Blending in. Celebrity examples with Neptune conjunct ascendant: This is a fascinating aspect, but is it good? Rose-colored glasses. Okay, that may be the wrong adjective, but if you think about it.. Neptune is Pisces' planetary ruler. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! Scorpionic black humour, biting wit and a social commentary on the dark Traditionally beautiful or handsome. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. Lying and forgery would eventually end in disappointment and disgrace. Appearance wise, maybe not helpful, but not harmful either. murgrabias tools, Your email address will not be published. Brainstorm: Mars/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Mars and the Ascendant.Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Brainstorm: Pluto/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Pluto and the Ascendant. You may look to religion, spirituality, or philosophy as a framework or moral compass. The flow towards becoming your ideal exterior self. What I've realized about my appearance is that I tend to look a 'bit' different in every picture I take. It really is. Anywhere the wind blows, doesnt really matter to you. Presenting yourself as someone who does no harm. Hippy. Mystic. She took a long time to admit that she was not going off with him and left him hanging and generally left him confused and hurt (but hes still there, hanging on and hoping!). Ive noticed people that are really sexy, and sophisticated have this aspect. Kim Kardashians ascendant is also in Sagittarius, and her Jupiter makes a wide conjunction to her natal Venus. Exploring without boundaries. This can lead these folks to present an altered view of themselves to the world. Lucid dreaming. JavaScript is disabled. I Until then my Loves!! Gonna keep you coming back for more !!! Its sign is shared by masses of people born during a 14-years period. I mean yes people want to be appealing to others, but then what's the point of this? The people are drawn to each other, but the ascendant person feels this conjunction more intensely. Any specifically gorgeous aspects? Ascendant/Pluto = Will be an obsessive, neurotic relationship. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. ife is a dream. I feel youll have to have more beauty aspects for this one to shine. . ^They've got nothing on us Sag MoonsI was going to say you could just switch to Sidereal Zodiac. Pluto alters body form in line with the tendency of the ascendant sign: Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces increase height; Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn shorten height, and Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius thicken body form. Thus is because Neptune blurs the line between fantasy and reality. Kathryn Farmer q. her birth Louise, The Client, and Dead Man Walking, a Neptune Conjunct Venus Natal. When these two meet for the first time, they will be able to see the real person that is hiding behind the smile. Stars With Neptune OnThe Ascendant / Prominent InThe First House, Clockwise: Dolly Parton, Kelly Rowland, Janet Jackson, Nelly Furtado, Bjork, Maya Angelou, Norah Jones, Anne HathawayAnd Alicia Keys. What if they are in first but not in ascendant sign? My pisces venus biquintiles my (late) Cancer ascendant, close sextile to my capricorn Moon, which is conjunct Neptune (and two others). That is what might happen when Transit Neptune is conjunct your Ascendant, because when Neptune is conjunct the Ascendant, Neptune is opposition the Descendant (the starting point of the house of marriage) and might drift you apart. Ethereal energy. Neptune transit to natal ascendant. Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Neptune conjunct the ascendant! he had been offered the role while he was in a bat cave in Africa doing dangerous and ruggedly hands-on 007 (very different from the suave, The activity of the outer planets is often said to be turbulent and disruptive. My paternal grandmother had Neptune in the 12th house conjunct her Leo asc., one of my sons is a Pisces Sun with Neptune on his asc, another son is a Pisces Sun with Cancer asc, and a third son is Cancer Sun with a . The conjunct aspect usually occurs when two points of astrological significance are within 6-10 degrees on the natal chart. I believe this one also give an innocent look. Stars With Neptune OnThe Ascendant / Prominent InThe First House, Clockwise: Paris Hilton, Gwen Stefani, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Janet Jackson, Dolly Parton, Courtney Love And Nicole Kidman. However, this conjunction can also end in disenchantment. You are a shapeshifter and can melt away into a crowd if you dont want to be seen. The Neptune person can totally blew away the ascendant person. shipping calculated at checkout to other worldwide locations. More on the sexy side. When a planet sits in the first house or even more significantly on the ascendant it can really speak about the way we look, Neptuneis romantic and poetic, musical and dreamy. ruler of first house aspect venus natal chart, Natal Neptune in the 1st house - Astrology Anonymous. Mercury conjunct the Ascendant shows that you are intensely preoccupied with yourself. Letting peoples projections and criticisms slide off you. A nagging parent or people invading your personal space can be too much to cope with. You have read and agreed to our privacy policy, The 10 major planets paired with the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC, Written in short, fragmented sentences, this eBook embraces a loose, brainstorm-style of writing, Entertaining read for newbies and experienced astrologers alike, FREE eBook! While this is not a traditional beauty indicator, Ive noticed that people with predominant Sun energy tend to be very attractive. Artists, musicians, poets, and dreamers. Artistic intoxication. ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT ADVERTISE DISCLAIMER . You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. Your own sensitivities make you sensitive to others. The transit of Neptune conjunct your natal Ascendant is an important transit in which the impression you make on others will change. Having two jobs takes a toll on me. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Conjunct Ascendant. Neptune conjunct/trine/sextile Sun; Neptune conjunct/trine/sextile Mars; Neptune asepcting Midheaven; Neptune as the most elevated planet. Remain honest in all your dealings. window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-64036cb4e89af'). Question-how does having my natal Venus in retrograde change all of this up or affect it? Wanderers and travelers. This will be the motivating force that will pull these two planets together. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Neptune Opposite Ascendant (Conjunct Descendant) This Neptune-Ascendant aspect can be particularly rewarding or troublesome depending on other aspects & the general attitude of the person. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. The Ascendant has a magnetic quality as was pointed out by Johndro; the Vertex is electrical in nature. This placement often indicates an interest in hidden, mystical things. When Neptune touches the native at the Ascendant, the native may have a perpetual identity crisis.This is not funny, although it may sound tongue in cheek.There is not much of a worse feeling than not feeling a solid sense of self.This can happen to people for a variety of reasons. By the same token, you should avoid taking advantage of other people. Could my sun sign and moon sign overwrite this Neptune aspect and thats why it doesnt fit me? The need to learn spiritual discrimination to determine what is worthy of your attention. Scorpionic black humour, biting wit and a social commentary on the dark Traditionally. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Ascendant/Saturn = Can be inhibiting, or this can be suffocating or constructively helpful, but you will have a strong shoulder to lean on. You have an eye for beauty & fashion, so you might have . People see through you. Your sensitivity can affect your health in the form of skin rashes, allergies and infections. Its this astrological point that symbolically represents our entry tothe world. Venus in aspect to the ruler of the 1st house works very similarly to aspects to the ascendant. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Brainstorm: Moon / Neptune Astrology Aspects. Given that the Sun is the ruler of Leo, individuals with their Sun on their Ascendant often share similar qualities to Leo Ascendant individuals. Neptune sextile Ascendant. She surrounds herself with beauty, it really is like entering a different world when you are around her. The desire to merge with everything. etc. Subtlety. Yes, please answer as I have this aspect approaching also. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Birth certificate on file from As on date Uranus is at 13 degrees Aries and Neptune i. Francis Ford Coppola: 7 April 1939, 01:38 EST, of the Scorpio archetype, from political animal to Svengali to serial In Harrison's collection of charming but unsentimental 'English Often cast in perky romantic lead roles, Ryan's Ascendant signs in most habitable latitudes). That part is completely untrue. Brainstorm: Moon/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Neptune. Now she wants to be released from it. So many beautiful women have this aspect, including Kim Kardashian, Marilyn Monroe, Ariana Grande, as well as handsome men such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Tom Cruise. Leo represents confidence & sass. powerful. Some celebs with Sun conjunct their Ascendant are Kourtney Kardashian and Scarlett Johansson. Some people with this placement might feel like they are a well-kept secret. The first house ISour physical selves and with the presence of watery Neptune we might not know where we end and the world begins. When it is conjunct such an important point as the ascendant, Neptune becomes very emphasized. Required fields are marked *. Perhaps I was wrong. With Neptune conjunct Ascendant, you might have been born into this world, but with this configuration, some part of you always seems to belong to another world. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the first house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. Empathizing with a difficult path. You probably start your conversations with "I" more often than most people do, and the word "me" crops up regularly in your dialogue. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Leading an enchanting life. A person-emotion listens to his desires: he wants to lie on the sofa, his hands are burning to create beauty - he writes poetry, fairy tales, paintings, knits and embroiders. Not caring about the right direction. asteroid child (4580) trine or conjunct sun, ascendant, venus, neptune, uranus (not retrograded) venus, uranus, neptune, sun conjunct or trine midheaven. Another, asteroid thats left up in the air. It represents the illusion, spreading a watery veil over matters and distorting the view. Trouble identifying with the current reality. It might feel an otherworldly, enchanting relationship. No signposts. Strong moon aspects in your chart: I believe a strong moon in your chart equally beauty and femininity. I have Neptune closely conjunct my Ascendant the orb is about 3 degrees. I have taurus ascendant, lilith in taurus conjunct ascendant, Neptune conjunct MC in capricorn, moon in aries, and mars in Leo very similar to your boyfriend. I'm 5'1 and 90 pounds. Planets conjunct 7th & 2nd house cusps: Yes, I know this is a relationship houses. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, the planet of beauty and grace in astrology. Then, you can all too easily surrender much of whom you still are, and can be, to others, and your given circumstances. You are aware of critical looks to your appearance. Spiritual outlook. Find your own path to religious or spiritual understanding. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning.
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