His personality just embodies fire. he kind of knew from the start. And thats why I chose air. Sometimes you smirk on purpose just to get a reaction out of him. . So your telling me your related to jungkook? "I was joking". If this what happens if he accidentally hurts you, you decide to go with the flow instead and get showered with love. . You arrive infront of his studio and knocked. a / n : I FINALLY FINISHED THIS I can finally sleep now since its like two already and Im on the verge of passing out, alexa play . sweet night by kim taehyung. You were humming to the song that was currently playing, unaware of sans footsteps. Woah! If it doesnt end up well, hell comfort you every time. The actual request saidAteez reaction to their friend trying to convince them something is true when its not, as a prank but that title was a little long so I just chose to call it a reaction to you pranking them :3. But now its been more than months into your relationship and that uncertainty still remains. You had a concerned look on your face while looking down. You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. Choi San It was pretty big and you could only roll your eyes. He said. Your lips clashed onto his. Everythings wrong. Woo- You begin. What the fuck is this supposed to mean! When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. Before you could continue, jongho stopped your hand from flipping to the next page. I enjoyed making this so expect similar OT8 content in the future and let me know if you want to see more! When the members explain why while he just listens with a semi-disgusted face. . 5) Ateez coffee shop orders. And when popularity came to your path, he would be so proud! a / n : i feel bad for leaving the ending like that but like y'all this is my first yunho imagine! . He picked up your signal and set the book down. . ateez reaction to you turning them onno credit check homes for rent in tucker, ga. at Edisto Beach. He grew skeptical at first since youre usually the one who was tidy and neat. Choi Jongho Little did he know the baby responded with a kick. SHARKS DONT HAVE LEGS! San yells as you try not to laugh at him. ATEEZ - THE REAL ON KINGDOM (REACTION! You guys dont like her? He made picking you up like a baby look easy. When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. Y/n is my boy/girlfriend and you cant do anything about it. You threw your bag to somewhere you didnt care about. he will brag about you non stop. He said slightly blushing. ", members they're most and least jealous of pt. You say, voice slightly croaky. You catch him biting his lip slightly as you continue to trace your fingers all the way from his neck, down to his v-line. Have you seen him playing mafia game with the rest of the guys? He coos. He murmurs. You clung to him like a koala, all while crying all the stress out. You didnt move this time, you just looked down with a shameful look in your face. I do fake text, scenarios, reactions. Hey baby, how was your da- Seonghwa gets cut off by the sound of the door slamming. Just hopping from store to store and trying on clothes. I swear it just happens ! Masterlist/ Upcoming/About Me/ Upcoming/About Me Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisababie, A/N - I love him. They use them on land at night so humans dont see them You assure him. His second attempt was successfull. he isnt one to berate you or scold you for having dreams like that. After your ranting, he comforts you with hugs and kisses. Just like that, what a good girl He groans, you look up at him, batting your eyelashes at the encouragement before taking his full length down your throat and gagging around it, just the way you know he likes it. San closes his eyes as you rub his cock over his shorts, you look up at him as you kiss your way down his sculpted body, biting down on your lip while you feel him throb in your hand. #jongho He lets out an airy moan at your bold actions as you pepper kisses down his jaw and neck, your hands glide down his torso with a light, feathery touch and your pink lips surround one of his nipples as your tongue flicks the hardened bud. In addition you got burning hot coffee on your shirt. ATEEZ when you do a fake hickey prank on them (Mafia! hes too much of a cuddle bunny to even get up alone. So wet for me He teases, placing the head of his cock in between your folds, guiding it over your slit before finally snapping his hips and stuffing your aching hole. Yah Im not that short! Kang Yeosang when you mentioned your sibling was yoongi, his eyes grew wide. He was quite silent at first. Includes: You cant find the words to express the euphoric pleasure youre receiving from your boyfriend, all you can do is release pornographic moans as drool begins to slip past your lips, your jaw remaining slack from being fucked dumb. He shrugs it off for a second he takes his shoes off but stops when he heard silent sobs. Today, the two of you were doing your things. Preferences and reactions for the members of my favorite KPOP boy band, ATEEZ!! yunho would actually be your cheerleader. he notices the drop in the atmosphere when you enter the room. YAH HOW COULD YOU TELL ME THAT Y/N Yeosang yells. A smirk forms on your lips as you admire yourself in the mirror, knowing exactly what kind of effect your new swimsuit would have on him. You inform the tall male. He quietly sang to it trying not to wake you up. He was also scared not to mention. Before you can say anything, he already lifted you off the wood floors. But you thought wrong. #atiny just a bunch of ateez reactions. Jongho had nothing to do so he wanted to accompany you. Aish yunho were in public You toss and turn, continuing your sleep. He calmly says while eating. . do you think it's funny? And he can probably lighting bend . Unsteady breathing, hunched over with a hand to your stomach and mouth. Youd both end up entangled in each others embrace by the end of the day. He shrugged it off, thinking they were probably still getting used to it. yeosang was one to wake up a bit early. Hed go to your concerts whenever he gets the chance. Hed be jumping, beaming when your status went of the charts. He changed out of his clothes and onto a pair of pajamas. Rankings (7.20.2021) He saw another tear run down your face and was quick to wipe it away. 12) Ateez as Yeosang Gifs. You bring one of your hands to his, helping spread yourself for him to see while you enjoy being fucked stupid, rubbing fast circles on your clit as you feel your orgasm quickly approach. R - Reaction Jagi your awake? Fuck Y/N just suck me off will you He gasps, unsure of how much more teasing hell be able to endure. He doesnt care where you both were, if he wants to talk to the baby he will talk. San has a lot of experience with gaming so I feel like hed have some kind of idea on what to do in this situation however, I feel like hed also prefer to just hide away from a long time and only think of collecting supplies when hes already running critically low and is forced to face the zombies. Why are you crying? Be ready in 30, Ill pick you up for date night, hm? Yah jagi, whats wrong? He pouts, upset that he almost murdered you. Therefore you had to walk around the building without an umbrella. Chan knows that you feel comfortable between his arms and never hesitate to embrace you since it . Something about you smirking just makes his pants uncomfortably tight. You look so beautiful like this, doll He chuckles, adding a spank to your rear before moving the material of your swimwear to expose your dripping cunt. Youll do amazing. Whats jungkook to you? Oh yunho, hes just my brother. Talking. Part of him wanted for you to have a guaranteed career, but another part of him wanted you to go for your dreams. your alarm loudly went off, filling the once silent room with an alarming noise. He had just walked out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. His eyes turn into a golden color and he leans down to breath your scent in. Yunho smiled when he saw you sleeping. You backhug him and rest your head on his back, in hopes of soothing him. He walks into Hongjoongs room not saying anything to you but you hear him sayHyung, Y/N pranked me. He picks up his speed when he feels your velvet walls convulse around him, the sounds of skin slapping becoming wetter and louder as you try and form a sentence. He smiles. See more ATEEZ Scenario Requested: Reacting to their s/o being cute, excitable, and giggly when they're around them but quiet around others. What you didnt know, was that he would speak to your bump whenever you slept. Hello my wonderful followers, long time no see! He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. The roasts alone radiate fire bender vibes. 28) When theyre your partner for the marble game (Squid game), 30) When they catch you learning their dances, 33) When you moan in their ear for a dare, 34) When you moan when they slap your ass, 35) When you want to be in a poly relationship with them and another member. He texted you when he was getting out of the studio to prep yourself for a date tonight. See- bleeeh! He enters the room once again but with a container of strawberries in hand. ", His mind goes fuzzy when you wink at him Butterflies erupt in his stomach when you smirk at him His pants get too tight when you give him subtle touches in public Waits until you get home to let you have it Sits you in his lap and grinds his hard-on against you "Look what you did to me, princess. /hapns/ He scoffs, catching their attention. . hm? Hed probably be the reason yall almost get killed because he chickens out at the worst moment imaginable Hed be really good at helping with injuries since he knows a lot about cleanliness and sterilisation which is essential to avoid deadly infections. You ask while patting his back. Whats with the mask huh? Well maybe doing something. He places his hand on top of your bump. he saw you walking in with pouring tears. Now keep talking to the baby. . My god are you alright? Babe its two p.m. . We can just order pizza you know. #yeosang How about you bring your pretty ass over here and help me out He smirks at you with hooded eyes, his abs tense as he grips his length through his shorts, the bulge being very much prominent at this point. les 5 doigts de la main gestion de classe; is the armed forces vacation club legitimate; biggest drug bust in the world guyana; ateez reaction to you turning them on. He would later go back to you after cleaning and hug you to wipe that pout away. It was san chocking on water. Tying your hair into a high bun and removing your clothes, you step into the warm, bubbly water before laying back against the edge of the tub. Were you cheating on him? Seonghwa finally finished cleaning everything. What are you talking about? Seonghwa replies, confused. ", - uses hand cuffs, and blindfolds since he loves them on you, - won't let you rest as long as he's having fun, - "you've been naughty. You waste no time, already drooling before taking him into your mouth as one of your hands pumps the base. You know thats actually seagull meat, dont you? You ask him with a blank expression. Not until you felt a towel drop onto the ground. . Your breath hitched when you heard his sweet voice. You drive to the studio while music was playing. Arent you an actual softie Mr. Tough guy? Hed be really good at anything strength related though. Seonghwa: Immediately senses something's wrong when you call him instead of coming over to his apartment like you normally do.His heart breaks as he hears you cry profusely over the phone about the horrible day you had. Darling, why are you up so late? But watching videos of him gave me air vibes! Seonghwa looked both lost and confused. you were both on your skateboards, drifting through the empty park. Hes another one thats fast af and have you seen his fucking flying 360 neck breaker spin kick? You aint got to tell me fuck- I can feel it San grunts, both of his hands now resting on your ass, pulling your cheeks apart so he can reach as deep as possible. Ive not been active these past months anyway but this turn of events has made me decide to stop writing. Get down from there! the next, Likes to drink socially but you wont catch him drunk since he has to take care of his 6 crackhead kids (Seonghwa does not apply lol), 100% will join in on a freestyle dance contest and will win, Very social and smiley, will get along with most people, Kind of shy but once he gets a few beers down his neck hes all good, Will ignore the chaos the other members are causing and pretends he isnt associated with them, Gets super uncomfortable with the amount of crumbs and empty cups so begins to clean when nobody is watching, Everybody wants to see him drunk until he does a sexy dance toBaby Shark, Would honestly probably zone out at one point due to the chaos, Twerk master - its over for these hoes when he starts bouncing cakes, Excited puppy, will talk to anyone and be super smiley, This dude will not sit down though! He grew more concerned as time passes. You heard him chuckle, then feeling your hair getting played with. #jongho . ", - he would be so into spanking until it leaves a mark, - also wants you to ride him but switches positions when he wants to go faster, - also very rough during sex since punishments are rare, - "count. Babe whats wrong? completed. ( Yes, just like in weekly idol. ) You greet him with a small kiss and walk in. You giggle at his scolding, slowly forgetting everything that happened today. What turns him on - Seonghwa. He looked at you. #jungwooyoung 6) Ateez as Wooyoung gifs. And you werent there so he thought itd be the perfect opportunity to bring it up. Today was no exception. tell me, or else there'll be no touching. Yunho just finished practicing and headed home. Their roles as parental figures in the group highly influenced my choice. It seemed like the world was against you. A hiss leaves your boyfriends lips while he watches his cum drip down your ass into the slit of your pussy. On my way back, I picked up a few books I think youd like. He found out that taehyung wasnt that scary in person. He casually places a kiss on your head and proceeds to talk. Dosent matter. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. the state of being happy. You let out a small laugh. ", Your Turn On: When he hugs you from behind, The first time he hugged you from behind, your heart rate sped up Having his arms around your waist makes you melt Desperately wanting his hands to travel lower than your waist You're left wanting more of Hongjoong when he ends the hug Putting one of his hands on your rapidly beating heart "Love, do you know how much I crave for your touch right now? You could only sheepishly smile and scoot closer to him. He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too . Its nothing.. You look out the window. situation you and the boys were watching a movie in the dorm. the group consists of: hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, yeosang, san, mingi, wooyoung, and. He didnt expect you to enter the car with the prettiest dress in the world but with a face mask. Has it always been like this? Not a smile, but a smirk. Ugh, that girl is so annoying! He sees your expression. You couldnt refuse a strawberry despite your mood. He spends the afternoon shoving berries in your mouth, making you forget your sorrow. He hums into your bare nape, his hand crept under your shirt and rested on your bare stomach. You apologize as you trace the water on his arms. His Turn On: When you smirk. He asks, gesturing for you to sit with him. Before the others got to reply, he answered his own question. yunho is a teddy bear. When you arranged a date wherein you could introduce your lover with your sibling. You immediately wake up at the feeling of someone touching you. He soon resumed his game while you fall asleep on him like a baby. From the bedroom to bathroom to the kitchen, everything was spotless. He sings you your favorite songs, occassionally dancing with you. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, in fact, I don't really want to be in the same room as you, right now.". You picked up on his hints and asked him. you didnt expect to wake up with an extremely strong pair of arms wrap around you as if its the last thing it does. Originally posted by port-of-ateez. "yunho, baby you're heavy get off." you whines but he whined back, mumbling that . You stand in the kitchen with your arms on your hips. "I love you; it was stupid of me to . Hey, I have no idea what either of those words mean, but maybe thisll help He smiles as he places a carton of chocolate milk and a small container of Ritz crackers in front of you. ", [P21] Grey's Anatomy Character He Represents, [R28] Him Listening to Your Favorite Song, [P35] Your Polyamorous Partner (another ATEEZ member). Was all you said. he was playing games on his console. My boy is stressed, free him. Knock on wood he whispers, following his words by knocking his knuckles on the top of his head. Like you, his eyes were still semi closed. I feel bad for not writing about yunho. You notice the sudden change in temperature, and hongjoong noticed too. Hongjoong: He woke up as soon as you scooted out of the bed. His fun and bubbly personality goes well with air. Yunho secretly eyed your body up and down. Why not? During the past week youve been nonstop following all the ulzzangs and models. Wait really? He asks with an intrigued expression. They have wings and all You reply. he didnt have much time today for you, figuring that the comeback was close. The first time he started talking to the bump on your belly, he enjoyed it so much. Concerts? He listened closely and hear the cries come from the kitchen. . After only a few dates you two had grown really close, you even shared a kiss after he walked you home one night. Just you wait until I get this baby out mingi. More reactions on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/demlevantsreactOur reaction to Ateez once said..PURCHASE DEM LEVANTS MERCH:http://bit.ly/DemLevantsMerch. 38) When you beat them in an arm wrestle. You catch him biting his lip slightly as you continue to trace your fingers all the way from his neck, down to his v-line. " As much as ATEEZ's members are known for their performance abilities on-stage, they're also known for giving their . You all should be ashamed. #choisan He hugs your small figure while saying Why are you crying, angel? You nod happily at his statement before pulling him in, allowing you to peck his plump lips. Firstly Id like to point out that this should in no way be taken seriously nor should it be seen as an accurate representation of the boys, it is 100% a joke and just a bit of banter. Every single moment was a build up of stress. He plops himself down on the floor before gently pushing your hand away so he could place his. Im here see? ATEEZ Preferences & Reactions Fanfiction. When have you got so good at braiding, baby? He forgets what he was going to do and paces to the kitchen. He spoke in a whispering way. he would be cleaning when you suddenly had the urge to hug him. "Can I come over?" After telling him no repeatedly, not wanting him to see you a crying mess, you hear a knock at the door. I dont wanna mess things up. Earth to wooyoung? Everything is wrong. You were still a bit in a daze so he offered you coffee. You dont want to be alone for a little while? haha fire-roast get it? Wooyoung heard the whole thing from behind you and speaks upYah, you know Y/N is only kidding right? R - Reaction Of course, the eight boys noticed you being distant, you blew them off regularly. His leader instincts kicked in. Check. He saw your sleeping figure and smiled. He didnt know itd go to this point. You play with his long strands lightly, rolling his silky locks between your fingers as you wait for the bathtub to fill. bonus: y/n : seonghwa why the fuck are you smiling, you look creepy. You couldnt wait to get to go home and rest. The two of you were a little too touchy for Hongjoong's taste and he especially didn't enjoy when Seonghwa would place his hand on the small of your back when you . You should sleep now woo You lean back to kiss his cheek. Buy your albums, merch etc. I have some news regarding my account and my activity from now on. You see san drinking a glass of water and decide it was a good opportunity to tell him. He would smile and look down at you. He squatted down to your level. He didnt know whose side to take. But yunho is there to help. Theres no way He says, actually kind of believing it. The movie wouldnt even start. He soon stopped and fully embraced you. He would shyly smile and hug you back. Babe, whhy am I so unattractive? He peppers kisses on your hair as you walk towards the apartment kitchen. Im so stressedNothing just goes in my favour Your voice sore from all the crying. Which was a mess that even pissed you more but all the kisses he gave made up for it. You both started to run out of air and eventually pulled back. You knew you couldnt stop him but you just let him remove your mask. have you seen those videos of him breaking apples? Its just,,, my cheeks are chubby. You know the kpop industry for girls arent what I keep talking about right? You continued talking about your day and brought up that your brother namjoon just left you on read awhile ago. You quickly pushed his arm away. It was a frequent thing to shower together. One of his arms was wrapped across your figure. this one is a close call. The place he likes to kiss you most of all would undoubtedly be your shoulders, more precisely the hollow of them. He cheekily smiles. You sigh. You groaned feeling sleepy. #san You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. You both say side by side. Song Mingi By the time you were done, your hair was already braided in all sorts of ways and directions. Jongho comes third because hed remain sensible throughout, although hed be scared, he knows its important to stay in the right frame of mind to make good decisions. I mean I support you but why? He ended up talking to his members about it. And plus itd be cool to see him water bend. Yeosang sat on the bed with a coffee in hand and a book with the other. Hey hey, look at me. He smiles ear to ear. Sometimes sexual, sometimes not. . Merch? Jung Wooyoung . You hug his shoulders while squeezing your cheek against his chest. Im telling you Joong, its true! You say in your most persuasive voice. Is something the matter? How everyones faces shifted. He felt your familiar hand graze over him. Kang Yeosang Yah, when are you coming out? Quietly, you pop open the carton of chocolate milk and down half of its contents, shoving a couple of the crackers into your mouth soon after. And he probably can metal bend too. He places another kiss on your forehead and takes the heavy plates off your hands. Shit Im crying over san. . Seonghwa isnt one to want any commotion or fights so hell settle it the easy way. . ! He yells. ;)), Anyways, I hope you like this one, tried my best aha x~S. Wont hurt to take a few photos right? He wont admit it but he loved how you looked so vulnerable right now. Mingi tips a pack of dinosaur nuggets onto an oven tray, you walk past and sayDid you know, those are made out of dinosaur meat? he doesnt respond, just stands there, shocked looking at his nuggets. ", - large hands so probably wants you to cum from his fingers, - will mockingly ask you if you know why you're getting punished, - "pretending to be all innocent, are we? He spoke in a deep satoori accent. He followed what you wanted and watched you as you went from a trainee to an idol. . His eyes were wide as you noticed his sudden action. My day couldnt have gone any worse Finally, the tears leak from your eyes. A tired looking hongjoong stood infront of you. You were stuck in between cars for almost an hour. Not that it was that bad. Jongho pulls out his phone to try and find some pictures of flying ostrichesYah, theres no pictures? He says in confusion. My job sucks, my boss hates me, customers were rude because I kept getting orders wrong. You had a terrible day at work and wanted nothing more than your lovers attention. His eyes emitted an aura that was full of love and lust. I dont think thats my problem. How his eyes narrow down to read the words, his nose scrunching up as if he doesnt know what to order. What you saw was the last thing you expected to see. You ask while getting some clothes from the nearby closet. Yeah! You rest your eyes and listened to his heartbeat as you both fall asleep. You finally arrive home. Adrenaline kicked in and he escalated to jumping on the bed in excitement. ~happiness~ Either way, he stops mid-steo when he sees your reaction, his face turning calm once again and he gulps, asking you gently if you're okay. You okay Y/N? A familiar voice meets your ears and you feel a hand gently rest on your shoulder, its Mingi, your boyfriend. And so the day continues with nothing but books to talk about and endless sips of coffee. You like that? - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. The drumstick falls from his mouth onto the floor as he sits there frozen.
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