Sansa Stark . This earned her another strike from Ser Meryn, and then another when Joffrey was not satisfied by the first. Does that work? Now while taking his role as the New Hand, Ned Stark brings his brood, including his newly knighted son with plenty of experience from the capital, to King's Landing with him and Westeros and Ned himself will be changed forever. She pictured a knife through his heart, or poison in his wine, but did not voice such thoughts. as well as Sansa Stark's car breaks down in the middle of the Dornish desert. Reading Sandor/Sansa Fanfiction (w/video) - YouTube Day 2 of the 31 days of Jonsa challenge -- pregnancy. Ed eccoci qua: dopo aver sconfitto gli Estranei, Theon decide di rimanere a combattere anche contro i Lannister e si schiera con Daenerys, come gi ha fatto sua sorella Yara. He reached for the bowl of greens, scooping up a serving for himself. She heard Joffrey screaming and said with a wolfish grin, "It does not matter, what is important is that I am free.". The revelation was a powerful tempestuous force within Sansa, and she could do nothing, nor desired to contain the words bursting from within her. It isn't a baby born of love, but survival. Show canon events up until Season 3 remain the same, except with an aged-up Sansa. She was shocked by how dark the water grew as they scrubbed the filth from her body, and then she remembered that she had not bathed since the day her father died. Posted on . The eldest daughter of the Warden of the North seems to have up and vanished. Also serving in the new North the man previously known as the Hound, and the warrior maid always proudly bearing the name Brienne of Tarth. Desmera Redwyne has dreams of her life being like the songs she sings and the tales she reads but she knows that is not true. Ongoing. Any thoughts she might have held of refusing died then; this man had no qualm in striking her. Fear seems to be all she knows as the Lords of Westeros vow to have her head on a spike, she is nothing but the song of a tale that has been sung. Noblewoman Sansa Stark gave birth to a son, with hair as dark as raven, eyes as misty as the fog at dawn. She will allow them their disapproval, their disappointment that she will not further their family names, and they will allow her him. Please consider turning it on! Reborn as the firstborn and true born child of Rhaenyra and Laenor how will she affect the events that shaped Westeros as she knew it? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Shed helped defeat the Dead, and then shed made a vow to never fight again. Catelyn Stark instead of giving birth to one child in Riverun, gives birth to three. Arya and Sandor meet again. Soulmates were rare in Westeros, so when every single child with Stark blood gains a soul-mark Westeros becomes instantly curious. Sansa was a beautiful flower that had livened up the darkened halls of King's Landing. Now she's Queen, and Sansa has to prepare herself and the North for the Wars to come. A perfectly medicated omega. She took momentary strength and comfort in the memory because she knew all she would ever have was her memories. Silencio, solo silencio y cuando Aemond se atrevi a abrir su unico ojo sano, ah le vi Una figura alta y majestuosa, vestida en una magnifica armadura del color de la leche y las estrellas, tena un yelmo con forma de cabeza de lobo, y cuando se movi Aemond distingui una espada que brill como la escarcha al sol, hielo puro y casi transparente Servant de la clase Ruler, te pregunto Eres t mi master? There were times when she hopelessly struggled to drag the cumbersome ornate furniture of her chambers in an attempt to bar the door. Reviews for The North Remembers | FanFiction It was just a really, really bad dream. Bitter, judgmental, angry, and with a massive chip on his shoulder, there's no way he'll find himself drawn to the the friendly, upbeat team physician, Dr. Stark, right? The king wrapped his arm through her own, like a serpent ensnaring its prey, and Sansa was given no choice but to follow. Joffrey was so close, and all it would take is a shove Sansa told herself. No different than a beta. hound and sansa fanfiction - It was no question of who his father was. Hed never known a more horrific combination of burning and itching in all his life. Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark. I can't have a queen that smells worse than my dog," screeched Joffrey with whiny annoyance. And return him back to his father. 1K 16 6. And Joffrey was crushing her. Once down there, Sansa throws herself into the work, learning and teaching as she goes, doing everything she can to save every victim. Ramsay, volente o nolente, dovr seguirlo nelle sue battaglie visto che ormai, anche se il suo unico neurone non lo capisce, si perdutamente innamorato del giovane Greyjoy!Buona lettura e spero che vi divertirete quanto mi diverto io a scrivere!Non scrivo a scopo di lucro e personaggi e situazioni appartengono a registi, autori e produttori della serie TV Game of Thrones. Ill sit, she said, but only if youll sit for me.. Work Search: A Lion and a Wolf. Everything is perfectly fine, thank you. The action reminded her of a simpler time when she was much younger. Ten days after failing to recover Ori from the mountain, Sansa decides to continue punishing herself for her failures. The threat of the White Walkers has never been so great. Follow/FavI'm your hound, Sansa And you're my bird By:Bittersweet-sandor Sandor clegane, she rolled the word on her tongue. Para ocultar de forma segura a su sobrino, Ned Stark le pide a Lady Ashara Dayne hacerse pasar por la madre del bebe, Ashara acepta bajo ciertas condiciones, "You are just fucking shitting me." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And thats just how it's supposed to be. the origins of a vampire slayer and her watcher. Instead, Sansa Stark's fear was buried, her stance tall, the tears were wiped clean from her eyes, and her arms were spread open before she jumped from the tower window. Her grief had festered and carried its own odor. Every Flight Begins With A Fall by serpensortiia The night after Joffrey forces Sansa to stare at her father's head Sandor goes to her chambers to check on her & gets a bit more than he bargained for when the visit opens up a connection between the two. She smirked like a hungry wolf and let the blood trickle down her chin. She comes to this meeting with ideas of her own. Written for the Sansan Season of Love 2023. SanSan Fic Recs Sansa/Sandor shippers love this theory :) - Rhaenyra has spent the past five years yearning for excitement. I'm your hound, Sansa And you're my bird Chapter 3 - FanFiction.Net Sansa's the cool one. ), (One child loves war, one loves to build, and the other loves the people. Sansa did not bother to reply and remained silent as she was escorted to the Iron Throne. On the rarest occasion, she was even brave enough to run towards the danger with a golden candelabrum in her hands ready to strike. That is, until she becomes one herself. I GUESS THEY'LL HAVE TO DO THAT FOR EACH OTHER THEN HUH? Jon Hightower, the son of the Eddard Stark and Lynesse Hightower for some three years, he has tarried in the eastern lands learning all that could be learned from the mysterious people, yet for all his adventures in him is a yearning for hearth and home, alas even he could not imagine what awaited him after so long away but it shall be an adventure to remember. The Death of Sansa Stark - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own Joffrey's attention was fixated on a very pale and nervous-looking tavern singer, so her arrival went unnoticed by her betrothed. Ramsay Bolton. the hound and sansa fanfiction. Sansa Stark, back in the restored Winterfell after the War of the Five Kings. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (21), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), One by One the Walls Give Way (but do not hide your face), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, a castle full of OCs as Winterfell's personnel, total and utter disregard for most of season 8, a corset in a world where corsets don't exist, i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm, and when he doesn't pick up on it she has to be a little more clear for sweet oblivious Jon, Redamancy (n.) - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full, well as slow as it can get with sansa already being preggo with jon's baby, but they don't know that for quite some time. Sansa is forced to look upon the decapitated head of her father and Septa Mordane. Free shipping for many products! He throws a snowball at her and she makes all his food taste like dirt for a moon. She became a raven and flew home to the North, to the Old Gods, and to her father. She was proud and she knew to stand up for herself. She was free. Only Jon, who keeps the secret of his own magic, comes close to understanding. Sansa Stark haba viajado, al pasado, al futuro. With a new pair of family members in Winterfell, how will the Starks adjust to the two Kryptonians in their home? While; Lyarra Snow, the bastard of Winterfell, finds herself in the cold bitter lands of the far North. As Sansa pushed away from the sweet memories of home and family she felt the change in her body as it stiffened to stone. . He was given a clean death instead.". tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. A very little bird, knowing better than to peck the lion but still wishing she had the courage. He could never have anticipated allying with Sansa Stark of all people in order to do so. Der Hund hat Sansa aus Knigsmund, durch den Krieg heim nach Winterfell gebracht. There was only a few hundred left alive. The triplets of House Stark would later be called, The Three Wolves. Pregnant Sansa Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own Rhaenyra is a rebellious princess. Sometimes, it's hard to choose between your job and love. Ser Meryn Trant simply did not care. In them, a red-haired girl fights the fiends alone. If my father knew, he would be ashamed to call me son. And he sees a red haired ghost sitting in its branches. Joffrey spoke of his upcoming name day and inquired about what gifts Sansa might be giving him. Sansa Stark is neither- an outcast in her own family, no matter how hard she prays. You shouldn't be crying all the time. He was much too indomitable to run past or fight. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2022 Game of Thrones Complete Series Vol. Sometimes she pled for mercy, for help, she cried and howled. He's definitely not having a meltdown. The King's Bastards Chapter 1: Sansa, a game of thrones fanfic | FanFiction She regretted that she had not told him the kind of name day gift she would like to have given him. Lots of chaos at Winterfell, that's what. Non-Canon AU set in Westeros with some tweaks. Lyarra Stark, twin sister of Robb Stark, wants nothing more than to live the rest of her life in Winterfell. The cruel king's dreadful stare never left Sansa, even as he shouted commands, but still, her eyes frantically searched from one end of her chambers to the other. They identify with Sansa, same as young male writers identify with Jon or Robb, so they use them as vessels for their wish fulfillment. There was nothing but a long plunge to the hard stone below. Its Derry Girls, but GOT style. And after the Purple Wedding, when Jaime is given a choice to save his brother from death by marrying Sansa Stark, who has not managed to escape with the fool, what will the Golden Lion do? Sansa and Brienne of Tarth ride to Molestown to meet with Petyr Baelish. There were no true knights here. Fixated on what she's seen, Sansa is forced to confront her own feelings for a certain unknighted Ser whilst making her own strides into womanhood. ), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, more people lived through the long night bc i said so, Tywin Lannister/Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Jon Snow is Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, House Bolton Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), see look i CAN write fics from theon's pov, theon gets to be a badass because i say so, upped the warning on this fic because i do describe the fight and injuries, Robb Stark & Original Female Character(s), Catelyn Tully Stark & Original Female Character(s), Sansa Stark & Original Female Character(s), Arya Stark & Original Female Character(s), House Stark Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) & Original Female Character(s), One-Sided Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia)/Original Female Character(s), Willas Tyrell/Original Female Character(s), Original Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark Child(ren), Direwolf Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Members of the Kingsguard | Queensguard (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Tyrell Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Northern Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stark Siblings are Wargs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stark Family Feels (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Targaryen Family Fluff (A Song of Ice and Fire), BAMF Stark Family (A Song of Ice and Fire), Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised, Winter is Coming | Stark House Words (A Song of Ice and Fire), Queen in the North (A Song of Ice and Fire), The North Remembers (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ruins of Hardhome (A Song of Ice and Fire), Helaena Targaryen & Original Character(s), Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms References, The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era, Faith of the Seven (A Song of Ice and Fire), King in the North (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sansa Stark & Ellaria Sand - Relationship, Torrhen Stark wasn't just the last King of Winter, Arya Stark & Sansa Stark Have a Good Relationship, To save the world from winter Because Winter is coming, Vermithor | Jaehaerys I Targaryen's Dragon, All the Targaryen children are little shits, The Blacks | Rhaenyra Targaryen's Faction, No Dance of the Dragons | War For Succession Between Aegon II and Rhaenyra Targaryen Never Happens, Pre-The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era, Sansa Stark is smarter than everyone else, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen is Bad at Feelings, sansa is literally sad for the entirety of the fic, as in aemond would burn the world for sansa, armchair by the hearth: ultimate love-making spot for the targaryen princes, Original Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Child(ren), House Manderly Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Characters From Winterfell (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Frey Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire), Oathkeeper Sword (A Song of Ice and Fire). The Hound And Sansa. Never one to run from the truth, Sandor has to face two that cut him to the core.Firstly, that he is a coward. He hadn't realized how much blood he'd lost from injuries he'd sustained that night and the amount of wine he'd drunk had only made matters worse. Her maids cleaned the blood from her face, washed and brushed her tangled dirty hair, and prepared the tub. One of the maids opened the door and Ser Meryn Trant pushed his way into the room. Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own Read The Strength and Stubbornness of a Stark from the story Crossing Worlds (A Sandor Clegane fanfiction.) Starkcest. Hers made him want to strip the skin right off himself. Please consider turning it on! As they plummeted, the girl in her wondered if her tale would become a song. What if Sansa had gone with the Hound after the Battle of the Blackwater? It's a chance that Stannis will not take for granted again and in the process, rescues his future wife. Modern AU; Petyr and Sansa focused; Ned and Cat Stark have just bought a summer home on the Italian coast to be able to visit Cat's sister Lysa. Joffrey threatened to have Ser Meryn drag her should she refuse, but it was the Hound and three simple words that caused her feet to move forward. Her only choice is to trek back to the shady looking biker bar she passed not too long ago and hope she won't regret it. Mostly artistic narrative over the what would have happened after Jon is force to take the black again. As Jon Arryn's death h. "You are my special lady, Arienne, and I will love from this day, until my last day." Fire has to power to heal, or to burn. "Stannis finally sees the lengths both Melisandre and Selyse will go to ensure him a victory. Hes perplexing and familiar in a way she cant quite place and now he watches her every move. Others call them vampires. Im going to sit for you and Im going to draw., Smells delicious. When Sansa is rescued from King's Landing and brought North to see her family, she never expected to find a bloody crown waiting instead. Joffrey Baratheon, the new face ofThe Bachelor. Joffrey's response earned a nervous chuckle and a hopeful widening of the eyes of the singer. She slipped into her chair across the table as Jon settled into his spot. An alternate take on S7/8, told from Jon's perspective. A short story imagining the aftermath of such an action. legacy obituaries springfield, mo / fidelity foundation address boston / hound and sansa fanfiction. The sound of his boots ascending the tower was heard, much like the innumerous versions of her same nightmare. Even as a mysterious champion races north ahead of them with motivations unknown. Long ago she was a wolf, a strong one like her Lady. Or, Sansa fakes an engagement so that Arya can debut and marry the man she loves. In every different universe, in every different life, they find each other. How will he react as his whole identity is put into question and he discovers he has a brother he never knew about? He's the Steward of Winterfell, living a comfortable, busy life, he's got a sense of purpose, and he's got Sansa but something is still missing, and it takes a lot to admit that this something might be found with the King in the North. They have a message for himhe has a calling and so does the girl in his dreams. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". In Westeros, each noble house is known to have an affinity for a particular type of magic. He would never let anyone know that he had fallen hard for the girl - mostly because he was disgusted by it. jon. And whats this?. The king was getting bored. "The Hound's Reward" unabridged by Mrs. Rasputin (2013) was very inspired by the YouTuber Supercuts. His wife and Joanna's mother, Sansa. 279 Stories. As Lady of Winterfell, she needs to get out of bed soon, but Sandor pleasantly distracts her while their two seven-year-old sons stand outside their door, also wanting her attention. ~Ice and Fire~ 100/200/300-word snapshots from the domestic life of modern-day assassins Mr & Mrs No One, + ~What's west of Westeros?~ embarrassingly short drabbles I'm ashamed to even call drabbles I wrote while GoT season 8 aired [chapter 9 SanSan, warning major character death], ++ ~Wlaqarys!~ more embarrassingly short scribbles and edits, also featuring a certain German actor when he is not Jaqen H'ghar [chapter 43 Dmitri, warning graphic depictions of fluff], UPDATE chapters 40-48: some tumblr reposts (including The Princess Bride AU) and a new Ice and Fire drabble (Valentine's Day Lovers' Day special!). Not at the expense of his daughter and heir. It is the long-awaited wedding day of Lady Sansa and Ser Jaime and Sandor Clegane is not thrilled. Once he manages what many thought would be impossible, then he'll make sure she's returned to her parents' lands to become the Queen of Winter. When Torrhen Stark knelt to Aegon Targaryen to protect The North from the wrath of dragon flame, however, the Starks forgot the language of winter- their gifts faded into legend. hound and sansa fanfictionasbury park press classifieds. And it will be years before the Stark heir will learn the truth about his aunt, magic, and the cost of power. Jon Snow's entire life is thrown on its head when two strange men reveal to him a secret that that he was never supposed to know. Set after the events of Season 8, Brienne of Tarth and Tormund Giantsbane are sent together on a mission to secure the unification of The North. Sansa is an overworked and underappreciated executive assistant to one of the hot shot editors in town, Jon Snow. And then Sansa does something very, very foolish. all that is left of their memories is only what the other sees in them, for they cannot speak to one another, they cannot meet eyes. She was a child but at the same time, she wasn't. One theory is that a latent sense of attraction has developed inside Sansa towards The Hound, and has retroactively changed her memory of the situation. A romantic adventure about the life of Sansa Stark after the end of the television series (SPOILERS for all Seasons of Game of Thrones!). Sansa saw country fields and dense forests beyond the walls. Work Search: Two, when they killed her father. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12233), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (20502), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (8660), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (6871), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4073), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (1132), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jaime Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Direwolf Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Episode: s08e04 The Last of the Starks (Game of Thrones), (but in a romance novel sort of way not an erotica sort of way), House Baratheon Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Stark Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised, R Plus C Equals G | Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister are Gendry's Parents, Free Cities of Essos (A Song of Ice and Fire), Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Rickon Stark & Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, The North Remembers (A Song of Ice and Fire), Oberyn Martell/Original Female Character(s), Minor Tyrion Lannister/Original Female Character, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen & Jaehaera Targaryen & Jaehaerys Targaryen (Son of Aegon II), Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen & Helaena Targaryen, Baela Targaryen & Rhaena Targaryen (Daughter of Daemon) & Jacaerys Velaryon & Lucerys Velaryon, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen is Bad at Feelings, Pre-The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era, The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire), Manipulative Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Original Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Child(ren), Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia)/Daenerys Targaryen, but mostly politics and character interactions, rheagar deposed his father so no rebellion, but he still did the lyanna thing so there were some battles, i don't know how much the dark!jon aplies but its safe to say hes different here, Making the Term Sweetheart Canon in Westeros, Jealous Targaryens Being Jealous Targaryens, renly and loras is very much a minor aspect, Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers/Shiera Seastar, Sansa Stark/Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Jon Connington & Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents. Sansa was determined to convince her aunt to let Arya debut, which is how she finds herself in her current predicament. Sansa STILL doesn't know that Jon is kinda-sorta alive, and this chapter would have been a good one in which to break that news, so that Sansa and Aegon find out about what has happened in the North, together. The lion, the wolf and the dragon. jon/sansa fanfiction He calls her Redd.Redd and Harlon have many encounters over the years. The third and final child was, again, a boy, Theon Stark. Your service title . Now the Queen in the North is ready to take a wife and she remembers the girl from King's Landing who had watched her marry Tirion Lannister and cried for her. i have toothache from just coming up with these ideas, Reek would make a lovely nursemaid im sure, Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane - Relationship, Tormund Giantsbane/Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Elinore Clegane -infant of Sansa and Sandor, Selmund Giantsbane- son of Brienne and Tormund, Brienne and Tormund destined for each other, Brienne comes to terms with Jaime leaving her, Brienne comes to terms with Jaimes death, Parents Brienne of Tarth/Tormund Giantsbane, Married Brienne of Tarth/Tormund Giantsbane, Ramsay's Dogs are DEFINETLY their own warning, Basically fixing D&D's HUGE mistakes and their fuck up, it's a Slow Burn/Courtship between Stannis and Sansa because our girl was hurt in the worst way, very short ramsey and littlefinger mention but you miss it if you blink. When the king dies and Joffrey becomes king Larrisa's life becomes hell. Questi due rimangono i miei personaggi preferiti e la mia OTP folle, per in questa parodia io modifico anche molte altre cose che riguardano il destino di vari personaggi e dei Sette Regni. Devotion (GOT Fanfic) 41 parts Ongoing . Her panic subsided slightly when she realized her nighttime tormenter was not present. The Hound had Arya in his care for almost two seasons, and they ran into trouble all the time. This is what I wanted you to see. "- Octavio Paz. And secondly, how after all is said and done, he is still a Clegane. Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard is a broken man after his sister's death; though he does not show it. also Rhaegal after hatching again: ?? There are old feuds and tensions among those gathering to fight together, plenty of them being a result of the War of the King. Yet she has been abused, discarded and thrown away. She screamed as she noted their lifeless expressions. But, beneath its charming veneer, this place hides something wicked. Prompt: warning: dubcon. As Joffrey finished his sentence a proud smirk twisted his features, and Sansa wondered with shuddering disgust if he was truly delusional enough to believe that he had actually been merciful. My short story is very much inspired by these what-if type of tales. 6 Jun. ", Joffrey's sneer was instantaneous and his response ugly. Please consider turning it on! A groundhog day AU set after A Dance with Dragons where Sandor has to live Sansas wedding day over and over again. A Lannister. It spoke of how her dear sister had come into contact with another land of people from across the mysterious, rumoured to be magic Sunset Sea upon Arya's desire to answer the age old question, "What's West of Westeros?". Nach dem Tod des Knigs Robert Baratheon entwickelt sich Sansa Starks Leben am Hofe schnell in einen ungleichen Alptraum, als sie von Knigin Cersei und dem neuen Knig, ihrem Verlobten Joffrey Baratheon, pltzlich als eine Figur im aufgekommenen Krieg missbraucht wird. Breathe. But soon, it becomes apparent all of Westeros is in danger and they must unite to survive. And somehow he no longer has his own hotel room. Based on the show. Childhood memories were cut down before they could truly take form by the aggravated tone of Joffrey as he asked, "What are you looking at? Also serving in the new North the man previously known as the Hound, and the warrior maid always proudly bearing the name Brienne of Tarth. Jonsa Stories - Wattpad The story of a girl trying to find her big brother, and how she helped him keep his crown - and his head. Sansan Stories - Wattpad During their reign, they have brought peace and prosperity to the Seven Kingdoms despite the fire and blood they have shown to their enemies. I originally started it some time ago on, but had to stop when I got too busy writing for school. His army plans to take back Winterfell and the control of the North. As a result, the very fate of Westeros is altered. Translated with google translator. Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones 2x09 - Blackwater, Game of Thrones The Hound Clegane (Rory McCann) Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) ( Combatant screams ) - The . Sansa's had enough of not showing Jon to the world and a little history of their relationship. Good Girl R.B. For thousands of years, House Stark was stronger than all of them- holding the north with mages who could command winter herself. No matter what she endeavored, Ser Ilyn Payne always walked through that door and captured her.
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