After coming back to Wentworth from the hospital after her severe health issue, which she luckily survived, Allie will develop a strong and solid friendship with Franky, both of them being emotionally linked by the recent tragic events concerning Beas death, which involved the two of them. She's now a quite ruthless young woman and Allie was pretty naive and immature to trust Judy or anyone right away only because they were put in your unit. And as Allie was bleeding out Lou popped into the shower - she was ready to kill Allie too (believing she'd stolen the aforementioned phone and money) but saw someone had beaten her to it. It is revealed that Judy stole Reb's surgery money and used it to hire an assassin to assassinate the visiting United States Secretary of State, who is seeking her extradition. Will doesnt slot Judy and says that Allie needs her friends more then ever. Though Sean tries to negotiate an escape via helicopter with criminal mastermind Marie Winter, they're both shot by Allie Novak. Why did Wentworth kill off Bea Smith? Press J to jump to the feed. As it turns out, one of them happens to be Ferguson, who proves to be alive after all. Is Reb going to get his top surgery? The revelation comes after he fatally shoots both Vicky Kosta and May Jenkins, the latter of whom's death is a result of Boomer's attempt to end the siege. Lets Explore, Can dogs be allergic to grain? Allie is seen in the dining room when Ruby 'disowns' Rita. She was brutally stabbed and left for dead at the end of last season, so to say that fans were relieved to see Allie Novak back in her teal tracksuit in the opening episode of Wentworths final instalment is an understatement. I am one of those women who like to talk. Judy later gets an apology from Ann and tells her she is in a forgiving mood. It is revealed that Judy stole Rebs surgery money and used it to hire an assassin to assassinate the visiting United States Secretary of State, who is seeking her extradition. Allie later confronts Judy about stealing Lous phone and her money. In episode seven Judy learns from Ann that she is set to be extradited to the United Judy later finds Allie in her cell after she falls from her wheelchair. Ensuring Wentoworth is forever safe. Allie frantically tells H1 the truth, but as she does they learn that the Governor has ordered H1 to be locked down and everyone moved to protection the next day. Allie later confronts Judy about stealing Lou's phone and her money. Why did Judy stab Allie? In Wentworth, Harrys death is not shown on-screen and he was killed by Nils Jesper instead of Bea. Allie later confronts Judy about stealing Lou's phone and her money. Season 8. I mean.if you watched the episode, it was pretty clear why Judy went after Allie. Vera learns from Ann that her daughter died in a blast caused by terrorists and Judy reminds her of everything she lost. Instead the body belonged to Mary Pats ex-husband Jeff who died of natural causes. Proceed with caution. In episode two, Judy talks with her lawyer when he says they can delay the extradition back to the states if they can find a reason. Allie basically agrees. Crime Lou and Judy make a plan, when Judy tells Lou they will bomb their way out of Wentworth. Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Judy comments on the nature of the Restraint Station's calling them a 'fascist' idea. Is Allie dead in Wentworth? She gets determined to avenge Bea's death and kill Joan. Last Appeared Joans charges are dropped and she is released. We end the season with Allie, Wentworths new Top Dog, on the floor of the bathroom, getting a glimpse of Lou standing over her, even though its actually Judy, the new hacktivist, who brutally stabbed her and left her for dead in the shower block. Early life. 2021 Foodly : Magazine N1 Food & Gastronomie. Allie shivs herself multiple times in the shower block and is then taken to the Psych unit where Miller tells Vera and Will it is a possible case of PTSD from her attack, the siege and Kaz's death. Judy later stabs Allie in the shower, seriously wounding her. In Season 5, Franky ends up back in Wentworth being accused of Mike Pennisis murder, The man was mad and had a wall memorial all about Franky, which his girlfriend Iman Farah didnt like, so she killed him and framed Franky. In the last episode, Judy comes partially clean to Allie, telling her it was she who set up Ann, but also saying she did it to protect the crew. In episode one, Judy learns that Allie is returning from the hospital and makes an attempt to get slotted by attacking Lou. 12 novembre 2021, 1 h 09 min, by The male inmate implies she will have to perform sexual favours for him in order to earn the drugs. In episode five, Judy tells the women that she got money from crowdfunding to get a new lawyer that is a QC. Judy is later taken to a holding cell by Linda on Anns orders where Judy screams for the governor. Allie is asked by Vera to help bring Ferguson down by coming up with a plan to get her to reveal everything to them. Nickname Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Ann says that Judy is 'getting what's coming to her' as she was part of the plot that killed her daughter. Why did Bea Smith leave Wentworth? Allie learns off Boomer that Lou is going to do what she did last time she was in prison, to scam inmates of their money. They also called code black for Sonia at the end of S5, but she survived. In episode ten, Judy is seen meeting with her lawyer when she spots Frazer in the prison, where she knows that Lou has just fucked over the women. Source: Netflix. Did Joan Ferguson really lose her memory? Why did Judy stab Allie in Wentworth? Allie will then pretend to have fallen again into drug addiction in order to obtain a massive dose with which she will try to kill Ferguson, despite being discouraged to do so by Doyle. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. https://prisonercellblockh . In season three Boomer is back. In episode 601 She reveals she has arrived in Wentworth three months before (that means she was there even during the previous season, but never seen due to being in another block) and she still has six left in her sentence; she was charged for resisting an arrest. Will doesn't slot Judy and says that Allie needs her friends more then ever. She almost attacks Marie when she says she wants to move in, as Lou says that she is under her protection. Why did they kill off Bea Smith in Wentworth? When we left our inmates, Allie Novak's (Kate Jenkinson) life was in the balance after she was stabbed in the showers by Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) and left for dead. Allie is later taken to medical. Boomer. In episode eight the women are in lockdown due the attack on Ann. Judy tells Lou to call it off but Lou refuses to. Despite her obvious physical strength, Maxine was also nurturing and provided moral support to her fellow inmates. We end the season with Allie, Wentworth's new Top Dog, on the floor of the bathroom, getting a glimpse of Lou standing over her, even though it's actually Judy, the new hacktivist, who brutally stabbed her and left her for dead in the shower block. Wentworth (TV Series 20132021) Vivienne Awosoga as Judy Bryant IMDb. Judy tells Ann of the bomb but Ann reveals she already knows and that the NSO are on top of the plan, Judy says to Ann she cant trust the NSO. Didn't they call a code black at the end? Can you grill brats without boiling them. Judy explains her actions by needing money for a lawyer but promises to give Lou back the money and phone. What did Jake do to Vera on Wentworth? Kate Atkinson is continually surprised by her storylines in Wentworth. Liz informs the governor of the whereabouts of the missing drugs, which results in Boomer being sentenced to seven additional years in Wentworth when the drugs are discovered in her cell. We certainly hope Allie gets a slightly more graceful exit than that. Bea confronts Joan outside the prison as she is being released after falsely telling Vera that she planned to get a confession out of her to be let out outside the prison ground, but instead wants to actually kill her with a screwdriver to avenge Allies supposed death. Not only did Marie (Susie Porter) have the most to gain from Kazs death by becoming the new Top Dog she also discovered Kaz knew of her love affair with Will, and also the existence of her Rock spider dirt file. Judy later tries to attack Allie in the showers again but is caught out by Boomer, Ruby and Rita. Judy faces the wrath of Ann Reynolds when Ann uses Linda Miles to "break her" but Linda goes to far and pepper sprays Judy while in the slot. 12 novembre 2021, 0 h 55 min, by Allie later learns that Lou attacked Boomer in the showers and decides to show Lou the consequences by cutting off her finger with shears. In episode seven, Judy is seen in her cell when Marie is moved units. Judy explains her actions by needing money for a lawyer but promises to give Lou back the money and phone. However, in the final season theres unfortunately a death in the family. why did Judy stab Allie? Despite a previously failed attempt, Allie is still determined to avenge Beas death and kill Ferguson. Judy is attacked by Boomer who bashes her. If you continue to use the site, we will assume that this suits you. Judy later finds Allie in her cell after she falls from her wheelchair. In episode seven, Judy is seen in her cell when Marie is moved units. During the last episode of the fourth season, Bea was killed off after being stabbed multiple times by Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe). Allie is later seen when the women almost drown Judy. She makes a bold plan to steal a tank of nitrous oxide and use it on Lou. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Judy talks with Ann who says her world is falling apart but Ann has already lost the most important thing. I pretty soon realised that Ann was right about her. Judy tries to make contact with her father during time in the call centre but fails when she is caught. by Judy later thanks Allie and kisses her on the cheek when she reveals that she is getting a stay of proceedings, little does Judy know that Lou said she walked past Lou when Lou was on her way to kill Allie. Wentworth's mother, Muffie Cabot (ne Mabel Bryant Hobart), was Nancy Reagan's White House social secretary from 1981 to 1983. Debbie Smith was the daughter of Wentworth Correctional Centre inmate Bea Smith who was killed by Brayden Holt. Allie later tells the women which they all refuse to have Marie with them. Boomer makes good on Lizs final wish and smothers her with a pillow, killing her. Kate Atkinson is continually surprised by her storylines in Wentworth. Allie continues to serve her sentence at Wentworth Allie has years added on due to obstructing justice and shooting dead Sean Brody and becomes Top Dog, but makes an enemy in Lou Kelly and is used by Judy Bryant to stay her sentence in Wentworth. Judy wanting to forget for awhile trips on LSD and slaps Allie, as Sheila Bausch manages to calm her down. When Boomer and Ruby realise it's not Linda but in fact Ann they try to Judy to stop attacking her but Judy repeats back to Ann what she said to her, they rush off back to their units where Judy is called a dickhead by Ruby for going ahead with her plan. Allie is later taken to medical. Judy later brutally stabs Allie in the shower block leaving her for dead. Kazs body is then taken away by the police. What happened to Allie in Wentworth? Days later Allie wakes up to learn that Bea has died from Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe). Jake doesn't want to have sex with Vera because he . For the rest of series 4 Bea continues to fall in love with Allie, and even gets Allie sober when Allie does drugs. Judy later in the dining room says she hasn't seen Sheila since work unit. It is revealed that Judy stole Reb's surgery money and used it to hire an assassin to assassinate the visiting United States Secretary of State, who is seeking her extradition. Kaz is later charged with manslaughter and her sentence is then extended from 12 years to 25 years. Later Judy tells Allie that she does have a plan to get a Stay of Proceedings in her case if she can use Allie. Producers confirmed that the character had been written out for dramatic purposes and would not be returning for the shows fifth season. ", Cyber Terrorism, Dissemination, Assault, Fraud by Deception Unlawful Conduct Endangering Life x30, Terrorism Plots, Attempted Murder x2. When the prison explodes Allie is trapped and she decides to leave her wheelchair behind. Regardless, Judy seems to agree she was wrong to steal and promises Allie to give Lou back her phone and money after their conversation. Rather than confess that she led the charge to beat Ann up, she tells Allie that it was actually Lou "Fingers" Kelly who did it, thus breaking Wentworth's golden rule of not lagging. It isnt until Allie is given a hotshot by Ferguson that Bea does want revenge for everything that Ferguson has done. Aggravated Assault, Assault, Kidnapping, Obstructing Justice, Murder of Sean Brody (Self Defence), Waterboarding, Assault with a Weapon, Conspiracy to Escape Whats more, most of the characters in the remake are actually reimagined versions of the original cast of Prisoner characters. Can I check my dogs blood pressure at home? While in the call centre, Allie tells Linda that her headset is broken, but Linda spots Judy, and Allie tells Linda that Judy isn't hurting anyone and Linda strikes Boomer. In season three Boomer is back. Allie tells the women during dinner that the culprit should own up so that lockdown can end. They've called it for multiple occasions that weren't necessarily death. Allie learns Lou wanted to kill her and found her already stabbed in the shower after walking past Judy. The arrival of an inmate from Ferguson's days as a guard at Blackmoore pushes Joan's buttons. Yes, keep me in the know! "Bea fans won't agree with that, but Judy is inducted to Wentworth In episode ten Judy tells Allie it was her who bashed Ann to protect the crew. Judy later thanks Allie and kisses her on the cheek when she reveals that she is getting a stay of proceedings, little does Judy know that Lou said she walked past Lou when Lou was on her way to kill Allie. Bea finds Allie in the showers and raises the alarm. Why does Judy stab Allie in Wentworth? Heres the Answer, Why would a dog suddenly attack its owner? During the last episode of the fourth season, Bea was killed off after being stabbed multiple times by Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe). Judy tells Lou to call it off but Lou refuses to. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Status Judy jokingly agrees to be Boomer's third choice if Ruby were to back down from the fight, and she later watches the fight unfold. Public address system jargon for. In episode four, Judy is first seen helping Allie do her physiotherapy and is in the yard when Ann has a bag of urine thrown at her, Judy is put on a Restraint Station and when Linda and Ann return 2 hours later Ann tells Linda to leave Judy on the station all night. Meg died during a riot at the prison after being stabbed in the chest with a shiv. Alive But it comes at a severe cost that both Will and Vera weren't ready for. Boomer is slotted and it is revealed she will be formally charged with manslaughter, giving up the one thing she fought for, freedom. When Dwight Eisenhower gave the Atoms for Peace speech what constructive use of nuclear energy was he introducing? She was also known for disagreeing with Bea Smith's strategies as top dog, specifically the panic button rule due to what happened with Tasha. Judy talks with Allie and tells her that she kept the money from Reb and Lou. In this weeks season return, set three weeks after these events, we can tell you Allie has survived the stabbing. 29 octobre 2021, 6 h 39 min First Appeared Judy says her lawyer is a genius and leaves. Wentworth star Kate Jenkinson has won the coveted role of Top Dog, as her character Allie Novak was revealed to be running things among the inmates in last nights season eight premiere. It is revealed that Judy stole Reb's surgery money and used it to hire an assassin to assassinate the visiting United States Secretary of State, who is seeking her extradition. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqus avec *. The reason why she could kill Marie was because of guilt and humiliation. Judy and Allie are slotted when Linda finds them. In episode nine, Judy talks with her father and it is revealed that Tony Cockburn planted the evidence on her laptop and that the extradition is off. Judy confesses to attacking General Manager Ann, angering Allie. Foodly Experts Andrey knows everything from warm-up to hard workout. Allie relapses on to the drugs and takesmeth and Bea helps her get off them cold turkey. Get Your Pet Thinking, Frequent How do you stop an Australian cattle dog from biting? Days later Allie wakes up to learn that Bea has been killed byJoan Ferguson. Judy tells Allie that she saw Lou leaving the kitchen when Ann was bashed. Judy later stabs Allie in the shower, seriously wounding her. Here's What You Need to Know About Boomer, Everyone's Favorite 'Wentworth' Inmate, Non-Binary Actor Zoe Terakes Brings Authenticity to 'Wentworth's Reb, Take a Look Inside the Fictional Prison Where 'Wentworth' Is Set. Season 4 begins with Ferguson awaiting trial, fallen from her position as governor of Wentworth and now a lowly prisoner. What happened to Allie on Wentworth? When Allie goes to the showers, Joan Ferguson gives her a hot shot intended to kill her. Allie Novak Allie learns off of Judy that if she can get a stay of proceedings on her case she can stay at Wentworth but only if she can help Allie be her carer. The women are unhappy with the lockdown. 42 days ago Authors. Bea Smith (Wentworth) (Girlfriend),Franky Doyle (Wentworth) (kissed),Ruby Mitchell (Wentworth) (girlfriend),Marie Winter (Wentworth) (lover) Nous voulions faire un espace pour tout le monde : des gens qui aimaient manger plus quils naimaient cuisiner. Wentworth Season 9 Cast: Who is in it? Judy tells Allie it's her fault that she's in the chair, because of the money. Family Having suffered a stroke, Liz is paralysed, unable to move or even speak. A Step-by-Step Guide, Are there earplugs for dogs? Does Allie become top dog? So much happened in season 8 that it's hard to know or remember the reasonings behind everything. Judy, for her part, has no such reservations. Judy confesses to attacking General Manager Ann, angering Allie. Judy later stabs Allie in the shower, seriously wounding her. She took an almost immediate interest in the top dog, Bea Smith. It was that bloody Judy Bryant who stabbed her repeatedly - Allie found out Judy had stolen Lou Kelly's phone and money. Allie confronts Judy and says the top dog position is just bad and all it does is get you killed. 20 Last Updated. Judy tells Allie its her fault that shes in the chair, because of the money. Judy later in the dining room says she hasnt seen Sheila since work unit. Judy confesses to attacking General Manager Ann, angering Allie. With Wentworth revived due to fan demand after its apparent demise, and the cast and crew now entering their final stretch behind bars, Katrina Milosevic the woman who breathed life into Boomer professes herself somewhat daunted by the rapidly approaching end of her custodial journey. Judy is found the next morning by Will Jackson and he unclips her and takes her to medical. Allie is later taken to medical. Judy wanting to forget for awhile trips on LSD and slaps Allie, as Sheila Bausch manages to calm her down. In episode six is released from the slot after threatening to go to the ombudsman over mistreatment. The couple, after numerous steps for preparing their way out of the prison, Allie decides in the end to stay in Wentworth and share her plan with Jake to get rid of Ferguson, for good. There was a baby born during the siege. She is allowed a phone call by Ann to call her father, but her father refuses to have anything else to do with her. Played by Later Allie is brutally stabbed by Judy but sees Lou in her loss of consciousness, and left for dead. Allie basically agrees. Fans of Wentworth who have just finished the eighth season of the women's prison series are left with a lot of questions. See who blinks first..". Allie and Bea start a relationship in the following episode and then proceed to consummate their relationship. Kazs murderer is revealed to be Sean Brody, who says that he killed her to keep Michael safe. Allie later punches Marie and is taken to the slot afterward. First Appeared Why does Judy stab Allie? Later Allie is in the laundry when Marie attacks Mandy Frost. Judy's last lines are "Ms Reynolds. Who is the new host of Dancing with the Stars? Judy later stabs Allie in the shower, seriously wounding her. What happened to Allie on Wentworth? Is mentioned by Boomer during Veras visit to the prison and she says she wishes Lizzie could see this.. and is mentioned again by Lou during the dining room scene and a scene in the shower. Essential Tips, When should I worry about my puppy being sick? Judy Bryant (Wentworth) Will Rita be able to say goodbye to her and Ruby's dad? Thankfully, Bridget manages to help her gather the evidence needed to clear her name, and while Franky is still suffering from the bullet wound, she finally wakes up in a hospital where detectives let her know that theyre dropping all charges against her. Lou is approached by Judy Bryant who wants to use her phone. We end the season with Allie, Wentworths new Top Dog, on the floor of the bathroom, getting a glimpse of Lou standing over her, even though its actually Judy, the new hacktivist, who brutally stabbed her and left her for dead in the shower block. In episode three, Judy tells Ruby and Boomer that Allie has started her lawsuit against the prison, Judy later meets Rita when Rita is brought back into the prison. The season ended on an emotional note for Boomer, who euthanized Liz Birdsworth (Celia Ireland) on Lizs request prior to her stroke. The world is less generous and less welcoming because B. Smith, former model, entertainer and lifestyle doyenne, has left it. Judy calls it a mafia movie, at the same time a news report comes out with the news of Joan Ferguson being alive. And later seen talking with Lou where she reveals that she was the one who killed Marie not Mandy. Later Allie is told by Lou to choose sides either hers or "The Pigs" meaning Rita. Nous avons cr un lieu o lon parle autant de recettes dlicieuses et facilesque dela nourriture comme dun mode de vie amusant et dun phnomne culturel. In episode five, Allie tells the Maire so she can spread the word the person who attacked her was Judy, after Judy high on laughing gas revealed she stabbed her and attempted to get slotted by Will as a result. Later watches Judy's LSD freakout and tries to calm her down but fails. Allie learns off Will Jackson that the protection unit is to be shut down, Allie refuses to promise the safety of only one inmate from the unit, that of Marie and when Marie tries to talk to Allie, Allie tells Marie that if the women come for her she will let them as this happens in the dining room. The season wraps up after the lockdown caused by General Manager Ann Reynolds getting beat up comes to an end. Well now. Judy faces the wrath of Ann Reynolds when Ann uses Linda Miles to break her but Linda goes to far and pepper sprays Judy while in the slot. The Drew Barrymore Show: Josh Lucas, Ali Wentworth, Meatless Meatballs with Molly Yeh, Drew-Gooder; The Drew Barrymore Show: Elaine Welteroth, Andrew Rannells, Student Making A Difference; The Drew Barrymore Show: Drew's Halloween Show! Find Out Here, How do you train a dog to play with a balloon? In episode 5 Allie mourns the loss of Kaz, and provides an alibi for Marie, but later gets charged with obstructing justice and she gives Marie her vote for top dog. In hospital, Doreen had an ultrasound and found that she lost her baby, and was sent to Wentworth, charged with Reckless Endangerment. It is revealed that Judy stole Reb's surgery money and used it to hire an assassin to assassinate the visiting United States Secretary of State, who is seeking her extradition. Her lawyer says that if her lover needs care it can delay court by at least six months. Lou meets with Ann Reynolds who wants her to protect Joan Ferguson after she has been released back into general. Judy, In episode five, Allie tells the Maire so she can spread the word the person who attacked her was Judy, after. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. He told her that her son Danny was braindead, so she should stop life support and let him succumb to his injuries. Allie is later bashed by Lou when the phone Lou has been using to raise money for Reb has gone missing. "First Blood" Allie later gets a kiss on the cheek from Judy who is unaware of the unfolding event. Later in the showers Allie breaks down over her injuries. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Keep reading while we process the latest season. Foodly Experts There will be several pivotal roles played by Nicole da Silva (plays Franky), Kate Atkinson (plays Vera), Robbie Magasiva (plays Will Jackson), Katrina Milosevic (plays Boomer), and Bernard Curry (plays Jake). Did you not watch the episode? And it seems characters will continue to question her in the final 10 episodes, as Pamela mused about who would be Joans allies. In episode nine, Allie is seen in Marie Winter's dream where Allie and the H1 crew hang her. Beforeher arrest Allie was a member of the vigilante group known as the "Red Right Hand" whose leader Kaz Proctor went around giving "justice" to people who escaped it in court. Allie is later seen in the dining room when Lou finds the eye. Judy explains her actions by needing money for a lawyer but promises to give Lou back the money and phone. As the firies are making their way into the units, they eventually find Allie and take her to the women. Lou taunts Allie about the money and says she doesn't have it, later when she speaks with Judy, Judy reveals she kept the money and Allie tells her "fuck Lou Kelly' in agreement. I could be wrong but ahh I'm so excited for season 9!!! Judy Bryant is a former inmate of Wentworth Detention Centre. When we left our inmates, Allie Novaks (Kate Jenkinson) life was in the balance after she was stabbed in the showers by Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) and left for dead. She finally learns that it was Judy, Boomer and Ruby who attacked the GM, and Judy reveals she knew it was Ann from the start. . When the group finds out that Marie never killed Kaz and it was Brody, Allie is furious,Marie and Brody take Allie hostage and make their way around the prison, when Ruby goads Marie and runs after her, after a scuffle, Allie manages to shoot Marie in the leg, before shooting Sean in the head and tells Marie that she's done with her now, it is possible that Allie is slotted for the shooting. Judy is belted by Ann with a baton and she tells Lou she no longer wants revenge as she is getting out. Later Allie is brutally stabbed by Judy but sees Lou in her loss of consciousness, and left for dead. In episode five, Judy tells the women that she got money from crowdfunding to get a new lawyer that is a QC. 4: Boomer Does Not Fall Pregnant /// With Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) able to get her hands on Maxines baby juice, theres been a big lead-up to any kind of reveal to whether she is actually pregnant or not so much so, Boomer has even stepped aside from any grunt work in case she is pregnant. She even offers to pay double for the use but Lou declines her offer. Allie's last lines are also a nod to Bea Smith's last lines. Marie somehow will die too, If she survives she will think it was Lou who did it as that was who she saw before going unconscious. It is revealed that Judy stole Reb's surgery money and used it to hire an assassin to assassinate the visiting United States Secretary of State, who is seeking her extradition. Bea then thrusts herself into the knife, making it appear that Joan has killed her. 10, Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publie. In episode six, Allie is seen when Linda and the guards do a cell toss, Allie is later in the yard when Marie asks her if she can asked the women if she can move in to her unit and Allie says that she can try but it wont be an easy task. Allie tells Boomer, Judy and Ruby that Ferguson is returning to general.
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