Giuseppe, hearing Katherine collapse, entered Stefan's room. In Homecoming, Stefan participates in the plan to kill Klaus, luring him to Mystic Falls by saying that Mikael is dead (in fact he was dead as Elena daggered him so Stefan could inform Klaus of this and not have Klaus' compulsion stop him from lying.) He asks if Jeremy is interested in making Elena human again and he agrees, following Stefan deeper into the cellar to reveal the fugitive who is tied up and in transition. Unlike Damon, who drinks human blood and feeds off of innocent people, Stefan has chosen a vegetarian diet, living on an animal blood diet. Stefan goes to where all Klaus' family members coffins are held, and almost opens one before Rebekah comes in. Being a doppelgnger, Stefan's blood is used for a spell by the Travelers in order to resurrect their leader, Markos. She mentions that he cares about killing Klaus more than anything and Stefan says she's not wrong, though he has a conflicted look in his expression. Katherine teases Rebekah by saying that she doesn't understand why she wants the cure, because when she turns back to being human all her enemies will come looking for her and will want vengeance. He instead let him off with a warning, staked him, but missed the heart on purpose. He dated a human, Callie Gallagher, as he tried to free Damon from Callie's father's imprisonment. Zach Salvatore had a girlfriend who was pregnant with their daughter at the time, and because Damon is Damon, he killed Zach's girlfriend and nearly killed their unborn child (but Stefan intervened and managed to save the baby). They go to Shane's office and try to find the headstone and Rebekah comes across some "herbs" and suggests that they have fun. They fill it with gas while they talk. When Stefan lets his blood lust take over, (this was because unlike his older brother Damon, Stefan never learned how to control, his thirst for human blood), he often shuts off his humanity and his emotions to block out his suffering, guilt and pain. For them, she gave her blood to Kai. Sheriff Forbes surprises Caroline at Whitmore and brought all of her favorite Christmas things. He goes outside and stops her. Forest Green Rebekah then moves onto finding out about the cure, and Stefan tells her where they can find Professor Shane. They share a romantic moment as they kiss and watch the sunrise together. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. He goes into a bar where supernatural people can stay and no magic can reach inside. Stefan had also asked half-jokingly once entering the Salvatore tomb if there was anyone he didn't kill in their family. His best friend Lexi often brought out the more fun, light-hearted, playful side of Stefan's personality. Episode Count Stefan's Diaries is a trilogy of novels based and written according to the TV series version of the Vampire Diaries. Her try at negotiating fails, and Stefan reveals himself after Connor begins a countdown to shoot Jeremy. Rebekah however knows what the Salvatore brother wants and she gives him the dagger herself. Whatever was inside is gone now. When Lexi returns from The Other Side, she enjoys her time with Stefan and talks to him about moving on from Elena and how he will find someone else. He then sets out to redeem himself for his past actions and succeeds by killing Cade. Damon, however, understands her intentions and says that it was exactly what he used to do. Stefan responds saying, "She is a pretty special girl" and Damon agrees. When Caroline asks what is happening between Elena and Stefan, he tells her that maybe this car trip would be good way to find out how Elena truly feels. First seen They're fine. In the season four finale, Stefan was heartbroken at Elena's choice, but he also admitted that he was happy for Damon. At the Grill, Lily almost loses control. Damon asks Stefan if he's in love, before seeing that Stefan isn't because is he was in love wouldn't need to ask Damon about it, then advises him to bail now before Caroline gets hurt, just not today, "give her today". He wants to celebrate her first feed, but Elena is less enthusiastic, reminding him that it kind of made her sick. Stefan then looks down to realize his hand shaking. Lily gives her 'family' as speech that the bloodshed ends now. He searched for his gunshot wound but found he had been healed, and noticed that he was a wearing an unfamiliar, large silver ring, with a deep blue stone and the Salvatore family crest with the letter 'S' on it. Stefan also begins to develop feelings and a relationship with Caroline but things go awry when her mother is diagnosed with inoperable cancer and dies, causing Caroline to turn her humanity off and forces Stefan to do the same by kidnapping Sarah and threatening to have her killed due to Stefan being Caroline's "humanity trigger". They decide to kill the doppelgnger in Atlanta so Stefan can live, since it's revealed that there can only be two living. But the Family was later killed by an enemy they were not aware of. They talk about Valerie and the secrets she kept from both of them. One of the most heroic, selfless acts Stefan has ever committed is to give up his entire life in Mystic Falls, including his values, morals, and his devotion to his own humanity in order to save the life of his beloved brother (Damon) when he was dying from a fatal werewolf bite. He is one of the main characters and male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. In the same moment Matt also comes and when he sees his friend dead he starts to cry. Caroline says that Klaus should care now because he has killed many supernatural beings including vampires, werewolves and witches. And he responds that she should be scared because he knows how deep down she can fall and how difficult it is to climb back out. This caused him to display clear differences from who he was with memories albeit briefly. After they leave, the room is tense as Elena tries to approach Stefan to talk about what has happened. Stefan was very close to his older brother Damon growing up. His mother comes with Damon to the grill where she says her story and Stefan turns his humanity back on. Elena reveals that she never stopped loving him but Stefan seems troubled at the notion that she has feelings for Damon. Elena observes that Stefan is awfully cheery, and he responds that he's just happy she is here. Stefan responds that he knows that but he doesn't want to be the one to break it to her, at least not until Bonnie is safe and Damon comes back to use the sire bond and convince her that everything is going to be okay. Lexi found Stefan, now back to his ripper ways in April 1922 before getting him off human blood around 1935. Finally, Stefan snaps his neck. Later they go to the Mystic Falls Cemetery for the traditional Remembrance Day to honor the dead. They continue to walk around the fair grounds, getting to know each other. He was best friends with Lexi Branson until her death (now reunited in death), and eventually became best friends and married to Caroline Forbes. When Elena reminisced about their relationship to jog his memories, he even declared she made his bloodlust fade and he could understand why he felt different around her. When Stefan tries to charge him, Enzo snaps his neck easily. He had a moment of weakness, that is his thing-like them falling for the same girl-that was their thing. After being picked up by the Traveler that freed them, the trio head back to Mystic Falls in her car, Maria tells them that It was too risky to haul them out of there for herself, so she had to circle back. Outside, Stefan calls out Damon's name, and the hunter, Connor, gets away in his truck. Stefan tells her that he did not tell her the truth not because he distrusts her and to make her feel better tells her that there are things that he tells her that he doesn't tell Elena. Stefan says that he can't dagger Rebekah and Elena responds that she knows vampires can't use the dagger and they'll make Matt do it. He grabs Monique and threatens Stefan to tell the truth, however, Enzo ends up killing Monique and Matt is beyond fed up. He steps on the brakes of the car and asks what Beau wants. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. She finds them and finds out that Silas chose to be with Qetsiyah's hand-maiden, Amara, the original doppelgnger of Elena. Klaus' plans are revealed in As I Lay Dying. Beau casts a spell and high frequency noise causes Stefan to fall to his knees. Unlike other vampires, Stefan had also shown the ability to enhance his use of dream manipulation. She hopes a small part of him came back to check on her. Caroline explains that control is the only thing she has left in her life, so her feeling for him will have to wait until the mourning and self-loathing is over. Alaric wants Damon to tell Stefan about the cure. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." Stefan tells her that not yet, but she won't open her eyes again. Caroline suggests that all of them dance together but Elena refuses. At the end of the episode, Stefan goes to Rebekah and she explains that she didn't dagger Kol because he threatened to kill her. Stefan then goes and helps Caroline pack up her house and then goes and packs up the grill. She says that it was the worst day of her life, and that Damon told her it was all her fault and that she deserves it. After that Stefan calls Klaus to come to the Salvatore boarding house where the original hybrid meets with Caroline and starts pissing her off. Outside, Stefan demands to know what Klaus knows about Elena's hallucinations. Damon mentions that in October 1852, he broke Stefan's nose trying to teach him how to throw a right hook. The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries) - Wikipedia Instead of striking her, the front end of the car completely smashes in on itself, just as it would in a car crash, Maria dies on the act. Caroline says that they can't compel them to leave because the locals are on vervain from the water supply and she asks what should they do. When they say nothing, Stefan gets impatient and asks them to get to the point. Matt ask what's going on and Stefan says The spell unravels the witch magic and that it's spreading and without the magic, that he is just someone who was shot by his dad, Matt tells them to lets keep running. In The Return, Stefan arrived at Elena's house and examined Jeremy, confirming that he wasn't a vampire. He points out that Caroline is good at being a vampire, and she insists that it's because Stefan helped her when she first turned. However, on the show, Stefan only loved Katherine before finding out that she was a vampire and before she had betrayed himself and Damon. She asks Stefan why he's inflicting so much pain on himself for such a hateful person. Stefan nods and begins to cry. Finally Rebekah tells them where Elena has went because Stefan reminds her that anything happens to Elena she has no chance of finding the cure. This episodes exhibits more growth for Stefan as he apologizes to Bonnie and tries to comfort Caroline and Tyler. Caroline compels Ivy and takes her upstairs as Enzo calls Stefan a coward and they throw each other around the kitchen. Stefan is highly sentimental and likes to keep objects and souvenirs from his past as memories. This is when Katherine had first seen Stefan and described that she was instantly drawn to him and attracted to him. Stefan and Elena kiss, but are interrupted by a phone call from Damon. Stefan retorts that he never asked her for it and he doesn't really care what she does. After a while comes Elena but Stefan can't remember her, then Stefan disappears, Damon and Elena are worried about him. Supernatural information He then chants a spell making himself disappear. In Death and the Maiden, Stefan's having a dream about how Silas stabbed him and put him in the safe. Stefan responds that this is the second time Damon had tried to kill Jeremy so nobody's perfect, to which Elena asks him if he's trying to punish her, because she doesn't know how many times she can apologize. Stefan is concerned that if they do that Klaus and Rebekah will go after them and Elena responds that in this case Stefan will use the dagger on the original sister and Bonnie will be able to deal with Klaus. They then planned a course of action to get around the guards who were on watch for the vampires, and eventually made it to the cage where Katherine was being held captive. They get into a fight and say some pretty ugly stuff to each other until the Salvatore brothers come and prevent Elena from killing her best friend. They hide when two young men walk out of Tripp's vampire torture shed. He immediately recognizes her and calls her his best friend and that she looks much hotter than the pictures. Stefan then saw Elena Gilbert for the first time while rescuing her after her parents' car drove off Wickery Bridge. They are fiddling while walking, Stefan tries to speed off using his vampire abilities, but he hardly gets a few feet before his ability stops working, Elena say that it was funnier the first time. Then, he tells Caroline about Nora and Mary Louise's threat and they come up with a plan to distract them while Damon tries to figure out a way to bring back Oscar. Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries | CharacTour Upon the discovery of what he was, Stefan expressed confusion over not feeding on people and failed to see what was wrong with it, as going as far to say since he was a vampire he should act like one. Stefan, at this point, shows just how far he has fallen. The brothers try to persuade her not to do it but she refuses to listen to them so she sets everything on fire. Waiting for me, challenging me to fight back to stop him. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. Stefan is on the phone with Caroline, telling her that he was still in Mystic Falls, and that he'll make up for missing their date.
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