keeping the Roadway Clear and Clean, 2-214C (4) Construction Engineers, Resident Engineers, and Construction Inspectors, 2-215 Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, 2-215A (1) Estimating COZEEP Funding Requirements, 2-216B Requirements of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. During the term of the contract, the CHP may increase or decrease the rates shown in the contract by notifying the Caltrans statewide contract managers, who will notify the district coordinators. Motorists who are forewarned of construction conditions may be more tolerant of delay and inconvenience and probably will be more alert and responsive to work zone traffic control. To protect the highway during construction, improvement, or maintenance operations. In addition, it is recommended that Construction field staff take the online training every 3 years as a refresher. Caltrans District 7 (@CaltransDist7) / Twitter Removal of the traffic control systemRemove all workers and equipment from the roadway. Verify the contractor provides overhead covering, overhead lighting, or both when required. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5 inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. Include these considerations for conditions requiring minor changes in the field: The following guidelines apply to crossover transitions: For temporary modifications of existing ramps, review acceleration and deceleration lanes. Obtain the information of trained contractor representatives, including whether they will be requesting or providing a status of closures, or both. Verify the crash cushion array is in place before opening traffic lanes adjacent to the protected obstacle. Chapter 2: Safety and Traffic, Section 2: Traffic | Caltrans Form CEM-2303, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Sidewalk Detour Inspection Report, may be used by the engineer and the contractor to report weekly inspections if the temporary pedestrian access route is provided using an existing pedestrian route. Category 2 devices include barricades and portable sign supports. 8 CCR 1599, Flaggers, requires illuminating flagger stations during the hours of darkness and lighting should be in compliance with 8 CCR 1523, Illumination, for nighttime highway construction. Dirt is not an acceptable surface. Administration of traffic control may be delegated to another person assigned to the project. The selected speed should be what a driver exercising due care would drive in normal conditions of light and weather. Consult with your CSC, construction traffic manager, and DTM to discuss 24-hour-a-day speed reductions. It is an enhancement tool for construction zones and is not intended as a replacement for other temporary traffic control measures. Verify that automated work zone information systems comply with the general system functionality, motorist information messages, system communications, traffic data acquisition, and user interface specification requirements. Verify temporary or permanent pavement delineation is in place before opening the traveled way to traffic. Any activity requiring a full roadway closure, Rapid-strength concrete operations, including concrete slab replacement, Roadway excavations that encroach on the traveled way and are not protected by K-rail, Cold planing hot mix asphalt for depths of 2 inches or greater, Asphalt or concrete pavement sealing operations, Placement of reinforcing steel or structural members, Falsework erection or removal, including adjustments. Review Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications. Caltrans. The contractor should develop a plan for handling emergencies and emergency vehicles in the control zone. Notify the district transportation management center when unforeseen traffic delays result from planned work. Avoid placing entering transitions on or just beyond horizontal curves or the crest of a summit vertical. Refer to the Oversight Resident Engineer Guidelines, Sections 3.2.2(d), Safety, and 5.2.1, Encroachment Permit, for further guidance. The statewide master agreement for COZEEP requires that all Caltrans requests for support be received by the supporting CHP area office during normal working hours and at least 72 hours before the time needed. Check pallet heights when used. When crossovers require the removal of median barriers or protective devices, review conditions and, where possible, maintain the integrity of the remaining portions of the devices. Capital projectsif insufficient funds are available in both supplemental work funds and contingency funds, propose a fund request. Then remove the devices and signs in the reverse order of placement. If the portable signal system is out of operation, the contractor must provide flaggers to control the traffic until the traffic signals are in operation. The California MUTCD Part 6 contains figures that can be adapted for traffic-handling plans.
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