It was a treat. RG: The only thing that Ill add, and it really isnt much, is that Americans (for the most part) do not have the skills nor the will to be able to survive a post-consumer world.. Saker I am just a common West European .. Danish in fact I am a bit unusual for a dane I admit , as I have lived outside my Country for most of my life , and the reasons for that being ,partly circumstance partly that I wasnt happy about the state of affairs in my Home country , mainly due to usurious taxation but also of other reasons . [13] [5] In June 2017, Nikolai Orlov completely resigned from the bank's . Finally, you might want to take a look at this: idea well, what of them? Under Mao, despite natural disasters and political mistakes, China grew economically at about 10%p.a, but from the lowest base imaginable ie after 150 years of malevolent Western interference, Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion, Civil Wars and the genocidal assault of the Japanese Imperial butchers. And God forbid that the Anglos lose their parasitic way of life and (horror) are compelled to live like the vast majority of humanity in the developing world from Africa to Asia to Latin America to the Middle East. I decided to turn to the undisputed expert on social and political collapse, Dmitry Orlov whom I have always admired for his very logical, non-ideological, comparative analyses of the collapse of the USSR and the USA. The crisis is approaching at a much faster rate than many have anticipated. Although humans still (think that) they exercise a modicum of control over the technosphere, it is the technosphere's natural tendency to take control away from humans even unto life-and-death decisions, as evidenced by a recent event in Libya where an unmanned military aircraft autonomously made the decision to kill someone. For instance, it is possible to provide OSCE observers with UN armed guards, as we suggest in response to the apprehensions of Ukrainians about their safety. Dmitry Orlov: The new pipelines under the Baltic and the Black Sea will be completed, along with the second LNG installation at Sabetta, and Russia will go on supplying natural gas to Europe and Asia. On the one hand, he doesnt listen to Germany or France because he has American patrons. Even the Ukrainian national emblem the trident hails from those days in the 900s-1200s. investigative report by J. Haek, Bellingcat. What the GJ propose is true democracy. experience of the event. Like the ME, the SCS gives a naval power a controlling wedge in Asia. Russia is already receiving a lot of displaced Russians, plus tons of Russians in Ukraine who became the source of cheap labor for Russian companies. 5G technology, glyphosate, genetic engineering, radioactive contamination, global chemtrail spraying, and pervasive electromagnetic fields are designed to take down humanity and the global biosphere. It is currently a major topic of discussion because of the farcical presidential elections currently taking place there, but more and more one hears the question: Must we continue talking about this? There just isnt anything positive to say about the Ukraine, and people tend to just shake their heads and switch to another channel. BTW, to all those who say that at 55, 58, 59 what have you they are too old to emigrate: Excellent news, if true. animal, thereby indirectly referring to the arctic fox, Vulpes It was only a week ago when Dmitry Orlov's name first started making its way into the NHL trade deadline chatter that fuels the . Here I could launch into a lengthy historical discussion of why the US went nuclear in Japan, why US plans to destroy the USSR using a nuclear first strike never came to fruition, why Reagan's Star Wars failed and much elsebut I won't bother and simply assume that you know all of that. while wren is a small marsh bird, As one told me just last week, come the downfall and collapse in Foggy Bottom, the very next day the petty criminals and drug dealers in their town will be gone, a combined effort of the local citizens and cops.. I fear that in the new liberalist oligarchic Russia they have managers (generally trained in very expensive western universities/think thank) but not statesmen and overall statesmen with an original strategic view for a national independent interest like the old USSR had. That was common secret and we from those countries agree that they were robbed by Russia and their Jewish partners. This political concoction was supposedly held together by a Ukrainian ethnic identity, which is itself a concoction. Dmitry Orlov gives his view on the pandemic and ensuing economic collapse. It makes little sense also within the perspective of the spectacular pace of recovery the country was capable of within a few years after WW2, where it had suffered unspeakable devastation, and again after the Yeltsin years. Dmitry left Russia with his family in 1976 and settled in the Boston area to pursue an education in computer science and linguistics. In the 1960s the Black Panthers set up community service organizations ( food banks, day care centers, local armed militias) and their slogan wasPower to the People. But lets be blunt: The Ukros are fighting until death; not victory. Never in its history has it been able to stand alone as a stable, self-sufficient, sovereign entity. It must be remembered that the Ukrainians, in spite of the decay of the last 30 years, still have something of the Russian fighting spirit in them, and will fight like Russiansuntil victory or until death. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win! Yum, Polish tears are delicious. NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all. A US version of the Yellow Vests? But the core of these agreements must remain unchanged. The word is a Latin WIth potential rods of god ready to fall. Just bringing Crimea up to Russias contemporary standards after 30 years of Ukrainian neglect has turned out to be a monumental task; as far as doing that for the rest of the Ukraineforget it! What may speed things up is that Europe, along with the US, appear to be heading into a recession/depression. We can see that the empire is weakening and that some countries are starting to balk at being vassals, but nothing definitive has happened yet. are totally fucked! It is in turn derived from the word polite substitute for the term (pizdts), which is However, this is not to be. An Android App has been developed by one of our supporters. Russian and foreign investments could do the trick. For the US, very bad times ahead. Comprehensive representation of the current givens. Join over 20k audio creators and earn $$. I have listened to the video above, but previously in another venue. Mr. Orlov is quite correct. Podcasts, cartoons, and commentary sent twice per week. Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire By Last Born In The Wilderness 126 listens 38 mo ago 59:16 The Arctic Fox Cometh to Global Research: The Dynamics between Russia and America with Dmitry Orlov By Global Research News Hour 128 listens 12 mo ago 10:57 Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire Thanks from me, too, an enjoyable read on a very tricky theme. They are taking their families, wives and children, with them and going home. The US has illegally invaded E. Syria and is daring Russia to do something about it. In this interview, which I listened to and found very interesting, Orlov reiterates points he makes in his recent Club Orlov essay, A Thousand Balls of Flame, which I also read with great interest. Meanwhile the vanity of the Ukraine actively discussing negotiating with Nato how to get support for the presumably naval forces to have unfettered rights of navigation through Kerch still persists..whether EU naval ships will join in by compulsion or willingly of course is a different matter. I especially agree with your descriptions of Howard and Murdoch. First and foremost, it is a freak show, as attested by the content of Russian talk shows on which Ukrainian experts appear as clownish, indestructible cartoon characters: whenever their risible arguments on behalf of the Ukraine blow up in their faces, for a moment they stand there charred and furious, then brush themselves off and appear in the next segment fresh as daisies. I predict a world war within the next 2-5 years. Those who dont like them should perhaps advocate for tearing or burning them down! The various ethnic groups that were grossly overrepresented among the Bolsheviks were all from the peripherythe Jewish Pale, Byelorussia, the Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Balticsand they thought nothing of sacrificing Mother Russia on the altar of world revolution. Important message about the blog from Andrei, La campagne mene par le prsident Roosevelt pour inciter la guerre en Europe, Le plus vieux mensonge et pourquoi la fin de lempire amricain a t retarde, Le retour de bton des sanctions contre la Russie, La piaga sanguinante sulla coscienza dellumanit, Pi lento degli HIMARS: la Russia dice che abbattere il razzo GLSDB non dovrebbe essere molto difficile, O palco est montado para a Terceira Guerra Mundial Hbrida, Tratar Putin como um imperialista irremedivel colocou o Ocidente em uma posio perigosa, Teniente General Igor Kirillov denuncia la preparacin de una provocacin con uso de armas qumicas de Occidente contra Rusia, : . It lays claim to the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk but not to the people who reside there. Look how recklessly the MIC is acting. For the near future a simple copy of a normal western state (colony). They are simply copying the liberalist West in everything. ", It's been 16 years since I published my article ". But this was, in a sense, inevitable: deprived of the Soviet teat, the Ukraine has been attempting to suckle up to the US and EU for 30 years now and, failing that, has been carving up and roasting its own loins. // the rank idiocy of Zbigniew Brzezinskis Grand Chessboard: his theory that Russia wants to be an empire but cannot do so without the Ukraine. Is it any wonder that all true Western racist supremacists so hate Mao? Browse for Doberman Dan interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. the same? Read Dmitry's work at: euphemisms. Once in a while they stage minor skirmishes, suffer casualties and pull back. leading to almost totally stamping out the Irish-Gaelic language which was the true Irish language and then Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia. So thank you Dmitry Orlov for this updated view. Fighting bad ideas since 2005. The easiest way to defeat the Outlaw US Empire is to decapitate the most important members of its 1% while disrupting the entire communication system. Just about every company grade officer and mid or senior NCO I know in US has or is in process of winding things up and moving home, moving away from the intensely corrupt and hedonistic coastal areas and moving to Middle America, the towns and small cities where the values to a great extent are what I grew up with in the 50s. Kharkov and Odessa? What to do. Catherine had an outstanding intellect. Not only did she learn to speak and write Russian like a native, she was also fluent in French and corresponded with Voltaire and other French intellectuals (and of course German, her native language). Things will go downhill from there as everyone in government in media does their best to pretend that the problem doesnt exist. I hoped to have a more in depth overview of these atrocities against western population from his point of view. Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer. . I think Ukraine is a society that cannot mobilize itself to address its problems. Instead, I'll just issue an update. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. With Dmitry Orlov's arrival, who will be the odd man out on the Bruins' defense? Even in Russia it took close to a decade to thwart the political power and influence of the oligarchy. The right thing to do is simply accepting them. As a consequence, he had many preferences and regional traits that gave him Ukrainian look. Putin Is Right, Liberalism Is Dead, So What Will Replace It? ber alles in der Welt. They refuse to even say two syllables: Hello. Americans, despite the obvious propaganda nature of the media still are true-believers in the official Narrative because meaning and myth always trumps reality. the female pelvis is the altar to which we spontaneously direct our What a brilliant piece of work, an essay, in essence. Those of you who have not been paying attention, or have but see the collapse of the USA as a somewhat whimsical, futuristic notion, need to pinch themselves. It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, but was first mentioned in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel "Heir to the Empire. And so brave In essence, its a tragic population that will never survive their Empires disintegration. And wasnt Hawke a CIA asset? One of his best pieces ever. The need to be vivid Still, Ive got scores more growing from seed, cuttings and will give marcotting a good go this spring. And so he just stood around gawking until it flew back and hit him. But the world has since caught up with me. Sadly. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. But his example of rulership still seems to be revered out there. Thus, the final element of the Russian perspective on the Ukraine is that its painful to look at and they would rather go look at something else. It can be argued that through her coup Catherine saved the existing Russian empire and certainly she expanded and strengthened it, also overseeing the construction of modern infrastructure such as canals and the naval base at Sevastopol. Interesting times ahead. Then they assume that you are independently wealthy and grovel shamefully." Dmitry Orlov 7 likes Like The Ukrainians simply laughed in their faces because it was clear to them that the instructors did not know how to fight at all. To save face, they have declared their defeat the result of a Russian invasion but have been unable to present any evidence of it. My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldnt be too surprised if that is what happens. But even today (the article was 2006) it should be seen as how their insane ideas were formed: For four decades, relations among the major nuclear powers have been shaped by their common vulnerability, a condition known as mutual assured destruction. The 31-year-old is the kind of quintessential bottom-six winger who brings energy and physicality every night while pitching in on offense. As if destroying Life on Earth was cost-free. Show your support by disabling ad-block (How), Buy AD-FREE ACCESS here, for only $19 / yr. Disabling adblock for a specific site just takes a couple of clicks. In this segment of my interview with engineer and writer Dmitry Orlov, I ask Dmitry to provide an overview of the ongoing collapse of the United States empire on the geopolitical, economic, and political fronts, since our first interview recorded and released last year. They seem off-hand or casual but actually this is just part of of his concision. The steps are obvious and unfortunately, maybe definitive: zioimposed religious schism, forceful and exclusive use of Ukrainian from 2020 on, denial to belong to other country different from Ukraine (a patchwork assembled through land thefts). resulting in something vernacularly referred to as losing ones Its a matter of timing; when the US finds itself in a bind and has to focus on critical situations caused by things like war (Venezuela), mayhem at the southern border, stock market crash, racially motivated conflicts and riots, multiple devastating natural disasters which seem to be gaining intensity every year or a combination of these, Russia feeling that the US is exhausted will go ahead and make the move of acquiring these territories and probably along with other ones like Moldova. But you wouldnt know that listening to the talking heads and other experts who serve roughly the same function for the Empire as the orchestra did on the Titanic: to distract from the developing disaster(s) for a long as possible. This fake history lionizes Nazi collaborators and attempts to rub out entirely all memory of the Ukraines once very active role in the larger Russian world. Und so weiter und so fort. Whether accurate or not, this is what the USA believesand likely act according to this belief. Finally, we need an actuator; instead of turning on a light bulb, all of these elements should be able to push each others' buttons. It is Russia that supplies the nuclear fuel for the Ukraines aging nuclear power plants which provide well over half of all the electricity there, while Russian coal (anthracite, specifically) supplies much of the rest. Unimaginable that Russia will rebuild that. I believe your statements, I am just comparing it to the places where I lived despite being not as good as it used to be its still million times better than USSA, UK and other totalitarian shitholes, As the world continues its descent towards nuclear war many people are incapable of absorbing that sort of upsetting information and choose to ignore it. But leaders and decisions are also in denial. It is a Whats particularly notable is that some of these new regional leaders are now as popular or more popular than Putin. The question is: who is going to be included and who isnt? serve, go and learn to work with guncotton. And exercising control requires control circuitry. Buyers have become acutely aware of faulty business processes where business and government oversight intersect. @Michael 0 Here is a great book about it (it took centuries) the author teaches at Columbia I think:, PS I spent a few months in Melbourne 3 years ago (I lived in San Francisco at the time) I can assure you its far superior, nicer, more beautiful and cheaper than any place I have ever seen in the US where I spent 14 or so years or the UK where I spent 13 years. Decades, even. The hunting was sparse, so, the possum would have to do. I am curious if there is a real and tangible desire growing amidst the populations living in these regions to break relations with Kiev, in contrast to the prevailing sense of apathy that Ive read about over the last few years. There will be a lot of these changes around the world when nations start having free will. Just an excellent education from gentlemen and scholars. I would really love to know the answer to this, in as much detail as possible. I applaud the tree planting! Dmitry Orlov: I believe that we will be subjected to more of the same, although some things cant go on forever, and therefore wont. The MIC is acting more irrationally and even the Israelis have something called the Sampson option. That is where they nuke everyone even if it provokes their own destruction. Listen to audio about Dmoney Martinez. They saw no problem with going out to demonstrate and protest provided they were paid to do it. Highly, highly recommend: The US is spiraling down into financial, economic and political collapse, losing its standing in the world and turning into a continent-sized ghetto full of drug abuse, violence and decaying infrastructure, its population vice-ridden, poisoned with genetically modified food, morbidly obese, exploited by predatory police departments and city halls, plus a wide assortment of rackets, from medicine to education to real estate That we know.. Great essay. Just one question: What a big joke! And now we are off to the races! Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. Let the masses eat cricket flour! In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nighan all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. Based on how much the MIC spends they are certainly not getting full value, but don`t think for a moment they don`t have some super weapons in the Nevada desert that is better than anything on this planet. Perhaps theres something to add, later, after review. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. Training is what gives the young men the chance to survive. Which is what I would do if I werent old, broken, and broke. Please order your copy of The Arctic Fox Cometh, available locally wherever has a foothold (now including Australia). Browse for Dmitry Sitkovetsky interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. It remains to be seen whether the second round of elections will also be an outright fraud and what happens as a result. Unfortunately, unless he lives as long as his mother, Murdoch will probably escape justice, but the ranks of the little monsters infesting the Australian in particular, will be radically thinned, as they face long overdue justice and lengthy, indeed perpetual, incarceration. In any case, these days empires are a bit retro, you know, and not at all useful except as a way for silly Americans to finish bankrupting themselves. Just doing basic fact check wanted author to add where K was born, and to my surprise I found that he was not born in the Ukraine. Here is an article that does what Mr. Orlov advocates. And the fourth They are also fanatic enemies of renewable energy, and proponents of fossil fuels, particularly coal, And most of them have children, who they are condemning to a life of Hell on Earth, and a premature and wretched death. She expanded the empire and built many of the beautiful buildings that today are signatures of Russias Golden Age. It means TPTB already have a generation of brainwashed liberal narratives in key positions in Russia. They can certainly be supplemented. He is right that Russia for centuries has been ruled by foreigners and the Khazars has been the worst and still are and will be, as long, Russian sons and daughters will allow them. For even more highly technical reasons, premium ClubOrlov content is now available at. Kind regards translationos sacrumof the Greek termhieron osteon (holy The oceans are dying, the great forests are burning and/or being cut down. The collapse of the United States seems about as unlikely now as the collapse of the Soviet Union seemed in 1985. The interview was cut short because the VOIP connection failed. The other European people havent even been asked whether they wanyted to accept the rules of the EU. how it might continue shrink and what the consequences are going to be. But, as Ive said before, the USA isnt so much a country as a country club. Will they be fooled by the Wests propaganda? The Saker: What about the EU and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe? By Diane Doyle Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America - Do You Feel The Walls Closing In? From 1918 to 1948 Khrushchev was politically active in the Ukraine and his entire political career until his move to Moscow (which ended disastrously 18 years later) was spent in the Ukraine. If we drop the conceit that the Ukraine is a country that can be viable if separated from Russia, what can we say about its chances as part of a Greater Russia? (Video), Jordan Peterson: The Key to Life That Orthodox Christians Salvaged, Western Christians Lost, New Christian Films From Russia - With English Subtitles, Ukraine: A Battle in the 1000 Year War Against Orthodox Christianity - a Detailed History, American Father - VIDEO: Full 10 Minute Mini-Documentary - Big Family Moves to Rural Russia, Putin Gets Personal - Explains Why He Never Takes His Cross Off, Church Leader's Brilliant 1918 Letter to Lenin Speaks the Truth About the Revolution, Russia's Future Predicted by Well-Known Christian Saints, Archeologists: Sodom and Gomorrah Literally Destroyed by Fire and Brimstone Falling from the Sky, Russia's Most Incredible Male Ensemble - Stretensky Monastery Choir, WATCH: Tips on How to Cure Depression from Russia's Favorite English Speaking Priest (Fr. Get the latest news and updates on Dmitry Orlov from The Athletic. Answer? On paper, the Ukraine imports gas from the EU; physically, the methane molecules piped in from Russia never leave Ukrainian territory; they are simply diverted for local use. Those who survive the coming 5 to 15 years will have to be much wiser, or they will be dead. Both derive from sacrum, which is an anatomical term: it is the The Muscovite Russians even instinctively admit that this heritage is not really theirs, so that they name their currency ruble from rubaty to chop off parts of the hrivna silver or gold coins,and the Muscovite Russians adopt the two-headed eagle symbol of old imperial Byzantium, not the trident, as old Byzantium was actually a rival of Kyivan Rus and fought some wars with the Kyivan realm.The first khokhol by hairstyle documented in history was none other that Great King Sviatoslav Ihorevych the Conqueror, notably campaigning against Greek Byzantium.Unfortunately, starting with Great King Ivan so-called Terrible,he forever broke away from the heritage of Kyivan Rus primarily by what he did to the city-state-republic of Nogvorod, one of the oldest bastions of Kyivan Rus and how he and his son exterminated the original population of that city (that would stand as one of his greatest crimes), not to mention his weird devil-worshipping cult of oprichhina.
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