The problems start to appear once you try to go off consistently with Food Chain. Complete Comment Tutorial! All original content on this page is 2012-2023 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. Attention! Feeds | This site 2023, LLC Exploration - I enjoy playing lands so much, that I wanted to put down an additional one every turn, especially since I can draw a lot of cards very quickly May replace with Burgeoning. He's fun in the right meta, but a total glass canon. Nature's Claim - Used for disruption since there a lot of artifacts in my meta. Pretty sure competitive RUG rankings go Animar>MW>Riku>Others. Cyclonic Rift - This is quick removal, and if we draw it, a one-sided board wipe. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Like most of you, I think, I began playing Maelstrom Wanderer because I wanted to cast a lot of big, stupid creatures for free, and smash my opponents for as much combat damage to the face as possible. . Being able to wait until the last minute to cast a spell really brings out the Blue player in me, and I have always loved having it down. Copied to clipboard. Playing the best draw spells in our colors just opens our options, same as any other deck. Food Chain - Besides going infinite with Misthollow Griffin and allowing me to cascade through my deck, this allows me to sacrifice my tokens from the Kiki-Conscripts combo to cascade infinitely and also gives me a little bit more mana when I might not have enough lands. Hi everyone! Maelstrom Wanderer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) This collection is out of date, you may click here to see the latest version Maelstrom Wanderer Commander / EDH* RUG (Temur) JarlBigJohnson Acidic Slime 1x 1x Apex Devastator 1x 1x Avenger of Zendikar 1x 1x Balefire Dragon 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x I kept the deck's CMC < 8 to ensure every cascade hits. Wanderer can have several key cards removed (via Praetors Grasp, etc) and still win without a problem. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This was about the time that Khans of Tarkir came out, and I immediately fell in love with the Temur. Keeping people on their toes and making them doubt what they knew about Wanderer made my games almost exceedingly simple. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - Used to slow down opponents and ramp even faster. Barring opponent shenanigans, an end-of-turn Long-Term Plans lets you set up your cascade perfectly, getting you any card you need to finish comboing off. Forums Streets of New Capenna Other Spoilers Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Spoilers Innistrad: Crimson Vow Innistrad: Crimson Vow Commander Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander You can always play the more traditional Wanderer build and just ramp for the first few turns; that will still benefit you in the end. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Mystic Confluence - Worst case, I cascade into this, bounce some creatures or draw more cards. Riku is expensive, has no protection, dies to a stiff breeze, and doesn't do anything until you cast something else. Just need that one artifact gone? See what removal you can dig for. Xenagos, the Reveler - Xenagos comes with a bit of built in protection, plus he helps ramp, which is great when your commander is an eight drop. These are pretty typical, but for reference: Tooth and Nail: If unanswered, will win you the game. The goal is to cast your commander ASAP. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Maelstrom Wanderer Commander EDH Deck *CASCADE* - Magic MTG Ready-to-Play Custom at the best online prices at eBay! More Casual Feedback More Competitive . Essentially I use Maelstrom as a finisher rather than the focus. Sylvan Library, Frantic Search, and Brainstorm type cards all act to expose more of our library. How can he hold against other competitive commanders? Vexing Shusher - Can be used as a political tool, but mostly is used to make sure my stuff doesn't get countered. Infinite nonland permanent bounce, Cast Sublime Epiphany on any target choosing to have an opponent draw a card and clone a creature. So, I actually have quite a bit to add in here. + [[Tibalts Trickery]] and [[Mana Drain]] refund your spell, while [[Red Elemental Blast]] and [[Pyroblast]] can also destroy blue permanents. Let the copied epiphany resolve, having a token of Dualcaster etb. I'm not a huge fan of that tier list because it ranks commanders based on the commander itself. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. 2.1) with infinite mana you get infinite damage with infinite recasts of maelstrom with deadeye (pair/exile) or food chain or temur sabertooth (bouncing) or evolutionary leap (sac) or kiki jiki (legendary rule), flameshadow conjuring and infinite hasty palinchron tokens, 2.2) tooth and nail combo: deadeye and palinchron for infinite mana and infinite recasts of maelstrom, 3) Eternal Witness or archaeomancer + Time Warp or Temporal Manipulation + Dead Eye Navigator: infinite Turns, 4) food chain and squee: infinite colored mana. Let me know your experiences playing either with or against them. But is it really better than having access to white and Black? Reply . Thanks. This site is unaffiliated. Counterspells in Maelstrom Wanderer are often extremely effective, because who the hell runs counterspells in a Wanderer deck?? Worst case, my opponents pay the tax and I don't get to draw. Current list: See our privacy policy. As more testing and tweaks are made, Ill add additional cut cards here as well; for now, this is the most updated list I have. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Imperial Recruiter: Finds all your utility critters as well as (as usual) half your Kiki/Conscripts combo. Date added: 3 weeks: Last updated: 1 week: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. Long-Term Plans: Actually one of the best cards for Maelstrom Wanderer. Here is my list. Casting cards like Foresight, making my opponents not just read the card, but actively confusing them as to my game plan. Fact or Fiction - I like drawing cards, and I feel I've made that pretty clear here. Other time magic has been cut and I havent looked back since. In its place, I put in competitive EDHs best combos for the colors, and I shifted the focus of the deck from cast Wanderer to find the combo. I certainly CAN recover from losing a tutored-for card, but its a huge liability and often not worth it. Press J to jump to the feed. As such, dont feel bad about using Sylvan Library to full effect, drawing three cards a turn. lol. Youre not particularly ramping into anything - youre not trying to hit Wanderer mana as soon as possible - but the value it can give you if you start chaining dudes together is undeniable. Notable card combinations: Misthollow Griffin + Food Chain > Infinite mana and cascades Review. Boom//Bust - This is used to help destroy everyone's lands so that I can slam down my Wanderer and beat everyone to death while they are recovering from the destruction Will eventually be replaced with Wildfire, Cultivate/Kodama's Reach/Explosive Vegetation - These are just generally great ramp cards that help me not miss land drops as well. I started playing Magic during my freshman year and I started EDH the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college. Thanks in advance. Wanderer doesnt care about combat damage, and in fact doesnt even really care about casting your commander at all unless it wins the game that turn. Double Cascade.Sac Wander the last time for GGGGGGGGG. How can he hold against other competitive commanders? Tooth and Nail - Instant Win-Con. A copy is created even if the spell that caused Kalamax's ability to trigger has been countered by the time that ability resolves. This annoying message will go away once you do. My personal information may be used for the purposes defined in the privacy policy. As a backup plan it can still win with commander damage with the likes of xenagos and pathbreaker ibex. Go combo or go home. This site is unaffiliated. With the ramping you did in the first few turns, its entirely possible to have a turn 5, 6 or 7 Oops! Mulligan to answers and counters, not ramp.Weak-as-balls tutors: Lets face it, RUG has probably the worst tutors in the game, short of Mystical and Worldly Tutor. 4.1) and zealous conscripts: 13 - 0 Uncommons. Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts: Kiki/Conscripts create infinite attacking tokens, swinging at each opponent simultaneously for infinite damage. Re-cast Griffin or Wanderer to deal infinite damage to your opponents. It was frustrating to be like every other Wanderer deck out there; it was frustrating to know that my opponents could destroy something like a Grim Monolith, and set me back from any meaningful game plan for several turns. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Does it do what it's supposed to and able to keep it's engine going? > Infinite mana and cascades, Maelstrom Wanderer Nontheless i like your deck and concept and wish you good Luck with it, but it wont compete against "normal" cEDH decks. Only because the Wanderer has two Cascade trigger? Wanderer is strictly a means to an end. Once youve got infinite mana and youre cascading through your library, there are your actual win conditions: Warstorm Surge/Purphoros, God of the Forge + Wanderer/Scourge/Misthollow Griffin: Basically any card that deals damage or does things when your creatures come into play. Combo Wanderer has become one of my best decks, and because people are always expecting a certain sort of playstyle from certain generals, I can win games that often times I had no business winning, even among the competitive generals. Intuition will always, without fail, end up with your tutored card in the graveyard, and youll have to work to get it out of there. The creatures are what make this deck. I'm sorry if this is not your typical primer, I've never done one before, but I enjoy this deck so much and wanted it to have some sort of a primer. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Jodah, Archmage Eternal EdH deck. I will usually not drop Surge unless I have nothing else to do, because it telegraphs my game plan without an effective way to actually END the game. Started in Amsterdam, through Cologne, Blopenz, Rudenheim, Strasbourg and ended in Basel of Switzerland. Im playing this deck for 5-6 years, it has gone through a lot of changes over time, I won 4 out of 5 semi-competitive tournaments in my area and looking here for maybe some ideas for improvement. Azusa, Lost but Seeking - as I said on Exploration, I really like playing additional lands, and when that throws me several turns ahead of my opponents, I won't turn it down. Hopefully putting this primer out there will get some discussion going, and we can find the ultimate list for this build. I am looking for competitive "multiplayer" lists of Maelstrom wanderer. Specific tutors can find you what you need, but of course have RUGs peculiar little twists with them: Bring To Light, Foresight/Manipulate Fate, Gamble, Selective Memory, Impulse, Intuition, Long-Term Plans and Worldly Tutor all either search for specific types of cards, OR have the very strong possibility of screwing you over when theyre supposed to help you. I eventually plan on adding more like Temporal Mastery, Temporal Manipulation and the like, but for now, this is what I have to work with. you have RRUUGGGGGGGGG (13 mana) in pool. You typically cast Maelstrom 4-5 times, getting 8-10 spells for free. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Maelstrom Wanderer is my personal favorite commander and he fits my preferred playstyle as well, so I wanted to do him justice. Press J to jump to the feed. Birds of Paradise - A 1 drop mana dork is nice, and while it is a one of, it never fails to help me win. He would have to have 3-4 ramp cards to hit the board by turn 4, which is quite a stretch compared to something like Tazri FC or Zur Doomsday who don't need as much ramp and are far more consistent. Additionally, our land/artifact ramp comes into play untapped and ready to go, giving us greater ramping abilities, whereas mana dorks require a turn before theyre online. DMCA requests | Contact | Each instance of cascade triggers and resolves separately. This is pretty fun. I was never interested in [[Maelstrom Wanderer]] before but after reading him again and seeing all the big creatures I can cheat out I'm very interested. Regrowth/Noxious Revival/Natures Spiral/Eternal Witness/Skullwinder: Beyond the usual uses of being able to re-use ramp or removal, these cards also allow you to use things like Intuition to great effect, tutoring for one of your combo pieces and immediately pulling it back to your hand; they also allow you to cycle through multiples pieces of your deck as youre infinitely cascading, for instance using Hull Breach to annihilate an opponents entire board (necessary against a stax player) before being able to win. Orcish Lumberjack - Used to squeak out a little bit more mana. You certainly CAN, if you have nothing else to do or want to get in some combat damage.but were not going to be cascading into anything dumb. The only downside is not having Jeleva which is typically your backup plan. This has to be one of the best cards for the deck in the last year or two. Eldritch Evolution: Again, using your creatures to their utmost. OPs looks like a high powered edh deck. Updated Feb 28, 2023 by xequemate using our MTG Deck Builder. Generally you should have enough answers and tutors to put together a general defense, and worse comes to worse, you always have Wanderer himself; a 7/5 can hold its own in combat most of the time, and all it takes is 3 hits. Repeat steps 3-4, with epiphany targeting opponents to draw cards until they draw their decks and loses. 09-Oct -2022. This was one of the first non-combo cards suggested to me, and since I've added it, it has been really helpful. Temur Sabertooth - He bounces Maelstrom Wanderer back to my hand to help me cascade some more, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - besides being the only spell I cannot cascade into, he is mainly there as utility against decking myself or people who are trying to mill me (we have a player like that in my current meta) Eventually will be replaced with Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. Most of my wins come around this time frame. [[Defense of the heart]] leverages a soft lockdown and instant win if played on the right turn. If you hit late game, things have definitely gone awry, but that doesnt mean you cant come back from it. Shaman of Forgotten Ways - Biorhythm on a stick. Ive been a Magic player since 1997; my very first starter deck was Mirage, and the very first rare I ever opened was Phyrexian Dreadnought. Taking an extra turn can really mess up your opponents because it, well, puts you another turn ahead of them. Deadeye Navigator - He goes infinite with Palinchron, he can put our graveyard into our hands with Eternal Witness, and can do some major damage when combined with Purphoros or Warstorm Surge. The most important distinction, for our build of Wanderer however, is this: Were not actually trying to cast Wanderer! Kiki Exarch can go off pretty consistently, since we can tutor for them easily, or for something else that can grab them like Eldritch Evolution. Deck List, He was definitely better with partials but tier 2 sounds about right. The goal is to cast your commander ASAP. My current list and the one Ill be running for Marchesa is here: This looks like a cEDH deck. If you are a resident of California, you have the right under the CCPA to opt out of the sale of personal information to third parties. Spell-wise, we of course run the best 2 mana ramp spells in Farseek, Natures Lore, Three Visits, and Skyshroud Claim. Search Bar. r/EDH My modular . Eternal Witness - In case I need to pull a card back from the grave, this is a nifty little card to use. The win conditions are the same as most other highly competitive decks: Necrotic Ooze Combo, Hermit Druid, and/or Laboratory Maniac. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. The individual strengths of the cards and synergies between them do not put control or power into your hands besides a generic beatdown plan. + Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Wood Elves: Permanent land-ramp is most important so were not impacted by early removal spells. Help | In most builds, your early plan for Wanderer consists of one thing: Ramp. $104. In a true cEDH meta he's not great. EDHREC Home Commanders Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder As Card Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder (Commander) $7.99 $6.71 0.76 TIX 4425 decks (0.202%) Rank #108 Navigation By Theme By Budget All Cheap Expensive Links Aetherhub Archidekt Deckstats Moxfield MTGGoldfish MTGStocks Scryfall Average Type Distribution 5,044 reviews #108 of 1,699 Restaurants in Cologne $$ - $$$ German Bar European. Attention! Gain control of - and untap - Birthing Pod, sacrificing the Archmage for Kiki-Jiki this time. This annoying message will go away once you do! Black gives access to the best tutors and removal in the entire game, and Sidisi herself serves as the combo in the command zone that allows the rest of the deck to do its thing. Kalamax upgrade for Christmas : EDH. Going through cards like [[Kioras Follower]]->[[Pestermite]]->[[Fatestitcher]]->[[Zealous conscripts]]->Unearth Fatestitcher -> kiki Jiki But, Vannifar can make simpler plays like tutoring dockside by killing a bird. Can fetch Purph+Griffin if you already have Food Chain; Kiki+Conscripts to just kill the table, DEN+Palinchron to get infinite mana, or can just search up things like Rec Sage and Glen Elendra Archmage to protect your game plan or destroy something thats stopping you from going off. That can be a pretty powerful jedi mind trick to opponents who dont know what were trying to do. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Duplicant: The standard creature-based exile your dude answer. Open now : 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM. Yeah, this, if left unanswered, ends games. Youre here because you, like me, recognize the true power of the Maelstrom. This also means you can re-use certain cards if necessary - if theyre destroyed, countered, etc. Date added: 3 days: Last updated: 10 hours: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. This is a fantastic resource. Maybe you dropped an early Food Chain that got exiled; maybe somebody hit you with Praetors Grasp and managed to get rid of Deadeye Navigator. There are a lot of infinite combos that circulate around this one card, including helping to activate the Splinter Twin combo, Misthollow Griffin - Used to help cascade through our library when combined with Food Chain. Bring To Light will roundabout tutor for Misthollow (via Manipulate Fate), or one of your creature combos (via Fierce Empath/Imperial Recruiter), but again, no Food Chain. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Code. The Artifacts: As you can see, the artifacts aren't a large chunk of the deck, and are mostly just the standard ramp package. MTGGoldfish, Inc. is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. That spell will resolve before you exile cards for the second cascade ability. My MW deck. Gilded Drake: One of the more undervalued answers in blue, if you want my opinion. This becomes deadly to my opponents if I have any of the Splinter Twin/Food Chain/Palinchron combos out. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. For this reason, your initial mulligan is very important: generally speaking, you dont need to mull into rampyoure going to find it, it will happen, dont worry. Help | This annoying message will go away once you do. This site 2023, LLC Top16. I kept the deck's CMC < 8 to ensure every cascade hits. As long as you understand this Maelstrom is fun to play. It also draws a lot of hate, but you can usually get at least 2-4 cards out of it and it draws a removal spell, so thats something. [[Kiki Jiki]] goes infinite with 3 cards flat out, but can have some other interesting interactions. Rhystic Study - Again, I love drawing, and when I can draw from my opponents either being lazy or casting spells that are too big for them to pay the tax, that's just an added bonus. Not bad whatsoever but OP doesn't seem to be adhering to many of the deck building philosophies of cEDH, Maelstrom wanderer - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)peregrine drake - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)deadeye navigator - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)dockside extortionist - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Kiki Jiki - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Vannifar - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Kioras Follower - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Pestermite - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Fatestitcher - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Zealous conscripts - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Defense of the heart - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Tibalts Trickery - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Mana Drain - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Red Elemental Blast - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Pyroblast - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Deflecting Swat - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Terror of the Peaks - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Gruul Ragebeast - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. This is where this deck is vastly different than most Wanderer builds. Current testing versions of this list are running both Time Warp and Capture of Jingzhou, just to give me a bit of extra reach and another turn to hit a combo; both may be cut for more actual control cards. Complete Comment Tutorial! The only way were going to win is by digging for combo pieces and creative use of tutors. Maelstrom Wanderer: 5.83 tix Creatures (28) 1 Animar, Soul of Elements: 0.45 tix 1 Averna, the Chaos Bloom: 1.66 tix 1 Azusa, Lost but Seeking: 0.26 tix 1 Eternal Witness: 0.11 tix 1 Flamekin Herald: 0.14 tix 1 Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea: 0.08 tix 1 Reclamation Sage: 0.03 tix 1 Shardless Agent: 0.02 tix 1 Somberwald Sage: 0.01 tix 1 Topiary Stomper . Sliver has different pattern of play, I want to try a goodstuff cEDH conception of deck and optimise it as much as possible. Digging for Food Chain? Complete Comment Tutorial! But, it is one of the few free counterspells that I would deem worth it for 3 mana. Also you get black which is black. Edit #1: Updated the list to what I have as of 23-06-2016. Youre not focused on casting Wanderer as fast as possible, youre worried about screwing up Zurs mana base. Not only can you ramp into more land drops via Wood Elves and similar, but Food Chain actually enables you to cast Wanderer several times - upwards of 6 or 7 times - in a single turn, with just one or two creatures on the board. Except..I didnt like that. This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. You now have RRRUUUGGGGGGGGGG (16 mana) in pool.Cast Wanderer for RUGGGGGGGGGG. However, this is a flex slot. If using DEN + Pali, you simple blink him and recast him from the command zone; if Food Chain, you exile it for mana, and again recast him from the command zone. Overall, I'd agree that Wanderer is place pretty solidly in Tier 2. Zealous Conscripts - the final Splinter Twin piece I will talk about, this creature can also help me take entire board states, Now that I've given you a brief description of each card in the deck and what they do, here are the primary combos, Kiki-Conscripts: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts - This is the original combo I built the deck around, Infinite Mana: Palinchron + DEN or Food Chain + Misthollow Griffin/Kiki-Conscripts Combo - Helps me cascade through my deck or cast any spell I want. Cards . Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. Were not trying to abuse Wanderers ability to drop a Consecrated Sphinx and a Time Warp on the same turn. Often, if youve gotten to the late game, something has generally gone wrong. The Instants: You will notice that I do run some counterspells in this deck, and that is because most of them double up into either allowing me to cascade more, or causing my opponents to have board state problems. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Maelstrom Wanderer EDH: GrowingPaynes - -74 tix: $ 394: 2023-02-05: Maelstrom Wanderer: Zylozs - -115 tix: $ 3,462: 2023-02-04: Cascade 2. . So you can see how, even with nothing else going on with the board, if youve dropped a few dudes and Food Chain, you can generate some insane value and possibly just win from there. Discord Server | Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Commander Showdown is a series that compares and contrast two similar commanders, analyzes differences in strategy and deck construction, and evaluates how those differences are represented by the data here on EDHREC.
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