If anyones wondering about the Not! Re-imagined Series definition: Battlestar Group (TRS: "Water"). Battlestar Galactica - Ship - Works | Archive of Our Own BUT MISSING IN ACTION WHICH I HOPE TO START A FANFICTION/GRAPHIC NOVEL/AUDIO DRAMA SERIES LIKE BATTLESTAR PROMETHEUS WITH THE OLYMPIA AND HER ALL-FEMALE CREW DURING AND AFTER THE FALL OF THE COLONIES] . Battlestar Galactica (1978) - Works | Archive of Our Own Im picking up something unknown contacts, at least one whole squadron!, Captain, were picking up something, Jubilee says, tapping her wireless. She didnt survive two wars to die this easily., I know, and I pray to the Gods that youre right, Alicia says. What, were they repainting them and polishing the hulls? Yeah, and it took a war with the Cylons to actually make it work, Alicia says. Lieutenant, since youre our military escort, I think that, Ah, Lieutenant, glad to see you made it, Xavier says as they enter the front end of the cabin. When we hear more, Ill let you know.. Rogues mutation is that she can absorb the powers of any other mutant, with the caveat that her touch is lethal to non-regenerating mutants and normal humans. These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, No, that is NOT what happens here. And to uphold the Articles of Colonization, Irene says. All right Jubilee, stay in position and well take care of it, the CAG says as the Viper squadron moves forward towards the two enemy contacts in the distance. For more information on what constitutes an "official source" for Battlestar Wiki, see the Citation Jihad project page. Battlestar Prometheus | Library of the Damned Gustavo Herrera. DEAD SILENCE "The Galactica has taken heavy damage to her port side." Commander Tajalle. (LogOut/ Season 1 of Battlestar Prometheus began in January of 2007 and ended in July of 2007 with the Prometheus being captured by the agents of the sinister Terran Alliance (exiles of the 13th Tribe) after a massive space battle where the Prometheus and her sister ships inflicted massive damage on the Terran Alliance fleet. This is. Every Basestar has a room somewhere at its core containing a Hybrid. Yes sir, Sam says while Jubilee moves the ship off. Unless one of those doors didnt open right or the catapult failed to function, I dont see any conceivable way that a Viper could get stuck in the launch tube. Indiana Jones Character Sheet-Genesys. This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. With that, we come to the end of. Dude, if youre going to have mutants in BSG, at least be consistent with the canon from which they originated. Even now, waiting on the hangar deck for Bill to finish organizing the recon mission, she wants to dance, to sing, and do very unpresidential things to the man standing a few feet away from her. The battle of Caprica part II. They are linked permanently to that life-support apparatus, and thus were a dead end for the Cylons. scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. The following article acts as both a listing and basic ruleset for . With millions of individuals and circumstances forever evolving, every choice was a variation of hell. Its like Alicia is secretly one of those hive-mind aliens from Half Life 2 that have the weird electrical powers, or the old man from the ending for Mass Effect 3. https://en.battlestarwikiclone.org/wiki/Cubit. Oh, and the Raptor is much larger than the Vipers. Its a threat detection system, not a long-range scanner. If theyd actually given these replacements their personalities and backstories from the comics, and not just done a search-and-replace on the games of BSG characters, then theyd have actually written a story that wasnt shit! Battlestar Galactica: The Guiding. Now, in the. It was Admiral Nagala in the original, and the writers at least established that they were in charge of the fleet. Also, its Munitions not Munitians. Centurions in the afterlife? Captain, were picking up something, Jubilee says, tapping her wireless. Youre not willing to replace the Galacticas CAG (who I admit I struggle to remember the name of), but youre willing to replace a mentioned-only admiral who appears off-screen in two throwaway lines. Good fanfiction is all about doing something new with the . List of Battlestars Classes. As such, each Hybrid is confined to a pool similar to that in which the Cylons resurrect after death. So far, Not!Adama has exhibited absolutely no personality traits in sync with Canon!Adama. Now, Im taking a break from Trapped for a while longer- since I really need to work up the energy to slog through that piece of literary scum- so next time we look at a BioShock stufic with one of the most limp-wristed Gary Stus to ever come through this library. No pain, warm, safe.It was immedietly clear something is wrong. Also, they arent armed at all. I mean, why would you not come up with your own plot? She doesnt show it that often, Xavier says. In the Miniseries, all Tyrol says they have to do is unplug the exhausts, reload the weapons with ammunition, and fuel them up. With that fanfiction comes the bizarre crossovers. And a piece of advice from admiral Cain ;). That is one thing that will remain a mystery until the time that I decide to reveal their identity. The battle over the planet had already been lost, they could see the wreckage of the Battlestars in defense of Caprica strewn over the system as they pushed their way to the planet to land. There are no guns involved, only their missile launchers! school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo Adama isnt emotionless, hes one of the most caring and emotional people there is. President Richard Adar, looking to secure his place in Colonial History, dispatches the newest and most powerful Colonial Battlestar, the Prometheus, under the command of Commander Jonathan Turner, on a long range exploration mission to seek out new worlds to colonize. Actually, thats not entirely fair. But the attack was really fucking sudden! Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Works | Archive of Our Own Why would you complain if you were being bossed around by Patrick Stewart? *Minh and Wade watch as Elysium jumps from, (Formally Colonial Heavy 798, later Colonial One, and definitely not The Elysium) and grabs the entire Viper, before pulling in into the ships airlock*, As a side note, it would be prudent to note that this replacement for Apollo cannot canonically exist as the child of Rogue, as pointed out by Bats in the last riff. This is the Commander, prepare for combat, scramble Vipers, she says as the Cylons get closer and closer. Michale Dawn is a Captain of a Paris-class heavy frigate called The Starlight, Michale ships slipspace drive was during a battle, and so he and his crew went to sleep un. ", "LEADING THE BSG UNIVERSE IN KEEPING THE FAITH ALIVE", "THE SITE WILL BE GOING THROUGH MAINTENANCE FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS", " ON JULY 1, 2023, THE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA FAN CLUB CELEBRATES 23 YEARS! Jubilee Not!Boomer draws her pistol and fires it into the air, which gets them to back off quickly, quieting them down. Now picking up 10 enemy fighters correction, 8 fighters., Raptor 259, hang back while we investigate, the CAG says. Thats when it happens, his Viper suddenly goes dark as he starts to pull the trigger. All right, well take the children on board,. This is the home of the LARGEST collection of Battlestar Galactica Fanfiction on the Net. *Minh and Wade watch as Elysium jumps from Colonial One (Formally Colonial Heavy 798, later Colonial One, and definitely not The Elysium) and grabs the entire Viper, before pulling in into the ships airlock*. So the intercom in this version is controlledby, Third off, the Catapults are old tech, but I dont see how that means anything. The Civilians stop in front of the Raptor, Jubilee Not!Boomer puts a hand on her pistol. Hes also human, and hes flawed, just like everyone else. Shes floating. If anyone tries to rush the Raptor, they will be shot.. Recommended Battlestar Galactica "Earth-contact" fics But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. Yes sir, the Captain says, transmitting the code again as Xavier wheels back into the main cabin, he stops next to Alicia who is looking out the window. These Cylons are ruthless, the President tried to send a surrender after the attack on Picon, it was ignored., Is there any more word on Xavier starts to say but is cut off by static, he looks at the Captain who shakes his head. So far, Not!Adama has exhibited absolutely no personality traits in sync with Canon!Adama. Her armaments, size and engines are comparable to one of the twelve original Battlestars. Anastasia Dualla. Fan fiction - Battlestar Wiki Marie looks up at the DRADIS screen, half expecting to see a contact appear on it at any moment. 2603: Battlestar Prometheus - Chapter 2 - Library of the Damned On Caprica, Sam and Jubilee Not!Helo and Not!Boomer are getting the Raptor repaired in a field that seems safe, as they start to work a group of civilians are making their way towards the downed Raptor, causing the two to pause in their work. You could have at least given them a name. Well, here comes chapter 2 of Battlestar Prometheus, there are still many a mystery left to be revealed, not the least of which is the identity of the 12 Cylons like in the show, but one greater mystery remains. The President's life is in jeopardy and it's only a matter of time until it's too late. Location: 29 Palms/San Bernardino Its, strange, Im getting reports of equipment malfunctions all over, the Battlestar Ulysses had a complete shutdown before being destroyed., An entire Battlestar? Marie says, looking at Jean. The Battlestar Prometheus series is a fan fiction by Ryan A. Keeton based on the Re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. Lt. Its, an automated message sent in the event of the death of the president, Xavier says. I wish I could offer more insight than namedrops, but these substitutions arent doing anything but namedropping. crossover. Recommended Battlestar Galactica "Earth-contact" fics by Stephan Sokolow is licensed under a Creative . But why should the malfunctions be due to the Cylons? Unlike the prologue, this chapter heading means nothing. Lieutenant Forge, I want to know of any space traffic, friendly or otherwise.. We cant just leave these people behind,, Not!Boomer off to the side to talk. Central questions of the show include: the form aabbaccdd best describes: bunnings silicone gun. Im your Guest Riffer, Crazy Minh, and with me is Major Wade! After a COVID rewatch I am determined to finish. In the CIC, the command crew is still working to find a munitions depot that would have been untouched by either colonial forces or the Cylons. Learn how your comment data is processed. Battlestar Galactica's Multiverse Cannonball, can you confirm?. Lieutenant Forge, I want to know of any space traffic, friendly or otherwise.. Battlestar Prometheus (Nova Class) Everything is limited - food, clothes, medicine. Id love to see a story where the events of BSG are significantly altered by the presence of mutants. Weve taken heavy damage, were going to have to set her down somewhere, Jubilee says, moving the raptor off quickly. Nova-class Battlestar Schematics by PeachLover94 on DeviantArt Galactica was being converted into a museum ship. Will they give in to what they really mean to each other as everything descends into chaos? Now into its third season, the story has continued to grow in popularity and has spawned its own wiki and strong fan . Squadron of bogeys, Wait, clearing up interference, Sam says. Ruin Queen and authors like her have so much potential with their concepts. I need a Viper squadron ready to fly when we enter the fight, Marie says. A) I have no qualms about using the Not! I believe Lt. All of us myself, your mother, the other members of the X-Men, we wanted to make it better for Mutants.. Now we must endure this mopey Not!Apollo OC for longer than wed otherwise require! There would be time to mourn later, now they had to get to land. Were not even completely armed, our last squadron of Vipers are still heading for Caprica.. Now, in the original scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. So far, there is Battlestar Prometheus that was sent on long term mission to find new planets. Nisroch. The recent comments sidebar seemed to be jammed, and not showing Ems last comment. Tell DaCosta and his deck gang that I want the Vipers refitted and ready for battle.. The Battlestar Prometheus also acknowledges other great organizations with the Prometheus name such as the Battlestar Prometheus SIM and the Battlestar Prometheus Chapter of the Colonial Defense Forces fan club. All those people She says as the DRADIS flashes that the Cylon Raiders are heading towards the Raptor. Work Search: COMBAT INFORMATION CENTER. Nor does she have brown hair. Helo woke up feeling nice. Let us commence todays festivities! Who is the Hybrid that the blonde Cylon was referring to? She told me that you where the wisest, kindest man she has ever met. (PDF) Relaes entre meios de comunicao : televiso na era da For Japan the games were not only a show to ensure the world of their peaceful attempts for East Asia, but also to get more international recognition and legitimacy for the new smaller states of the Co-Prosperity Sphere they had created out of China and Indochina. Now, Im taking a break from Trapped for a while longer- since I really need to work up the energy to slog through that piece of literary scum- so next time we look at a BioShock stufic with one of the most limp-wristed Gary Stus to ever come through this library. For the most part, the story is set on the ship that shares the title of the fanfic, under the . Administrators and other contributors may deem it necessary (as appropriate to wiki policy and guidelines) to redirect, move, or delete fan fiction articles that appear elsewhere in the wiki without notifying the original contributor. Welcome to Battlestar Prometheus! An older blind woman with short brown hair, wearing the trappings of a member of the clergy. is a Battlestar Galactica (2003) fic where, after their deaths at the end of the series, William Adama and Laura Roslin find themselves back in the Colonies almost two decades prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, just after Adama's divorce and the death of Roslin's family. As a side note, it would be prudent to note that this replacement for Apollo cannot canonically exist as the child of Rogue, as pointed out by Bats in the last riff. The Co-Prosperity Sphere | Page 9 | alternatehistory.com All right, we have three spots free, heres how were going to do this, Sam Not!Helo says. Ended at the beginning of season 2. All hail the Moon Spiders! It was only when they reached Ragnar that she got ammo for her main guns. A look at the time between the settlement on New Caprica and Founders Day. I mean, its all over the place in terms of general SPaG, but the tense shifts are so subtle that I only just noticed them while writing the second part! Oh, so not even a name this time? Photoshop work featuring Kara & Leoben. [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. With every fiber of my being, Irene finishes. +3 more. Gaius has his own, personal secrets; a year and a half into their relationship, he considers sharing one with Caprica. Youre in! It doesnt look at all like it has a cockpit, as commented by the CAG right before he dies in the original scene from the show. Lots of interesting flashbacks (I think they're interesting anyway but what do I know?) Battlestar Wiki articles contain only official information, which include aired episode content, comments from official sources such as the writers, directors, and production companies of the show, and speculation and information deduced and supported by aired content or official sources. to the Hybrids, the topic of this little aside. Battlestar Galactica Fanfic Science Fiction (or Speculative Fiction. Told you the fourth season was asinine. Battlestar Prometheus - BSG01 Gunstar Argo - GSR0101 CO: RADM D. Tajalle XO: Cdr. Battlestar Prometheus is a series of short stories (30-35 pages in length) written in episodic form and laid out in ten episode arcs that we have called "Seasons". Anastastia "Dee" Dualla. Season 3 of Battlestar Prometheus is now under way with Admiral Turner and the crew of the Prometheus determined Battlestar Prometheus "The Story - YUMPU The fic hasnt been updated since 2013, and this is the last chapter published. Commander, Im getting more reports, Jean says. Gods, protect your children of the Gods on this day of the Gods, she thinks to herself and her Gods, sending a prayer out to the Gods in the hope that they listen, being Gods. Who the fuck is Admiral Abernathy? The writers of the Gemicon series left and started a new series at Battlestar Central. Also, every, single. Theyre honestly not that important to demand a name change. Re-imagined Series Fan Fiction. Also, theyre calling her The Elysium, in the same sense that some people would call Commander Shepard The Shepard or Gordon Freeman The Freeman. UPDATE 2017-11-14: There is now also a sequel in progress which is better-proofread and mixes in Harry Turtledove's Worldwar with a satisfying amount of focus on an apparently OC world that humanity chooses to help liberate from The Race. Id kill to meet him in real life! Annastasia Dualla. Then lets hope we dont need it until then, Marie says, then suddenly the DRADIS begins flashing. From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide. Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. Thats Jubilee, who as far as I know was mostly only important due to being the resident kid sidekick in the animated show from the 90s, and Cannonball, who uh exists? First off, they werent rebuilt; they just had ammo loaded, fuel tanks filled, and engines unplugged. Battlestar Galactica 2003: Storm Break | SpaceBattles Come explore the Universe of Battlestar Galactica. Battlestar Prometheus for all intents and purposes is a re-write of the newer version of Battlestar Galactica with X-Men characters, but with additional twists. The Civilians stop in front of the Raptor. Secretary the Captain says, handing the piece of paper to Xavier, who reads it over. Really? I mean, just look at our current world, and how bigotry still exists regardless of any of the various civil rights movements of the 20th century! Or, rather, his replacement. # 3. Not!Boomer says, motioning forward, the crowd parts as several children climb aboard the Raptor. I dug out a folder of old fics and decided to post some of them. To be honest, even the ninety ships of the canonical fleet is a bit large in my opinion, especially since the Colonies had been going through a period of near total peace in the years since the end of the First Cylon War. The real Caprica Six conversely hallucinates Head Baltar, who is a crueler and more cynical version of the real Baltar. There was no getting stuck, it was a faulty part. Yes maam, an officer says, passing the message down to the hangar deck. It has recieved rave reviews from the likes of the Colonial Defenses Forces Fan Club and Richard Hatch, the actor who plays Tom Zarek in the new BSG series and who played Apollo in the original series of BSG. Its also. Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. What, is the Captain not doing his job right? Alicia asks. Instead of ninety vessels (which I might add are not all Battlestars, some being support vessels, and others lightweight combat ships like cruisers) being the approximate size of the fleet,r RQoO has now made the fleet 120 ships strong. Quick, chew up some paper! We also cover supplements, notably comics and novels, via our Separate Continuity policy. Lieutenant, welcome to the CIC, Marie says, looking up from the center console. Now, I dont know if were going to get that chance., Lieutenant, I know your mother from before she was the Commander, Xavier says. Shes actually a Cylon, but she doesnt know she is. Battlestar Galactica (2003) | Archive of Our Own Long fic, sexy moments. Oh my God, I remember reading this fanfic before I started to write stories. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. That was in confidence! Today, we cover the second and final chapter of Battlestar Prometheus, a BSG fic with the entire cast replaced with the X-Men for reasons that are currently unknownmuch like the Cylons nebulous plan. Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Comunicao, Programa de Ps-graduao em Comunicao, 2018.Na era da convergncia, interessa estudar as relaes entre os meios de comunicao. Eventually, both parties meet, and they see each others hallucinatory copies. Raise your right hand, Irene says and Xavier does so, placing his hand on the scroll. Id say, three adults, Jubilee Not!Boomer says, Sam Not!Helo nods and grabs a flight manual and a marker. What can we really say that hasnt been said before? Its actually [Insert corresponding X-Men Character Here]!. These ships are the ships of the line for the Terran Alliance. So, like all good authors, . They turn towards the Vipers, but do not start firing yet. Its regurgitation that forms the problem in so many crossovers that come through this library. Commander, we dont have any Vipers on board to enter the fight, Logan points out. Frakked up was a way of life, and it was exactly what Kara deserved. Battlestar. Now, what follows is some pretty substandard regurgitation, but theres nothing especially bad in whats said. battlestar prometheus fanfiction Commander, it looks like the fleet is massing near Virgon, Forge reports. Repeat after me. Canon divergent. Good fanfiction is all about doing something new with the canon you write in, retelling or changing the canonical universe to create an original story that stands on its own. This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. Since starting the Battlestar Prometheus website has seen over seven thousand hits and has over one hundred dedicated readers. Ah! The, line of dialogue here states that they lost a. of the fleet. That sounds like what youd call moon spiders in Kerbal Space Program. The search is quick, she finds a female priest named Irene who was part of the government delegation that had been on Prometheus for the ceremony. CDF Battlestar Prometheus - BSG01 - Battlestar Galactica Fanclub Sagitara - Acropolis, Prometheus, Sentinel Scorpio - Pegasus, Andromeda, Phoenix Taura - Cerberus, Atlantis, Endurance . There are also comic book art by Chris Scalf, poetry, and much more! I see Lt. Battlestar Prometheus begins 18 months before the fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. In addition, they use communications to determine the location of the fleet, not bloody DRADIS. For those unversed in BSG lore, Lt. Sharon Boomer Valeri is a Raptor pilot played by Grace Parks. Captain, is everything all right?. Its really annoying how Ruin Queen of Oblivion loves to regurgitate the plot of the BSG miniseries in an incoherent fashion, and then interject her own original content between the lines. Welcome to the Battlestar Galactica Wiki! Do you have any way of taking it out?. They are propelled out of the tube via a catapult system, with no thrust from their engines. Above all, good fanfiction should be creative, either by telling a new story within the confines of an old one, or by completely reworking it to make a new one. RQoO does know that DRADIS (Direction RAnge and DIStance, the BSG version of Radar) has a relatively short range? No, sorry. To do honor to the office of the President of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, Irene says. It is currently under the command of Colonel . Enjoy that which was so limited on television due to network cancellation. Actually, thats not entirely fair. Battlestar Cerberus Who has, like, one line that even mentions them in the show. Takes place during the mini-series during this scene: Decommissioning Ceremony. The two most egregious things about regurgitation in general are that it makes a story filled with it boring to people who know the canon youre regurgitating, and its extremely lazy. That might work, if not for the fact that they are literally just the BSG characters, with a different name, and the author saying Look! Thats a quarter of the Battlestars in active service Scott says. How dare you tell him that she spoke words at one point! Athena (Battlestar Galactica 2003) Athena (the Lord of Kobol) Barista Doral. Check out Ryan Keeton's Prometheous series! Broshure- Gears for Ship Building. It can be about inventing scenarios for the canon characters, or using a crossover to mesh two compatible universes (or incompatible if youre one of those fanfiction writers who are brilliant enough to make a bad idea work properly). Run!!! The Vipers that had been rebuilt where being launched one by one from the launch tubes quickly in order to combat the incoming Raiders. Starship Schematic Database - Colonial Capital Ships prometheus fanfic; Robot/Human Relationships; . This doesnt happen. who says this, not Tigh. More reports coming in, 30 Battlestars have been confirmed lost in the Cylon attack In this story there was another ship, the Ares, which was of the same class as the original Battlestar Galactica. Title: Battlestar Prometheus Author: Ruin Queen Of Oblivion Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men Media: TV show/multimedia comics franchise Genre: Sci-Fi/Adventure URL: Battlestar Prometheus Critiqued by Crazy Minh & Major Wade Hello Patrons, and I hope you've had a happy 2020 so far! The crowd is getting unruly, several of them start walking forward, trying to force their way on board the Raptor. These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, to hybrids between living tissue and machines. She unrolls a scroll, and places it in front of her where Xavier can reach. Possibly Sean Cassidy, Banshee, an Irish mutant who yells loud. Albeit with concessions made for the fact that theyre in space. Rumor has it that Prometheus would be found by Galactica during the second season. Towards the back of the crowd, Robert Kelly Not!Baltar is looking around nervously. Alien (Prequel Movies) - Works | Archive of Our Own Theres not much worth commenting on- other than the sheer waste of potential from this fic- and to be honest, the first chapter is where most of the nonsense came from. Battlestar Galactica RPG D20 - Fan Made. 673 9 3. Colonel Howlette, start searching for a munitians depot, something that we can use to arm ourselves, Marie continues.
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