This includes updating the railroad and supply hub locations, changes to army, air and naval experience generation and doctrine research, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. Adjusted the user interface for the faction-joining events. American Civil War participants now start with their templates and variants, to avoid problems with releasing puppets. Fixed the American Civil War cosmetic renames not being correctly removed in all instances. Fixed a Saudi decision having the wrong state check. Switzerland has a less punishing ideology drift with the Memory of Geneva national spirit. Added Yang Kunru and Li Yangjing as generals for Liangguang. Countries will no longer release a puppet Don Kuban Union unless they have no other choice. Updated Austria's Syndicalist Menace decision for joining the Reichspakt, taking socialist Poland into account. Fengtian can no longer prepare for the Prince's Visit after war causes his visit's cancellation. Fixed Russia being released always resulting in Kuban being retained. you can change the text inside this: " " Fixed a broken tooltip in the Ottoman national focus to embargo the Internationale. Increased the infrastructure gain from Austrias Electrifying the Sdbahn national focus. If Qing turns into a republic, PatAuts are now in coalition with the AutDem ruling government. Fixed the PatAut Radical Serbian game rule. Fixed the United States being able to request the return of a capitulated Hawaii. Fixed a White Ruthenian general being removed without existing. Renamed several Turkish advisors Bey and Paa. The White Ruthenian annexation events now account for the Lithuanian-Belarusian Federation. Fixed the American Civil War recruitment decisions cancelling incorrectly. Fengtian should now always warn targets for war, Honduras is no longer stuck repeating its political turmoil event over and over. Overhauled Qings starting divisions and templates. New event and decision category pictures for South America. Fixed the Peruvian election not firing appropriately. Venezuela can now join the Entente if at war with an Internationale member. Fixed Italy not claiming Libya's two impassable states. Fixed Hungary stealing states from neutral tags when released. The Arabian Federation can now core non-Sudanese parts of Egypt. Austria will now intervene against Russia even if already at war with the Third Internationale, if Germany is losing heavily. Fixed German East Asia having their navy taken by Germany twice. Fixed Petrograd terrain GFX being misplaced. Added the former Timur Beg stand-in leader picture as a generic. Romania now only gets Alfld if they already have a claim for it. Updated several Ethiopian national spirit icons. Fixed New Englands All Behind New England event firing twice. Fixed the Reichspakt getting its units stuck in Entente Britain. Air designers now give bonuses to jet aircraft. Fixed the Chetnik strength variable not being set if Bulgaria is already at war. Reduced the Commune of Frances resistance target from the Communard Spirit national spirit. Ireland no longer starts with two duplicates of the same Destroyer. Added a separate annexation event for Gomel. Fixed Nicaragua requesting socialist aid from Canada. Fixed a missing modifier in Brazil's liberal reform national spirits. Removed Italian cores on Dalmatia and Kotor. Added an annexation mission for Essequibo. Fixed the United Kingdom being unable to release a controlled Ireland, had the former already been occupied by Canada before the restoration of the United Kingdom. Added a railway effect to Canadas railway national focus. Socialist Netherlands SDAP path now has a coalition with its moderate wing. The Princely Federation will now always accept diplomatic overtures from Japan, if set to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere in the game rules, even though they would have joined after uniting India anyway. Slightly decreased the World Tension from the Italian Civil War. Fixed the event for White Ruthenian 1939 elections firing twice. Streamlined the Irish immigration events. Poland may now only perform Operation Parasol when in a faction. Sichuan should now be partitioned instead of peacing out with Yunnan if involved in multiple wars. Fixed some generals not joining their respective revolts in NatPop Brazil. Fixed Denmark keeping an inappropriate national spirit upon being released as a puppet. Changed Colours for Mali and Senegal to a darker white and blue respectively. Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. Added more female european air ace generics. Fixed the Princely Federation keeping a wargoal on Goa if they capitulate. Rebalanced Russian victory points to make European Russia worth more and Siberia noticeably less. Fixed Entente Belgium being unable to fix Black Monday. Fixed former Canadian and Indian Generals Claude Auchinleck and William Slim getting their flights mixed up - Auchinleck is now correctly in the Dominion of India, and Slim in the Union of Britain. Fixed countries remaining in Mitteleuropa while at war with Germany. The Anarchists in the Commune France are now led by a Federal Defence Council, instead of Nestor Makhno. Added Alsace et Lorraine for the French Republic. Fixed Australasia sending trade delegations to annexed countries. The is now more of a delay before Rhodesia and Natal join the Entente during the Third Boer War. Removed several national spirits from Mittelafrika, and replaced them with other bonuses. The AI no longer uses or researches armoured cars. LKMT Yunnan forming Republican of China after the loss of Fujian KMT has been fixed. Replaced Ukraines Yurii Lapchynsky with Vlas Chubar. Fixed the game rule for the Dominion of India puppeting Afghanistan not working, due to the requirement of controlling Kabul. Decreased the amount of oil in the Union of Britain. Fixed non-socialist countries staying in Phalanstere, after the government changes from being socialist. Fixed monarchy Poland joining the Moscow Accord after not being fully annexed by Russia. Fixed Paraguays Estigarribia not having his leader description changed if he was democratically elected. Added German, Polish, Ukrainian and Romanian renaming for Slovakia and Hungary where appropriate. Greece can no longer fall into civil war if puppeted. Adjusted the costs and durations of Paraguays economic decisions. Argentinas "Domestic Aircraft Manufactories" national focus now provides an air designer. Fixed the United Baltic Duchy having access to Estonian decisions. Fixed Costa Rica joining the Entente when their foreign policy game rule is set to remain neutral. Refactored the West Indies Federation annexation event to avoid removing all cores on their states. Fixed Yan Kunrus missing general description in Liangguang. Improved the supply availability on the Fengtian / Qing border. Renamed some New Englander equipment to not be Canadian. Enabled LIB to go down another pass if the USA loses the civil war. Fixed Liangguangs Second Industrialisation national focus not adding building slots. Greeces Fight for Macedonia is now a decision activated by the focus, Greece can no longer start the monarchy referendum until after the 1938 elections, at minimum, Revamped the annexation missions throughout Southern Europe, Added separate annexation missions for Scotland and Wales, Reworked the Serbian-Bulgarian union event chain so it is no longer a trap for Serbia. Fixed the missing text in the events about socialist generals returning from Patagonia. Fixed some incorrectly coloured text in the game rule descriptions. Fixed New England getting two events about the beneficiary of the Ententes intervention in the American Civil War. Fixed Ukraines missing leader descriptions for Mikhail Bulgakov and Dmytro Dontsov. South Africa no longer gets the event to offer "protection" to Southwest Africa if it's a puppet. In all other cases theyll immediately declare war instead. Fixed Bulgaria being unable to join the Moscow Accord. Fixed Galicia joining Poland while in the Brotherhood of Slavs. Fixed Socialist Russia losing half of Russia's factories when spawning. Fixed the Socialist Russian Transsiberian national focus giving infrastructure to the wrong states. Improved the AI so that countries with lower manpower will not adopt the Mass Assault doctrine. Fixed syndicalist/PatAut Australasia keeping Hong Kong. Puppeted Serbian Yugoslavia no longer has access to the unique Yugoslavia tree. The capitulation of the owner of a lease now automatically ends the lease. Removed the Russian general Bronislav Kaminski. Mittelafika will now collapse when it reaches -100% Stability, rather than -40%. Fixed the Latium state breaking Italian unification, if it was previously taken from the Papal States and cored by the Socialist Republic of Italy, before being conquered by the Italian Republic. Fixed Transamurs missing leader descriptions for Spiridon Merkulov, Grigory Semyonov and Boris Shumyatsky. Fixed Cuba supporting the opposition in the West Indies Federation benefiting the ruling party instead. Fixed NatPop Shandong going to war with the League of Eight Provinces during the Manchu Coup. Fixed a few Russian events spawning factories in the RSRs territory if they fired during the civil war. Fixed Ethiopia joining the Reichspakt when it is the puppet of another country. Germany now starts with a claim on Ceylon, Diego Garcia and the Maldives. Fixed the Kingdom of France not getting the correct name, upon return to the mainland. A new game rule has been added for regulating when WK2 can begin. Updated several Mittelafrikan event pictures. Fixed Mittelafrika's starting tank divisions having an empty chassis. Revamped the puppet system used for non-Together for Victory owners so that the overlord is informed when the puppet level changes, Re-fixed the bug where the final stage of the UK getting ships from Canada/Australasia doesnt cause a crash when the naval group is selected, The Belgrade Pact will no longer disband if Romania is its only member and drops out to fight its civil war, ACW countries are now disabled from generating wargoals on each other during the Rocky Mountain Ceasefire, as opposed to the AI just being discouraged. Fixed Anqing not being able to core the concessions. If the French Republic accepted the demands of the Congress of Lyon, they should be less aggressive towards the German puppet states. Moved Hungarian aluminium to states where bauxite deposits are. Nerfed Siams war reparations national spirit. Fixed the Defend South Africa for socialist South Africa automatically failing. Fixed the Russian-Ottoman peace firing, even if Russia doesn't own the Caucasus. DEI and HOL now start with the same naval techs. Changed railways in Western Anatolia to match the lore. A revolting Chad now starts as a market liberal republic. Removed Kakutsa Cholokashvili from Georgia, and replaced him with Shalva Maglakedize as the coup leader. Fixed the Liangguang revolter not getting any advisors. Increased and clarified the requirements in Manchu Qing attempting to hold up a democracy. Added Kotor as a new state in the Balkans. Added a bypass to the Stay Cordial Towards Religion national focus for Turkey, should they have already removed their Religious Community Threatened national spirit. Fixed a few inconsistencies with strategic region names. Lithuanias Bundists are now led by Shlomo Kleit, from Vilnius, as opposed to Victor Alter, who was from Warsaw. Adapted New Englands Congress effects to account for conservative democrats being in power. Chile now releases any puppets if couped by the military. Fixed the socialist revolution potentially occurring for puppeted Poland. Fixed Syria inviting its puppets into the League of Arab States. Fixed Polands decision to join the Belgrade Pact not accounting for a Belgrade Pact that is not led by Serbia. There are now separate buffs depending on if you go for the Southern or Northern War Plan as the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Germany being able to release an independent French Republic, just after beating them. Rebalanced the Serbian elections so that the Republicans win slightly less. Russia gets Ukrainian generals, admirals and the navy when annexing Ukraine in the Treaty of Pereyeslav, Converted most of the Polish foreign policy into decisions, Transamur can get their voting rights on the Legation Council restored, Added events to show what the decisions to prosecute the criminals actually mean, Colombia can now only choose Crusade Against Syndicalism if led by Pinilla (the decisions only worked for him anyway), Shortened the time between the USA's trial focus and the trial events, Luxembourg can now be granted to an allied France or Germany, Other Italian states are now more likely to agree to peaceful annexation, Italian faction-joining and war declaration decisions are now instant, Italian AI will now wait 30 days after peace before joining a faction, Belgrade Pact members will now never refuse to join, Afghanistan will now lose claims on Indian territory after losing to Delhi, Removed events allowing France to event-annex Belgium mid-war, Acting against Black Monday is no longer costlier than doing nothing, Changed the layout of the Chinese faction alignment chart, Perezs Venezuela can now join any faction the US is part of, Japan can no longer build a reactor in 1940, Transamur isnt a Japanese puppet at game start anymore, Russia can now seize Greater Armenia when the Ottomans collapse, A socialist coup in the Netherlands will now disband the BeNeSam, The Carlists dont sack the royal palace in the news event if they take Madrid, Added annexation missions for Estonia and Latvia, Brazil can choose to join the Entente in exchange for East Guyana, Egypt now releases puppets in former Ottoman lands if they chose to do so in the conference, If Fengtian rebels, Japan now installs Tang Shaoyi as leader of the Reorganized Government of the Republic of China instead of annexing China, The CSA can now join the Internationale if at war with an Entente PSA, Canada will no longer intervene in the ACW if the Deal with the Devil is active, SocDem Brazil can now support the CSA in the ACW, Puppet Hannover has been renamed to the North German Federation, Serbia can no longer drag Russia into a war with Austria before the WK2, Fixed Canadian MarkLib government not being switched to SocLib when Mackenzie King dies, Reshuffled Irish generals roster, swapped some focus icons and removed Sean Murray, Betty Sinclair, Padraic OMaille, Jonathan King, and numerous unused portraits. Liberia no longer takes Dahomey from Mittelafrika. Fixed the American Union States missing advisor portrait for Earl Long. Fixed the Sichuan Combat Smuggling decision being removed incorrectly. Tweaked Germanys AI for managing the western vs eastern front. Updated the annexation event for Sarawak. Fixed LEP being blocked out of its tree by Shandong being neutral. The Entente's peace with China now hands over the Legation Cities and Tibet if owned. Fixed the Ottomans releasing Tripoli despite not owning it. Renamed the Insulindia song Lagu Nasakom Bersatu dengan (Nasakom Unite! Fixed Hungary gaining Burgenland if Austria collapses. Otherwise? Fixed MarLib Liangguang having no chiefs of army left. Fixed the event for the fall of Baton Rouge checking the wrong province. Fixed a missing tooltip for the German Government in Exile. The capital of Cape Verde-Guinea is now in Cape Verde. I believe there should be a underscore between the words, e.g. The Ottomans also need to have won the war in the Levant first. Countries can no longer gain autonomy levels unless their overlord is at peace, or they're in the same wars. Changed the version of Sarie Marais for one more period appropiate and removed the Anthem as it was a duplicate of a different song that was already there. Fixed Poland causing the Third Weltkrieg in the middle of the second. Japan now loses ambition areas on China upon peacing with them. Updated event pictures for two Combined Syndicates events about Browder and Foster. You can find them all in the Official Kaiserreich Collection. Latvia now asks Estonia for an alliance instead of adding them automatically. Instead of Sultan Omer, Fahrettin Pasha now becomes the temporary leader of Turkey after his coup,until elections are held. Ma Clique-puppeted Mongolia and Tibet will no longer get their claims in the peace deal, and will instead just be released. The French Republic will now always support the Kingdom of Spain in the Spanish Civil War. The Don-Kuban Union states now start as cores of Russia. New England now cannot take the Liberate States decision when they are independent and the Pacific States exist, unless the Pacific States have declined their alliance offer.
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