Advantages and disadvantages of pesticides. Ive been to plenty commercial dairy operations, when there is localized inflammation, redness a open sores we call that pus. Anti-agriculture groups (like nutritionfacts . Howeverit is not normal for a cow to give milk to Do some real research before you spout offensive rants like this. I look for a PDF Ebook about : Snopes milk pus. No science needed in this comparison, just some good ol common sense.. Did you even read my post Dairy Guy? They dont gain a profit, like you do, and vegans are not the same as health nuts, always. Answer is yes of course. PETA). Hi, Thanks, for commenting! greg ballard obituary 2021 Dont listen to biased articles such as this, do your own research and make your own mind up. pus in milk snopes 05 Jun. Football is an activity that carries a high risk of injury, including that 1 out of 100 participants will suffer a concussive injury. Thanks for the complement, Im glad you liked it! We do need reform and change in some areas. You know whats not in vegetables though- fats. Many of these people could have the evidence presented to them on a platter and theyll still rather believe the myths cuz ah red it on the Facebook!. The dairy guy has explained the immune response well. lol when the apocalypse happens, Im glad your belief system will keep you occupied. Its not even an argument.. Some connections should be made her by intelligent people. Actually China traditionally didnt consume milk and they were healthy and lived long. So basically, virtually almost all dairy milk has some form of pus in it. What happens to all those babies who never get mothers milk?? So I can no longer drink milk. They see humanity as a scourge on the earth that needs to be eliminated. Of course you dont want anyone to think badly of milk, if you are a dairy farmer. Im sure at your farm they are. I see you havent read the comments on some of these topics lol. There are interviews on youtube from activists who took part in these operations who have come out and admitted the tactics they use.. To counter bobs myths bull calves go to beef ranches where they are raised. Other indications of mastitis may be abnormalities in milk such as a watery appearance, flakes, or clots. Reading this definition, one can almost understand why a person not familiar with procedures and practices on a dairy farm could be led to believe that there is pus in milk, especially after reading false statistics claiming widespread incidences of mastitis in dairy cows. About IOT; The Saillant System; Flow Machine. I find it amazing how its no big deal. Maybe you are the best, a great guy who loves his cows and treats them with respect, never harming them, always showing compassion and making sure you consider their needs and interests. As the dairy industry points out, the accumulation of pus is a natural part of an animals defense system. I only wonder what youve been reading about milk because I must have missed it. worst thing is, people keep thinking milk is good because some a-hole with a degree says its so. They tell their stories and they believed they treated their animals well. Yes, they go outside. So if there is no pus (one letter s) in milk then there is no pus in cheese either. Thanks! If they arent as high in their integrity as you, thats a real problem. But this milk cant be sold and regulations (of the dairy industry) mandate that it be discarded. This line is drawn to ensure that sick cows are treated and that their milk does not enter the food chain. Thats weird because milk supposedly strengthens bones? I grew up in agriculture and I am the first person to admit there are problems. You can read my previous article on fat to learn about the nutrition misconceptions that have caused the health epidemic today. Phlegm is the thick, sticky mucus that drips down the back of your throat when you have a cold. So if you want to use the definition of pus, then every breastfed baby is also drinking pus too! Thanks Matt for the positive comment. According to the USDA, 1 in 6 dairy cows in the United States suffers from clinical mastitis, which is responsible for 1 in 6 dairy cow deaths on U.S. dairy farms. Broccoli will have be hurling for hours and on fluids for 4 days. (making money/ taking donations) They want to eliminate animal agriculture. Ive never known a dairy farmer use growth hormones, it wouldnt make sense to now that creameries label whether or not milk contains rBGH. You can read more about it here. You exploit animals every day for cash and end their lives when you choose. Your critic above not only gets her facts wrong about pus but her statement about milk not being a healthy drink flies in the face of decades of research (and, no, not all of it is milk industry funded). It is nothing like the same as humans genetically selecting cows with unnaturally large udders, artificially inseminating them so they constantly produce milk, keeping them confined against their will and steeling the milk which they most definitely did not produce for your consumption. They are animals just like our so call house pets. The goal of the agricultural industry is to sustain human life and livelihood. Im glad you take care of your cows, but I believe you may be in the minority. But all the other farms are. The bull calves go to a local beef ranch that raises them until they are full grown. Water supply companies ? Eventually enough people agreed it was morally indefensible and were prepared to say so and fight for freedom. Plus then there are also a lot of regulations monitoring milk quality, and cleanliness. So theres definitely some encouragement to do the best jobs possible. Weve never gotten any results back with pus. In the dairy industry, their milk and babies are stolen from them, all so that humans can consume an unhealthy "product." Of course theres money to be gained in veganism: from the self-proclaimed experts who get to sell their books and profit off of peoples ignorance. Do these factory farms even exist? Watch some videos of dairy cows being abused. And you can taste the difference., we apply an antibacterial teatprotecting dip after milking, Milk is good for you, according to a new study further evidence that the real thing is healthier than non-dairy alternatives | Andre Eger, Milk is good for you, according to a new study further evidence that the real thing is healthier than non-dairy alternatives | IMT, Milk is good for you, according to a new study further evidence that the real thing is healthier than non-dairy alternatives, Milk is good for you, according to a new study further evidence that the real thing is healthier than non-dairy alternatives New Viral Story, Milk is good for you, according to a new study further evidence that the real thing is healthier than non-dairy alternatives Viral News Bulletin. I have lots of respect for Dairy farmers. But what I will say is for 5 years I have lived dairy free and my blood work is amazing, as the dr put it. Its not gross. Somatic cells are living white blood cells located in the udder of cows. We have the state milk inspector come to our dairy regularly to inspect our facilities to make sure everythings top notch. Those who have an ideological or commercial reason to want us to fear milk are trying to convince us that SCC and pus are interchangeable terms. So you might be thinking If milk doesnt have pus in it, how did this myth get started. Next time dont ass-ume. All the the other farms give ZERO fucks about their livestock or their customer. Living on vegetables is impossible unless you buy your food from factories that process and refine your food in unnatural ways. I think he knows what he is talking alittleeeee bit more than the fanatics making their claims. Somatic cells are living white blood cells located in the udder of cows. We have feelings and deeply care about animals. Stupid! Then it depends on the cellular concentration of pus. If nature intended animals to never be used by humans, why did nature intend that humans would exist that would use animals for food, drink, and clothing? Gosh I just wish they would all go away. Here is a wonderful link which shows these animals are well-suited for the farm, being herd animals and the lies of food extremists are simply untrue. its a good chance they have fallen for a conspiracy theory (that is making a lot of money). You dont know what it means to have a positive responses every now and then. Under the current system, cows live happy healthy lives and then they serve a purpose at the end. Good to have it explained so clearly by you. Last updated: It makes sense right because what is the point of a high producing milk cow if she will only be around a few years. I truly appreciate your logical and thoughtful responses. Cows cycles are actually longer on the farm because we actually give her time off. This level of disease is reflected in the concentration of somatic cells in the American milk supply. In the new NutritionFacts.orgvideo-of-the-day, I note that the antiseptics used to disinfect cow teats can provide a source of iodine, but have been found to boost the level of pus in the milk of cows with staph-infected udders. Thumbs up to AbbyJ. The industry should be ashamed of itself putting profits over humans. A breast infection, also known as mastitis, is an infection that occurs within the tissue of the breast. Infection and pus need not be present for there to be white blood cells. These health problems are caused by our whole diet. In order for you to continue getting milk you would force the cow to get pregnant then take the calf away so you can profit off of her utter milk that was provided for her calf, not for you. I am hoping to discuss farm size in a future post. Written By Im sure your dairy farm is as you say it is, however, I have seen many videos where the cows are treated horribly kicked, stomped, hit with bats, jabbed with pitch forks, and calves drug away from their bawling mothers!!! Somatic cell counts greater than a million per teaspoon are abnormal and almost always caused by mastitis. Other than wanting facts to then decide what I feel. You have entered an incorrect email address! Unfortunately for you, Ive been in factory farms. Mastitis will only cause the milk to be watery, or have flakes or clots. 01444899 Every time the cow is milked, her udder is first cleaned with an antimicrobial lotion. Does this article only apply to organic milk ? We use a natural remedy with vitamins that helps boost the cows immune system so they can fight the infection naturally. You can search the web and find these groups. No harm? Swimming pools are filled with water treated with chlorine and therefore contains chlorine. On our farm, we also use some other methods though, besides antibiotics, to fight infections. Hi dairy guy, well done for maintaining your composure after dealing with some of the comments above it must be hard. Where do these rumours begin? Nice to see someone waving the flag for the farmers. This ensures that the cow is nice and clean before every milking. Milk is milk and meat is meat. Ive seen countless pics of cows in horrible muddy/manure filled barns which is horrible. The calves are separated from their mothers, who cry for their taken children until they lose their voice. Additionally, all milk is tested on farm and at the processing plant for antibiotic residues; if residues are detected, all contaminated milk is discarded and the farmer responsible pays a hefty fine. Abnormal milk from cows is collected into a separate vessel or bucket and discarded. Avoiding it does nothing for the world- it is an illusory contribution. Back to the real world you make your farm sound like a lovely place to be enslaved, but what about the horrific conditions on industrial sized factory farms? He decided he would ask for a meal at the next. When mastitis is detected, either via testing or the daily visual inspection of each cows milk before the milkingmachine is attached, the milk from that cow does not enter the supply chain until the infection has cleared. your spelling is wrong in so many ways and that leads me to think any statement of yours will be the statement of an uneducated follower of whatever fact hes told first. There are other things happening too, such as forced insemination, and with your point on people drinking milk for a long, long time, that does not make a difference on your argument. Normally these cows can live 20 years but poor dairy cows literally lay down and die at 4-5 years due to the endless cycle of pregnancies. Because of the mastitis epidemic in the U.S. dairy herd, the dairy industry continues to demand that American milk retain the highest allowable somatic cell concentration in the world. I have read many facts and arguments pertaining to this article, and it is very clear milk is harmful for us. This leads to infections, which is, by definition, staph and thus pus. I look up whats in milk.dead white blood cells.then I look up pus and the definition is dead white blood cells.
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