google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; Surely someone out there has enough influence on some high level executive at Kraft Foods to reintroduce this extraordinary cookie!!! Once I tried to carefully dig out the peanut butter then eat the cookie. Nabisco Chocolate Snaps Cookies by: Rico Hatcher recipient: Nabisco Company If you fell in love with the Nabisco Chocolate Snap cookies in the 70's and 80's, then sign this petition. There is a Facebook page called Bring Back The Ideal Bar! )which got me thinking again about the best cookie ever, IDEAL! This news is very sad. Please, Nabiscobring them back. Nabisco Cookies. . Nabisco/YouTube. Every once in a while my brother & I will talk about them. But no kidding -Nothing can substitute for Ideals. I used to love Ideal Bars: there was a certain salty sweet inside "crunch", and the way the outside chocolate used to melt, so you had to eat it faster, especially in the summer! At family gatherings we still all long for these fabulous cookies. I hadn't thought about them in years until about a month ago I purchased a bag of the miniature reeses peanut butter cups that now come in milk and dark chocolate. I, TOO, LOVED Ideal Bars growing up and into adulthood. Still not quite the same.all time faveoriate cookie ever - even better than Mallowmars! Nabisco PLEASE bring them back!!! - Touche, old man! My god we are all correct best damn cookie ever made. Oh how I loved these cookies! Through the years I told so many people that my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE BOUGHT COOKIE was Nabisco's Ideal cookies. Too bad Nabisco/Mondel. My mom always kept a package in the house. I found that the peanut butter Twix is similar, but these are hard to find. I too loved these wonderful cookies. The Oreo is a cookie that embraces contradictions, wrote architecture critic Paul Golderberger. These cookies were the source of numerous battles in my house. to see if I can find these cookies. If a petition is started., I will sign. My mother bought the Ideal peanut butter bars for my father (I don't know why he was allowed to hog them). these cookies were great and my mom favorites i wish they would make them again there is not many sweets she can each but i know she would it them again and give up other sweets please bring them back. I would love Nabisco to bring this delicious chocolate delightful cookie back! The reason the taste of those cookies is still memorable to so many people is simplethe high salt content of the peanut butter and the quality of the dark chocolate they used was a terrific combination. He was amazed that I knew what he was asking. Gastro Obscura covers the worlds most wondrous food and drink. The cookie aisles at the grocery store today are VERY dull and limited in what is offered for sale. The best ever cookie. Ideal Chocolate Peanut Bars -- oh man do I miss those. thanks to all for the great memories & hope! Under the Jewish dietary laws of kosher, pigs, the source of lard, are a forbidden food. There obviously must have been a quiet, well financed deal made for Nabisco to "bow out" of the competition! I am quite positive that they would fly off of the shelves as long as they have the same original taste, and are as close to the original product in every way as possible. We should all go to and start a write in campaign to resurrect them! It seemed to make the enjoyment last longer. These cookies were the best - my favorite childhood cookie. I USED TO GET THE IDEAL COOKIES FROM MY PARENTS AS A GIFT. They were expensive in the 70;s and our family had tight money, but we got these. I agree, bring them back. There is a Facebook on bring back the ideal cookie .someone said they talked to nabisco and they said they would consider it if enough people pushed for them back. Apparently they were well loved and a very popular cookie. But the cookies design, which was initially sold with an exotic English biscuit twist, was pretty interesting for its era: With an industrial press from a mold, the cookie took on the look of a flower. It was the absolute best. Nabisco has been making Teddy Grahams since 1988, according to The Retro Network.Almost immediately after debuting, the sweet treats became staples in kids' lunch boxes and a favorite after-school snack. Very similar to my memory of the Ideal Peanut Butter bars but not made as well. As a kid in the 60's, nothing was better than some Ideal Peanut Butter Logs and a glass of really cold milk. I love the taste of peanut butter and chocolate and the IEDAL cookies are the reason why. Still crave them . The best cookie of the 60s and 70s. google_color_border = "E7F0EB"; It seems like the best things are often inexplicably taken away or discontinued. My brother Tate and I have been searching for them for years and I was not aware that they were discontinued. Ideal Barks popped into my mind last week and I asked my husband to look for them at the store. Nabisco needs to GET RID of all the OREO and Chips Ahoy varieties, and bring REAL diversity back to the cookie aisle.The text of the email is as follows: I know of 4 cookies you need to bring BACK!!!!! The last time I remember seeing them in the store was in the mid/late 70's. Nabisco, the maker of Oreo cookies and other treats, said its NJ plant's approximate 600 workers have either retired, transferred or were looking for other jobs. When I met my husband 25 years ago his favorite thing was an Ideal Bar - and to this day when I ask him what he needs from the store, his response is always "Ideal Bars". Too much cookie, not enough fudge and peanut butter. I will buy them out!!! They were his favorite and he used to dole them out like they were going extinctoh, they did!!!!!! the real reason is that it was the perfect cookie. It was my favorite cookie as a child and I've never found one I liked better since. I have tried to find an alternative over the years, to no avail. We lived in Florida and they tended to melt otherwise. Keebler makes a Pretzel bite that is as close as it gets, but still not Ideal!!!!!! I sure do wish they would bring them back, even if it was just for a trial period. I miss those doggone ideal bars!!!! DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYONE FROM NABISCO THAT COULD STRT THESE BACK UP? Bring the discontinued cookies I've spoken so passionately for back as a "Classic" or "Vintage" brand. The absolute BEST cookie ever produced on this planet in my lifetime. Very sad when something that evokes such passion is discontinued.. Wow, I thought that I was crazy for still looking for these great dark chocolate covered cookies. They will make tons of $$$ dough on this cookie annually. I would say that I am amazed with how many people remember Ideal cookies but I am not. There was only one store in our little town that carried them. please bring back the ideal cookie--PLEASE-- the closest i have tasted is the tagalong cookie from girlscouts. Missed by everyone in my family and we would give almost anything to have a taste of those wonderful treats. In an even more fundamental fashion, however, the Oreos form leaps across stylistic boundaries.. Those Ideal bars were so great, maybe the top notch ingredients didn't leave them enough profit. Please bring them back! Please come back. It was discontinued after seven years, but we would love to have just one more of these tasty treats. Best sweets I ever ate!!! If I have to bake them myself in order to enjoy them again, I DON'T MIND, because it would be worth the time in the kitchen making them from scratch, by hand!!!!! I would buy them by the case. He's asked me to search a few novelty shops (i.e., Cracker Barrell etc.) I had forgotten about these!! Will have to try another e-mail address. I am glad to see I am not the only Ideal obsessed kook out there. Thought I was the only one who felt this way about Ideal. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. They were much butter than the dry poptarts we are forced to have as replacements today. I am so disappointed they have discontinued them. I agree I would pay $10 for ideals the only cookie i liked. ideal cookies were the absolute best! Press gently with palm of hand to flatten slightly. PLEASE bring this cookie back. Nabisco, please bring them back!!! But the shift wasnt enough; in 2001, Kelloggs had bought the Keebler brand, putting Hydrox under yet another corporate owner, and by 2003, it had stopped selling Hydrox altogethersans a brief reprieve in 2008 after enough consumers complained that it briefly changed its mind. I will write to Kraft. If a petition would work, let's get one going! We'd save our allowance to buy them and they didn't last more than a half hour once we got them home. I do think it is wise for new management to revisit that decision againlet's hope. bummer. I found this site this morning. Finally, my father started counting them. I'll bet Elvis did too! Dropping them made no sense! please make this cookie again! Nabisco we NEED these cookies! On the way home, I ate just as many as where missing and put them back on the shelf. Yes!!! Brand history. If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! My dad used to ration them to me and my 3 siblings, otherwise we would eat them all in an hour! I just had a brainstorm on how to get close to that flavor again though! Nabisco cannot continue implying that there is not enough demand for the Ideal cookie. I miss these cookies too! i loved the ideal bars, tagalongs are good, also little debbie has a good one, peanut butter bars almost the exact of the ideal bar, i always wipe that one off the shelf, bring back the ideal bar nabisco. They were my absolute fav cookie and I can almost taste one! I would buy them in a second if they were around, and I have pretty much sworn off all sugar. At the end of their email form, they give a phone number. Get the word out and maybe, just maybe we'll see the BEST cookie resurrected. My sister and I have been wishing the same thing all of you are, Nabisco bring them back, "Little Debbie", put them in all the stores where your snacks are soldLiz. Only much bigger Enjoy! Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. The critical part was having enough peanut butter vs. the cookie and coconut part. Here's a look back - see how many you remember! Please bring them back. They truly were the best cookies ever. I just got home from the store. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! He was unable to finish his sentance, I replied IDEAL!! Please please PLEASE bring them back! I would gladly pay $10-15.00 for a box. This TEMPLE OF ANSWER that i met on this was my God of savior please contact them now if you are having same problem email is phone number is +2348155425481. I can not remember the name. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. Please bring them back Nabisco!!!! For one matter, the peanut butter in Twix is way too sweet - and they have milk chocolate instead of a "fudgy" dark chocolate. Mom would hide them in the refrigerator, but I always found them. I have eaten many packages of these with a quart of milk. Rollover, play dead, and beg they said. - Bring them back, you knuckle-heads! I still remember them and I'm going to write to Nabisco/Kraft asking them to bring them back! (Making matters worse: 1998 was the first year that Oreo itself went kosher for the first time.). I was surprised to find out how many other people loved those cookies as much as I did. I MISS THEM TO THIS DAY!!! Please Nabisco bring back the Ideal cookie, Check this out. Well, put it this way: Nilla wafers have an estimated annual growth rate of 45.8%, according to Tastewise. Bring 'em back Nabisco!!!!!! Please Nabisco give us an answer!!!! They used to not be in the stores during the summer months but come fall they would be back on the shelves in Texas and I LOVED them! This was a huge part of my childhood and teen years for my siblings and parents. Submit a link to more information about Ideal Cookies. They usually were gone during the drive home from the grocery store to the house. Ideal is a legend in its own time. Please bring them back. Please, Please make them again!!!! I believe that is why they discontinued them. I can see the package and taste those things right now. My sister and I would walk to the corner grocery store at my grandmas. Ideal coolies will never be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to have experience a different kind of taste of cookie. Pilot bread has since been discontinued. I thought I was the only one who missed these cookies. Little Debbie makes something similar, but we need the real ideal back!! Why do they always discontinue a good thing?? My Mom and I ate so many packages of these we should be ashamed! I can even smell them now, I was about 9 then and now I'm 46. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. Probably a good idea they stopped making those. My Mom too kept these hidden as much as possible because we would devour them. WILL YOU PLEASE BRING THEM BACK IF EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME (possibly like the recent "Pepsi Throwback" offering Pepsi did with their original sugar recipe/formula), BUT THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL RECIPE - PLEEEEEESE???!!!!!!!!!!! To date the closest I've seen to this most stupendous but unavailable product is the peanut butter Twix. I have found a cookie bar made by Little Debbie snacks, called peanut butter crunch bars. I have tried to find these cookies and can not find them any where. Golderberger had some thoughts on the Hydrox, too. The chocolate had hardened by the time I ate mine. My brother DeNault asked me just a few years ago what were those cookies? I had forgotten about them until the other day when I had a dark chocolate Reese cup. I recall that from late 60's to late 70's my mom would buy the cheap "kiddie" cookies for us, and Ideal Peanut Butter Bars for herself, which she would keep in the fridge. I love these cookies! They, too, were far superior to ANYTHING available today!!!! Always watching for them at the grocery store. I used to ask for them in my Easter basket and in my Christmas stocking! If someone else beats you to the punch, it's your loss, and our gain. I cant believe what i have found. Great to see all the Love. The real chocolate coating made them a seasonal cookie. I can still taste them. I thought I was the only one who really missed these cookies! Nabisco, you've got to back Ideals!! I've been looking for them for years-I was thinking maybe I just didn't remember the name and that's why I couldn't find them. I concur with every favorable sentiment expressed about these cookies and if someone from Nabisco were to read all of these comments and if a lightbulb were to go on upstairs, they might see the dollar signs written on the wall. Every trip down the cookie isle, I scan every shelf looking for them. No purchase necessary. They were fabulous and I would give anything to have one today. And for those of you who say, Get over it, its only a cookie, you have not lived until you have tasted a Hydrox.. my Daddy just passed away recently @ 86 so these memories are running rampant through my mind. OMG!!!!! NOTHING COMPARES, not even close.Ideal Bars were easily the greatest cookie ever mass produced,SORRY OREO, but its true. The closest thing I found to these are the little Debbie peanut Butter bars that are very simular in shape. But I was really let down. I think about them all the time. My father and I used to sneak the whole package the moment my mother brought them home from the grocery. DON'T cheapen the ingredient deck! I would love to have them again. It would be nice to have something come back from the past to bring back good memories likes this. Maybe we need to start our own petition to Nabisco! I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. Intended to imply hydrogen and oxygenthe two chemicals that make up waterthe result has a more clinical, less roll-off-the-tongue convention to it, and instead evokes hydrogen peroxide, a chemical you probably dont want to drink. Ive been looking for these cookies to magically appear back on the shelves for years! Such a wonderful cookie, I sure wish they would bring them back!! been thinking about these lost cookies for decades now! Layer by Layer: A Mexico City Culinary Adventure, Sacred Granaries, Kasbahs and Feasts in Morocco, Monster of the Month: The Hopkinsville Goblins, Writing the Food Memoir: A Workshop With Gina Rae La Cerva, Reading the Urban Landscape With Annie Novak, How to Grow a Dye Garden With Aaron Sanders Head, Making Scents: Experimental Perfumery With Saskia Wilson-Brown, Indigenous Desserts of Turtle Island With Mariah Gladstone, University of Massachusetts Entomology Collection, The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island, The Paratethys Sea Was the Largest Lake in Earths History, How Communities Are Uncovering Untold Black Histories, The Medieval Thieves Who Used Cats, Apes, and Turtles as Accomplices, Some Cyclists in Omaha Improved a Bike Lane With 120 Plungers, Puzzle Monday: Historical Sammies Crossword, The Underground Cooks of Singapore's Prisons, The Rise and Fall of Alaska's 'Reindeer King', German Lebkuchen Are a Labor of Love With a Centuries-Old History, Show & Tell: Inside a House of Hot Sauce With Vic Clinco, The Secret to China's Bounciest Meatballs, Hawaiis Native-Language Newspaper Archive, 'Discovering' Mexico's Monarch Butterfly Migration, The Real Story Behind George Washington's Dentures, See the Mysterious Horned Helmet of Henry VIII. Get them home intact, if possible, refrigerate or freeze, get a glass of ice cold milk, or fresh brewed tea, and eat, a little touch of Heaven! With all of the 'retro' trends these days in fashion and automobiles (love the new Camaro!) I've been telling my husband about these for a while now. I am emclosing the text of the email. I also would like to see them brought back. I had no idea there were so many Ideal Bar fans out there. They've become extinct. I'm sure that each Ideal cookie produced will be picked up at the factory by those of us who are in love with them. I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! When I revisted Cali they didn't have any as well. I miss you Ideal cookies. They were a tart, refreshing treat in the hot summer desert heat of Las Vegas. Nabisco, come on, look at all the sales here. You know that maybe they hadn't really existed. And they completely disintegrate in your hand when you take a bite! won't give an experimental 6-month return of the IDEAL BARS. They are the B E S T Cookie and if Nabisco doesn't want to make them anymore, then someone needs to reintroduce them. Nothing compares. As a holiday ritual, my brother Steve and I used to sneak away early from family dinners and drive to the local WaWa grocery store to buy Ideal cookies. Surely we can get a comeback?? I remember the ideal bar as a kid and a quick snack when traveling across the nation or mom packing them in our lunch. Nabisco are you listening? Well once upon a time my Mom bought these cookies and I faked being sick to stay home from school so I could find where she hid them. OMIGOSH!!!! Oreo Big Stuf was introduced in 1984 and was about 10 times the size of a traditional Oreo. I think the last Ideal Bar I bought was in the early 90's in California. They were such a treat and bring back such fond childhood memories! Stay tuned for Chapter Two: The First Bite. and Cheese Nips. As the others have said I can't believe that we all have been craving Ideal Peanut Butter Logs. And if Nabisco is too stupid to bring back the bars, then head to Trader Joe's! I was thinking about these cookies today and found all your comments. When I first saw Little Debbie's version I couldn't believe it. I too have longed for these Ideal cookie bars. One time my sister's boyfriend was over and things were a bit tense. mmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMMM!!!!! Well, considering that disputes about the sandwich cookie and its origins are still going on to this day, the answer is yes. Once this decision is made, we stop making the product and the remaining supply is shipped from our warehouse to the grocery stores. They were so good. Sorry, Belinda, Peanut Butter Twix is not even close! It was on the very top shelf. I kind of make a substitute with Ritz crackers, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. I've thought about them for years and could not understand why they are no longer available, OMG!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. I also had sent Nabisco a email to bring them back, but alas not yet. I'm so glad that there are others out there.I still can taste them in my dreams! I can still taste them. Long story short, it was a weird name for a cookie. Do anyone remember the cookie back in the 1970's shaped liked a little feet with pink icing on it. Man I loved those things. I have wanted these cookies for decades. Bring em back at any cost Nabisco we will pay any ransom. I think I crave them everyday, I believe I was an Ideal junkie as a child!I was so glad to find a support group! Best cookie EVAH! My sisters and I loved them and ordering GS Tagalongs reminds us every year that they've disappeared. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. I miss Lemon Coolers and My Dad Harold Hourihan more! There is nothing close to them. I agree with everybody on this page. A few years back when Nabisco told me that they were discontinued, I was crushed. Hacked recipe available? If someone starts a petition or figures out were/how to contact Nabisco I know many people who would sign or write or call. Wish me luck. I remember his yelling about the peanut butter bars, and I would feign ignorance. they we're the best cookie ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. Visit a sweet shop selling one of the first candies ever made and sold in America. Even though I feel cookies made from scratch using the finest ingredients can't be beat. If this cookie comes back with the same quailty as before, I'll will always buy this cookie! I suggest we all keep contacting them. PLEASE! Maybe it will be a slow day and they might make a story of these great cookies and all the devote followers craving their return.. Perhaps this way Nabisco might open their eyes. If Nabisco won't do it I wish they would sell the recipe to Keebler, they have some really good products. They were very good/, So there's no way to get these anymore then? THE best cookie ever. Quit messing with your customers Nabisco or whoever owns you now in 2019. Weird how so many people miss it like I do. They are both treasured cookies. Oh what i wouldn't give for an Ideal cookie! ;-) THANKS. I thought I was the only one who did that - not anymore after reading these comments. I had often wondered what happened to Ideal Bars. Sounds like this cookie has a "Cult" followingha! My wife and I were just talking about the magical flavor that these cookies had. BRING THEM BACK. Ideal bars were the best cookies ever made! Then about seven years ago I found Little Debbies Peanut Bars and a 30 year void in my life has been lifted. I would reach into the long, rectangular box; the bars would be cold to the touch, yet even at first contact my chubby hands would leave tell-tale fingerprints on the cookies I touched. It was a chocolate cookie, shaped like a donut, with a big marshmellow on it, covered in dark rich chocolate. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! I want to recreate them with a recipe contest! I seem to remember the stores being out of them during the hot months, then one day they would appear on the shelf and for the next few months I couldnt get enough of them. I was looking up pinwheel cookies and came across Ideal. I still look for IDEAl cookies in the grocery store - hoping by some miracle they would be there. I can't go in to the cookie isle without looking for them. Please, Nabisco, bring them back! I kept thinking that it reminded me of something, then finally I remembered these cookies. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; I still look for these cookies when I go in the grocery store hoping they will magically appear. Really? I don't ever remember having them but it sounds like they were very tasty. The Little Debbie things are similar but nowhere close to as good. The assortment packs included several types of cookies and were marketed for families or parties because of the variety they offered. Peanut butter, chocolate and that delicious chocolate. Or give it to the Girl Scouys. Its comforting knowing my insanity has friends. Well do you know I went right back up to that shelf and proceded to eat the rest of them. Along with that - bring back pudding pops! They were even better cold. We hid them in the frige and I can still taste the creamy, fresh peanut butter. The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . I have been craving them for years. I loved these Ideal Peanut Butter Bars tooooo much! I can still taste them and remember the orange and clear cellophane package. There are some cookies called Nutter Butter, if you melt some semi-sweet chocolate chips and dip these cookies in the chocolate, it comes fairly close to the Ideal cookie. I sooo love these cookies!! I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. If Nabisco R & D folks actually took the time to read these comments, they just might realize they could make a product that would put the "Peanut Butter" cup in the trash forever. I looked forward to autumn when they would reappear at Thriftway supermarket. We need to all call Nabisco! Yes, that has been over 30 yrs ago. If you got a package that didn't have enough PB, they were almost tasteless. I would occasionally take an entire bag (I could not take one from the bag, so a whole bag was required). I remember these well, I too have discussed with Nabisco about getting these back on the shelf,but no I have to make do with my home made peanutbutter chocolate bars pretty good but not an Ideal bar. We used to buy those cookies and count them out so that everyone got an equal number. But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? Ya Gotta bring EM back they are the true IDEAL snack of all time!!! I need one for myself!). They were so wonderful!! Corporations have the rights of an individual but not the soul of one. We have so many fancy specialty items available (specialty beers; wines; whiskeys; cheeses; music; tuna; ice cream (Ben & Jerry's); candy; etc.) My mother would stop me though. There was just one problem. :}, P.S. After 30 years of no Ideal ccokies they musthave been to good for us m ere mortals. I still hunt for them from time to time. I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! Not like any other cookie . My dad used to get at least to boxes of these one for himself and another for the kids. they were and are my favorite cookies,no other peanut butter cookie bar comes close, silly me I thought I was the only one missing them. Its an idea, and it might be similar. 2023 Atlas Obscura. After dinner, I couldn't eat much, but I even got to share some more Ideal cookies with my Mom and this is where my life of food-crime began. I have been trying to remember the name of this candy bar for yearsI was talking to my mother tonight ( 85 years old) and was reminiscing about the clark bar type of cookie I used to crave.the name Ideal name came to my mind..I googled it and Here I am !! the little Debbie ones don't even come close .Please bring back the ideal. Perfect. They would be a big hit! Please, Please bring them back. They had good tasteu could not just eat one. The truth was a bit more complicated, however. Seriously. Unfortunately the quality from Nabisco was not consistent. I LOVED these cookies. Giggles were shortbread cookies filled with fudge and vanilla cream, like an Oreo. "The levels of lead found in Nabisco's Ginger Snap cookies posed a serious health threat, potentially impacting the brain development of our children," said California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris in a press release quoted in Consumer Affairs. PLEASE!!!!! Anyone know of a recipe to make them at home? I would really like my daughter Keira, who is a chocolate fanatic, to enjoy the delectable Ideal bar. Why Nabisco why??? The Streett Family. Things like fundamental goodness or being a beloved brand doesnt mater to a corporation; even if its name is Nabisco. yes bring back the ideal cookie bar!
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